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Modify a record in the cube

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I need to modify an record in a cube. Seems, a year before material was wrongly loaded as 98545 instead of 000000000000098545. Due to this, Report shows unassigned.

I tried to modify by creating new TR from cube to cube, able to modfy correclty using end routine..but added as one more entry which is normal. I tried to delete the existing entry in cube using end routine again, but not possible as its designed the way by SAP.

My question: Is it possible to do Material input 98545  in selective deletion ?  i tried, but defaultly its considering 000000000000098545 and deleting the records of its only..I tried Delete_facts transaction and end up with same..Kindly throw me some lights to solve this issue



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Other than Material number, try to find other value which have your wrong data record combination.

based on that try to delete that particular record.

You need find the correct value which can do deletion for your wrong record only.

later you can reload that material thru repair full request and selective dtp.


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Thanks Rama for getting back to me so early. I tried with that options too, problem is other values are similar. Its normal load for cube, not sure why it happened on particular day for us.


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Have you tried selective deletion on material by giving as 98545 or 000000000000098545 at cube level?

Lets try and let us know the result.

Later you can follow below work around.

Take any value which can delete your wrong entry.

For example date - Created date - 23.10.2012

your material have that date in record combination.

if we delete data based on 23.10.2012 we may lost some more records.

ok no problem, first based on date 23.10.2012, find how many records matches and down load that list into Excel.

Later at RSA3, use same date on selection and run your data source. do the data validation.

if it matches records as per same date then at cube level you can do selective deletion on created date.

Again reload from source to PSA and then to Target with proper selections.

But care ful.

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Hi Rama,

I have tried with both 98545 or 000000000000098545  in selective deletion, but its always deleting the records of 000000000000098545. i am untouchable for 98545.

With creation date and material combination, i tried too but not succeeded. Since, only through table It recognise 98545 . when we use in selections, it not even considering.

I had the same issue in DSO too, but able to patch the DSO table with abap program to identify 98545 and replace with 000000000000098545.


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delete and reload is the only option.

do analyze and delete on possible selection.

Reload the data thru same selection.