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SAP HANA Express: SAP XSA installation failed

0 Kudos

I try locally install HANA Express and XSA with following steps:

  1. needed files downloaded from HXEDownloadManager
  2. extract hxe.tgz and hxexsa.tgz
  3. execute ends with this error


rammi@rammi-laptop-i7:~/Schreibtisch/PROJECTS/sap_hana_express$ sudo ./ 
    Starting application "hrtt-service"...
    Installation of the component XSAC_HRTT ( 2.16.240102 failed during deployment.
    Installation of archive file(s) '/home/rammi/Schreibtisch/PROJECTS/sap_hana_express/HANA_EXPRESS_20/DATA_UNITS/XSAC_HRTT_20/' failed.
    Installation of the component XSAC_HRTT ( 2.16.240102 failed during deployment.
  Installation of SAP HANA tools for accessing catalog content, data preview, SQL console, etc. failed 
Update of SAP HANA Express Edition components failed.
  Installation of XS Advanced components failed
    Installation of SAP HANA tools for accessing catalog content, data preview, SQL console, etc. failed

Log file written to '/var/tmp/hdb_HXE_hdblcm_update_2024-08-18_10.08.47/hdblcm.log' on host 'rammi-laptop-i7'.

Failed to install HANA Extended Services (XSA).
# Summary after execution 						#
Server Installation...(OK)
XSC Installation...(OK)
XSA Installation...(FAIL)
HXE Optimization...(NOT STARTED)


The log file hdblcm.log has logged some errors:


10:08:56.234 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_routing_mode' (RoutingMode) is given via configuration file, value = 'ports'
10:08:56.388 - ERR : Cannot get fully qualified domain name.
10:08:56.388 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_domain_name' (XsDomainName) is set with default value = 'rammi-laptop-i7'
10:19:12.622 - INFO:       Output line 2: Running installation in org "HANAExpress" / space "SAP" as XSA_ADMIN...
10:19:14.896 - INFO:       Output line 3: File upload starts...
10:19:21.055 - INFO:       Output line 4: Upload into container starts...
10:19:35.200 - INFO:       Output line 5: ERR    Exception: Status code: 500 Description: "Internal server error [SAP DBTech JDBC: Cannot connect to jdbc:sap://rammi-laptop-i7:39013/null [Connection to database server lost; check server and network status. error 104 - Connection reset by peer: -> rammi-laptop-i7:39013 ConnectionID:0 SessionID:0].] occurred. More details in the server logs". Retrying...
10:19:35.200 - INFO:       Output line 6: Will retry after 10 seconds...
10:20:00.319 - INFO:       Output line 7: Container ID: 3911798e-24ac-4b72-9b23-821674bea8e6
10:20:00.323 - INFO:       Output line 8:                      
10:20:00.323 - INFO:       Output line 9: Software Component   
10:20:00.323 - INFO:       Output line 10: --------------------------------
10:20:00.323 - INFO:       Output line 11: name                 XSAC_HRTT
10:20:00.323 - INFO:       Output line 12: vendor     
10:20:00.323 - INFO:       Output line 13: version              2.16.240102
10:20:00.323 - INFO:       Output line 14: --------------------------------
10:20:00.323 - INFO:       Output line 15: 
10:20:00.323 - INFO:       Output line 16: Upload into container finished successfully
10:21:34.076 - INFO:       Output line 51: Starting application "hrtt-service"...
10:21:45.131 - INFO:       Output line 52: Error starting application "hrtt-service": Some instances have crashed. Check the logs of your application for more information.
10:21:45.132 - INFO:       Output line 53: A step of the process has failed. Retrying it may solve the issue.
10:21:45.132 - INFO:       Output line 54: ---------------- deploy service END --------------------------------
10:21:45.132 - INFO:       Output line 55: Error starting application "hrtt-service": Some instances have crashed. Check the logs of your application for more information.
10:21:45.132 - INFO:       Output line 56: A step of the process has failed. Retrying it may solve the issue.
10:21:45.133 - INFO:       Output line 57: Error starting application "hrtt-service": Some instances have crashed. Check the logs of your application for more information.
10:21:45.133 - INFO:       Output line 58: A step of the process has failed. Retrying it may solve the issue.
10:21:45.133 - INFO:       Output line 59: Installation of the component XSAC_HRTT ( 2.16.240102 failed during deployment.
10:21:45.137 - INFO:       Output line 60: Deployment of the MTA 2.16.240102 failed. Check SAP release information note 2373065 and analyze the issue. In case you need help, contact SAP support using the SAP component HAN-WDE-DBX
10:21:47.034 - INFO:       Output line 61: 
10:21:47.035 - INFO:       Output line 62: Installation of archive file(s) '/home/rammi/Schreibtisch/PROJECTS/sap_hana_express/HANA_EXPRESS_20/DATA_UNITS/XSAC_HRTT_20/' failed.
10:21:47.036 - INFO:       Output line 63: To see installation logs execute 'xs display-installation-logs 2501 -scv'.
10:21:47.038 - INFO:       Output line 64: ERR    Error starting application "hrtt-service": Some instances have crashed. Check the logs of your application for more information.
10:21:47.038 - INFO:       Output line 65: Unexpected error: A step of the process has failed. Retrying it may solve the issue.
10:21:47.039 - INFO:       Output line 66: Installation of the component XSAC_HRTT ( 2.16.240102 failed during deployment.
10:21:47.039 - INFO:       Output line 67: Deployment of the MTA 2.16.240102 failed. Check SAP release information note 2373065 and analyze the issue. In case you need help, contact SAP support using the SAP component HAN-WDE-DBX
10:21:47.039 - INFO:       Output line 68: Unexpected error: Error starting application "hrtt-service": Some instances have crashed. Check the logs of your application for more information.
10:21:47.039 - INFO:       Output line 69: Unexpected error: A step of the process has failed. Retrying it may solve the issue.
10:21:47.079 - INFO:       Program terminated with exit code 1
10:21:47.079 - INFO:     Switching back to root user.
10:21:47.080 - ERR :     Installation of SAP HANA tools for accessing catalog content, data preview, SQL console, etc. failed
10:21:51.995 - INFO:     Switching to user id 1001 and group id 79.
10:21:51.995 - INFO:     Starting external program /hana/shared/HXE/xs/bin/xs
10:21:51.995 - INFO:       Command line is: /hana/shared/HXE/xs/bin/xs logout
10:21:53.117 - INFO:       Output line 1: 
10:21:53.117 - INFO:       Output line 2: Logging out...
10:21:55.947 - INFO:       Output line 3: Logged out.
10:21:55.947 - INFO:       Output line 4: 
10:21:55.983 - INFO:       Program terminated with exit code 0
10:21:55.983 - INFO:     Switching back to root user.
10:21:47.080 - INFO:   ---------------------------------------------------------
10:21:47.080 - INFO:   END: Installation of SAP HANA tools for accessing catalog content, data preview, SQL console, etc.  failed (start: 10:19:10.280 duration: 00:02:36)
10:21:47.080 - INFO:   ---------------------------------------------------------
10:21:47.080 - INFO:   Installation of SAP HANA tools for accessing catalog content, data preview, SQL console, etc. failed 
10:21:47.080 - ERR :   Installation of XS Advanced components failed
10:21:47.080 - INFO:   Getting Product Installer logs...
10:21:51.993 - INFO:   Log file written to '/var/tmp/hdb_HXE_hdblcm_update_2024-08-18_10.08.47/xs_install_components.log'
10:21:55.985 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
10:21:55.985 - INFO: END: Installation of the following XS Advanced Components failed: SAP HANA tools for accessing catalog content, data preview, SQL console, etc. (start: 10:18:57.355 duration: 00:02:58)
10:21:55.985 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
10:21:56.015 - INFO: Installing XS Advanced Components failed
10:21:56.098 - INFO: Execution Summary:
10:21:56.098 - INFO: 
10:21:56.098 - INFO: Step Name                                                            | Runtime
10:21:56.098 - INFO: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10:21:56.098 - INFO: Installing SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime                              | 00:01:52
10:21:56.098 - INFO: Assigning Additional Roles to the Local Host                         | 00:08:07
10:21:56.098 - INFO: Updating SAP HANA Express Edition Instance Integration on Local Host | 00:00:01
10:21:56.099 - INFO: Updating Component List                                              | 00:00:00
10:21:56.099 - INFO: Installing XS Advanced Components                                    | 00:02:59
10:21:56.099 - INFO:                                                                      | 
10:21:56.099 - INFO: Total execution time                                                 | 00:12:59
10:21:56.099 - INFO: 
10:21:56.101 - ERR : Update of SAP HANA Express Edition components failed.
10:21:56.137 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
10:21:56.137 - INFO: Cleaning up configuration changes...
10:21:56.137 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
10:21:56.137 - INFO:   Checking for any auto-failover settings disabled by the SAP HANA Lifecycle Management...
10:21:56.137 - INFO:     Getting nameserver.ini
10:21:56.137 - INFO:       Reading nameserver.ini
10:21:56.137 - INFO:         Layer 'Default' found
10:21:56.140 - INFO:         Layer 'System' found
10:21:56.142 - INFO:   No auto-failover settings disabled by the SAP HANA Lifecycle Management were found.
10:21:56.142 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
10:21:56.142 - INFO: END: Cleaning up configuration changes (start: 10:21:56.137 duration: 00:00:00)
10:21:56.142 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
10:21:56.142 - INFO: Summary of critical errors
10:21:56.101 - ERR :   Update of SAP HANA Express Edition components failed.
10:21:47.080 - ERR :     Installation of XS Advanced components failed
10:21:47.080 - ERR :       Installation of SAP HANA tools for accessing catalog content, data preview, SQL console, etc. failed


Locking for any suggestion using the community doesn`t give satisfactory answers.


  • Why failed the XS Advanced Components installation?
  • How to improve the setup for a successfully installation?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Are you able to ping rammi-laptop-i7 from Linux? Is this entry in /etc/hosts? When the install starts, it asks for the host name. I assume this value was entered then.

Accepted Solutions (0)

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

0 Kudos


Thanks for answered,

i think the setted hostname caused the error. Inititally i used the proposed name, which is my environment and it was not added to /etc/hosts.

After choose a new hostname and setup in the /etc/hosts the installation was successfully.