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Priority and Max Priority

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Can you please explain the difference between Priority and Max Priority on a job definition.



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Hi Nanak,

The Priority is the default priority of the job. The Max Priority is used to limit the priority users can give the job at submit time.

Example: I submit definition A in the submit wizard, once I have filled the parameters, I can select a queue and priority etc. Lets say that the definition has priority of 50 (default) and, I am cheeky, I "think" this job is really, really, really important and should, even though this is a very busy time for the target system, run asap. I could set the priority to 100 (absolute max) and submit it. Now, of course, Administrators do not really think my job is as important as I think it is ... to prevent silly me from doing this again, they set the Max Priority on the definition to say 60. Next time I try to set the priority to 100 I get an error message and have learned my lesson.

If the queue is full, the waiting job with the highest priority is the next in line for execution.

So Max Priority is there to prevent operators from pushing certain jobs through a busy system.



Former Member
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Nice example HP. It cleared all the doubts. Thank you very much. Also could you please tell me the difference between job class and priority.



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Hi Nanak,

The priority is to CPS or BPA what the job class is to AS ABAP, sort of.

My understanding is you can spare work processes for class B and class A jobs.

The priority in CPS/BPA is used to organize the waiting line in the queue, higher priority processes are like business class passenger at an airport, they arrive when they like (before the gate closes), and can go straight to the counter, no queue for them, sort of, they will have to wait at the counter for the one passenger the stewardess is currently busy with.

Imagine you have a job X with priority 100 and job class C, and a job Y with priority 60 and with job class A. All other queued jobs in CPS/BPA have a priority of 50 (default), and all jobs waiting to start in AS ABAP have a job class of C. So assuming the AS ABAP depleted its work processes for class C jobs and the CPS/BPA queue has many queued jobs.

In this case, the first job of the two to be sent to AS ABAP will be job X, however, it will not get any advantage in AS ABAP compared to other class C jobs, next in line will be Job Y ... now, if you have reserved work processes in SAP for class A jobs, job Y "might" start before job X, that is something AS ABAP will decide. If there are free work processes for class A jobs and job X has not started before job Y is created in the SAP system, then job Y will start before job X.



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Thank you so so much HP



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