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Job server in Multitenant environment

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In a Multitenant environment I created a JobServer for each tenant. How can I do to limit access to each tenant (user group) to its server?

I tried to set the permissions to ensure that each group sees one server but when i schedule a report system uses the first available server, apparently without considering permissions.

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What steps have you carried out.

I have tested same scenario with below steps and it is working fine for me. used two Job server.

  • Created two servers group and added one job server in each.
  • Assign the user group access on server group 1 as full control/schedule.
  • Set the no access of user group on server group 2.
  • In the top level security assigned no access to everyone. Recheck your server groups top level security.
  • After that scheduled the report and get the only one option in scheduling server group “use the first available server”. Which is fine as if user has access on multiple job servers then all other options will be available.
  • Scheduled the reports and check the report instance and found report used the job server from server group 1 only.


0 Kudos

I tryed a similar setting but if i disable group 1 job server, for example,  and i schedule a report it use job server 2 instead. I don't want that.

I would like to completely hide server 2 for group 1 bacause the have different SMCP settings.

Other things to check?



My steps:

- create two job server and configured

- assigne full contro to group 1 on server 1

- assigne no access to gropu 2 on server 1

- assigne full contro to group 2 on server 2

- assigne no access to gropu 1 on server 2

- create two server group and set persmission as you do

- try to schedule

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I don’t think so you can control the Adaptive Job  server preference if the dedicated job server is down or disable. Automatically  job will run on the first available server if they have selected the option “use the first available server”.

If user select the “Only use servers in the selected group ” at the time scheduling then only you can control the job servers.


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Ok, thank you.

Do you think it's possible to set "Only use servers in the selected Group" as default?


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No this is not possible. You have mentioned this is required for SMTP. what is the exact requirement to do this.


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Each tenant has a different SMTP server and when a user schedules a report it must be sent using its SMTP. So the only way i though is to create a job server for each tenant. and to restrict the permission in order that every tenant see its job server.

Active Contributor
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If users can not send mails from single SMTP then this is the only option in my mind to educate users to select which Job server option at the time of scheduling.

Might be you can circulate white paper to users with steps how to select correct job server.


0 Kudos

Ok, thank you again.
