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HCPms: onboarding problems and trouble with editing application settings: DB corruption?

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I hope that somebody from the HCP team will be reading this. I am having trouble with Hana Cloud Platform mobile services. Until last Wednesday everything was working fine but now

- I cannot onboard any devices anymore

- I cannot delete existing application settings

- I often cannot edit existing application settings

The HCPms logs report various database issues in these cases. It seems either like some kind of bug or more likely like a database corruption.

More detail is available in the following thread: . I hope that it is ok that I am cross-posting here, I don't know how else to reach the team that is running the hanatrial platform and I noticed too late that his might be a better place to post this problem than the SMP developer forum.

Is there any chance that these inconsistencies can be resolved without dumping my account and creating a new one from scratch?

Thanks a lot and all the best


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Former Member
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somewhat same problem for me .push notification registration is failing in my new hcp account

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Hi Rajesh,

What your trial user account?


Abhishek Joshi

Former Member
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Hi Rajesh,

Did you assign Notification role to your user?


Abhishek Joshi

Former Member
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yes i did..

Active Participant
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Hi Abhishek

Even I'm facing the same issue. Trying with Kapsel Master Detail template Push Notification is working fine...but using Kapsel Starter Template Push notification doesnt work.

Please HELP..!!! Urgent.

