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Tape backup of Sybase ASE database

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I have recently installed ECC6 EHP6 system running on Sybase ASE. I have scheduled disk backups using DB13 with the stored procedure sp_dumptrans and sp_dumpdb. Due to scarcity of disk space, I would like to take the backup on tape device. I want to know how can I take tape backup and which commands I need to run for initializing tape. Earlier I used Oracle database and scheduled tape backups through brtools which has inbuilt initialize tape feature.

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Hi Avik,

You may use command as follows

Example 1

Dumps the database pubs2 to a tape device. If the tape has an ANSI tape label, this command appends this dump to the files already on the tape, since the initoption is not specified:

dump database pubs2     to "/dev/nrmt0

Refer link for more details

Hope this helps.


Deepak Kori