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SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED - Process terminated by signal 11 when opening Slipstream Engine

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we're currently facing an issue with the Slipstream Engine. When opening it, we're getting this dump

500 Internal Server Error

SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED - Process terminated by signal 11

It seems like that the reason for this dump is an info-popup that occurs when logging into the system.
SAP provided this note: that i've already implemented.

Unfortunately, we can't turn off the HTTP Security Management since we're using SAML2 as it is described in the note.

My question: how can we fix this popup issue without turning off HTTP Security Management?

Best regards,


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Product and Topic Expert

I would rather suggest adding the ~NO_LOGON_USEREXIT parameter with value 1 to the /sap/bc/se/rg service in SICF instead of using this note.

This will disable logon popups, and unless getting those is an absolute requirement while using SE, it is better than disabling HTTP Security Management.


thank you very much, this works for us!