on 2023 May 01 3:10 AM
I have a FIORI free style app. The main focus is, select fields from a Tree Table and then those fields will be used for filtering. This filters are being created as multi input and adding them the possibility of a value help dialog. Everything works except that I am getting the value help pop up, with the input field, disabled. I tried setting tokens to the value help, adding a model, instead of creating the value help thru code, using a fragment, nothing seems to work. Also tried debugging the standard, but I am not able to pin point the part that is actually creating the input field in the pop up.
Here is the code I am using.
Method beforeDisplay, is creating the new filter fields and the columns. Inside that method I am calling the method onOpenDialog which finally creates the valueHelpDialog.
PS: I've been fighting with this for the past 2 weeks, I already clicked on everything related to value help dialog in SAP forums, any help will be appreciate it
beforeDisplay: function () {
oForm = this.getView().byId("simpleFormSelection"),
oTable = this.getView().byId("DynamicTable"),
oSelectedTables = this.getOwnerComponent().getModel("SelectedTables").getData(),
vIndCol = 0,
vIndInp = 0,
that = this;
//we intialize the simple form and the columns data
this.myData = oSelectedTables;
for (var index = 0; index < oSelectedTables.length; index++) {
if (oSelectedTables[index].forSelection) {
//we are in the selection fields, we create the title and the input field
oForm.addContent(new sap.ui.core.Title({
text: oSelectedTables[index].description
var vInpSelId = "InpSelField" + vIndInp;
oForm.addContent(new sap.m.MultiInput(vInpSelId, {
// type: sap.m.InputType.Text,
id: vInpSelId,
showValueHelp: true,
visible: true,
enableMultiLineMode: true,
editable: true,
enabled: true,
valueHelpOnly: false,
// valueHelpRequest: [oController.onValueHelpRequest, oController]
valueHelpRequest: function (evt) {
var vId = evt.getParameters().id.replaceAll("InpSelField", "");
that.onOpenDialog(evt, vId);
if (oSelectedTables[index].forDisplay) {
//we are in the columns selected, we create a column per field selected
var oColumn = new sap.m.Column("col" + vIndCol, {
width: "1em",
header: new sap.m.Label({
text: oSelectedTables[index].description
onOpenDialog: function (oEvent, vId) {
var oLine = oEvent.getSource(),
oView = this.getView(),
that = this;
// create popover
// if (!that._pPopover) {
// Fragment.load({
// id: oView.getId(),
// name: "ymeprocdynse16n.ymeprocdynse16n.fragments.Dialog",
// controller: that
// }).then(function (oPopover) {
// that._pPopover = oPopover;
// that.getView().addDependent(that._pPopover);
// that._pPopover.open();
// }.bind(that));
// } else {
// that._pPopover.open();
// }
// // jQuery.sap.require("sap.ui.comp.valuehelpdialog.ValueHelpDialog");
var vInpSelId = "valueHelpDialog" + vId;
var oValueHelpDialog = new sap.ui.comp.valuehelpdialog.ValueHelpDialog(vInpSelId {
// basicSearchText: "test",
title: 'Countries',
supportRanges: true,
supportRangesOnly: true,
supportMultiselect: true,
visible: true,
// blocked: false,
// maxConditions: 1,
// key: vInpSelId,
// descriptionKey: vInpSelId,
// supportRanges: true,
// supportRangesOnly: true,
filterMode: true,
// displayFormat: "UpperCase",
// maxIncludeRanges: 1,
// maxExcludeRanges: 0,
// maxConditions: 1,
// key: 'MyKey',
// descriptionKey: 'my description',
ok: function (oControlEvent) {
cancel: function (oControlEvent) {
afterClose: function () {
// oValueHelpDialog.setModel(myService.createJSONModel(this.myData));
// oValueHelpDialog.removeStyleClass("sapMInputBaseDisabled");
// var oEvent.oSource.getParent().setEditable(true);
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