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Mandatory DEBMAS fileds

Former Member
0 Kudos

HI all,

I am using DEBMAS06 to file scenario.

When i am sending idoc using BD12. In we02 idoc status in first line is 03 and second line is 56 (EDI: Partner profile inbound not available)

When i am testing it at message mapping and interface mapping, it is not giving any error.

But when i test at ID test configuration, it is giving "error at interface mapping" (Null pointer exception).

Can anyone give the solution.

Thanks in advance...

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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi check your ID setting step wise step (see interface dett.)


Amit Shivhare

Former Member
0 Kudos

HI amit,

IN ID setting everything is fine. But why it is giving error at R/3 side in we02.

when i see the control record of inbound in we02 of R/3, it is not showing the port and partner profile there as it was for outbound.

the inbound in we02 was with status 56(EDI: Partner profile inbound not available).

what may be the problem.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


check you partner profile define correct and when data come from XI to SAP you can pass constant contorl reocrd .

only some setting rerqred in CC check on check box upload cotorl record from payload


Amit Shivhare