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Adobe Form Rendering Issue on webdynpro view

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Hello SAP Experts,

I have been facing a strange issue for one custom webdynpro application. In one one the views upon clicking print preview, an adobe form must render for calculation sheet but when clicked it opens only a blank page. Again upon right clicking at the top of the page, the adobe form renders. This issue doesn't happen in Internet explorer (after installing adobe acrobat reader) but still persist on edge, mozilla and chrome. I tried to take a http trace also and i could see get and post methods being successfully called. Changing the layout also not working. Can anyone please suggest what could be the reason for blank render upon loading of view?

*Note Same functionality is running fine in different system and other adobe forms are working in same client as expected. Issue is persisting for one specific adobe form print preview.

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Are you saying that on one given laptop, if you connect to one SAP system, this Adobe form renders correctly, but if you connect to another SAP system, this Adobe form renders empty?

If yes, the issue is not about the Web browser.

I would try first to reset all possible caches on SAP system and ADS (ask your administrator). After that I would compare all ADS settings between the 2 systems. Last option would be to create an ABAP program to render a form with the exact same data on both systems, and compare both binary PDF, just to confirm that ADS produce different data. If they are the same, that's weird. If they are different, then continue searching what is different between the 2 SAP/ADS systems.

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