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MAIN_SWITCH/STARTSAP_TRANS System started failed

0 Kudos

We are currently in running an SSM upgrade to SPS19 and getting this error in phase MAIN_SWITCH/STARTSAP_TRANS

hecks after phase MAIN_SWITCH/STARTSAP_TRANS were negative!

Last error code set:
Process /usr/sap/D98/DVEBMGS00/exe/sapcontrol exited with 2, see
'/sp_update/Update/SUM/abap/log/SAPup.ECO' for details
System start failed
Earlier, validating the profile failed, see INSTANCE.OU 


SAPup> Starting subprocess with PID 49137 in phase 'MOD_PFPAR_TRANS' at 20240731172135
ENV: DIR_LIBRARY=/usr/sap/D98/DVEBMGS00/exe
ENV: JAVA_HOME=/usr/sap/D98/DVEBMGS00/exe/sapjvm_4
ENV: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/sap/D98/DVEBMGS00/exe:/usr/sap/D98/SYS/exe/run:/usr/sap/D98/SYS/exe/uc/linuxx86_64:/usr/sap/D98/hdbclient
ENV: PATH=/usr/sap/D98/DVEBMGS00/exe:/usr/sap/D98/DVEBMGS00/exe/sapjvm_4/bin:/home/d98adm/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/games:/usr/sap/D98/SYS/exe/uc/linuxx86_64:/usr/sap/D98/SYS/exe/run:/home/d98adm:/usr/sap/D98/hdbclient
ENV: RSEC_SSFS_DATAPATH=/usr/sap/D98/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/data
ENV: RSEC_SSFS_KEYPATH=/usr/sap/D98/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/key
ENV: dbms_type=HDB
*DBENV: dbs_hdb_schema=SAPABAP1
ENV: rsdb_ssfs_connect=1
*DBENV: (auth_shadow_upgrade)
PWD: /sp_update/Update/SUM/abap/tmp

EXECUTING /usr/sap/D98/DVEBMGS00/exe/sappfpar check pf=/usr/sap/D98/SYS/profile/D98_DVEBMGS00_tdssolci1d

== Checking profile: /usr/sap/D98/SYS/profile/D98_DVEBMGS00_tdssolci1d
== SAP Release 753
== SAP Patch 1200
== System ID 390 (AMD/Intel x86_64 with Linux)
== ES Implementation std

Metadata Parameters Analysis
***WARNING: Parameter rspo/spool_id/use_tskh = 0
Parameter value out of range (1 3)

Parameters Redefinitions
***ERROR: zcsa/table_buffer_area defined 2 times in /usr/sap/D98/SYS/profile/D98_DVEBMGS00_tdssolci1d

Unknown and Obsolete Parameters
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: GEN_PSW_MAX_LENGTH = 10
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: abap/pxa_preload = 0
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: rdisp/system_needs_spool = false
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: rsdb/pmandt = 000

Formula Based Parameters
***WARNING: Formula parameter: rsdb/obj/max_objects = (max(2000,$(rsdb/obj/buffersize) / 4)) found in /usr/sap/D98/SYS/profile/D98_DVEBMGS00_tdssolci1d
***WARNING: Formula parameter: rtbb/buffer_length = 63000 found in /usr/sap/D98/SYS/profile/D98_DVEBMGS00_tdssolci1d
***WARNING: Formula parameter: zcsa/table_buffer_area = 140000000 found in /usr/sap/D98/SYS/profile/D98_DVEBMGS00_tdssolci1d

Parameter changes if default formulas would be used:
ES/SHM_SEG_SIZE: 4096 --> 4184
em/address_space_MB: 7705 --> 10606
es/max_seg_size_MB: 4096 --> 4176
rsdb/ntab/entrycount: 800000 --> 878906
rsdb/ntab/ftabsize: 800000 --> 878906
rsdb/ntab/irbdsize: 160000 --> 175781
rsdb/ntab/sntabsize: 80000 --> 87891
rsdb/obj/max_objects: 192000 --> 76800
rsdb/tbi_buffer_area_MB: 216 --> 3117
rsdb/tbi_dir_entries: 50130 --> 966797
rtbb/buffer_length: 63000 --> 263672
rtbb/max_tables: 4557 --> 87891
zcsa/db_max_buftab: 45573 --> 878906
zcsa/table_buffer_area: 140000000 --> 2700000000

Additional Memory and OS Specific Checks

Shared Memory Disposition Overview
Shared memory pools
Key: 10 Pool
Size configured.....: 140000000 ( 133.5 MB)
Size min. estimated.: 137122000 ( 130.8 MB)
Advised Size........: 140000000 ( 133.5 MB)

Key: 40 Pool for database buffers
Size configured.....: 1835008000 (1750.0 MB)
Size min. estimated.: 1798299524 (1715.0 MB)
Advised Size........: 1802000000 (1718.5 MB)

Shared memories inside of pool 10
Key: 11 Size: 600000 ( 0.6 MB) Factory calender buffer
Key: 12 Size: 6000000 ( 5.7 MB) TemSe Char-Code convert Buf.
Key: 13 Size: 60500000 ( 57.7 MB) Alert Area
Key: 14 Size: 20000000 ( 19.1 MB) Presentation buffer
Key: 16 Size: 21360 ( 0.0 MB) Semaphore activity monitoring

Shared memories inside of pool 40
Key: 42 Size: 485605984 ( 463.1 MB) DB TTAB buffer
Key: 43 Size: 928001424 ( 885.0 MB) DB FTAB buffer
Key: 44 Size: 200641424 ( 191.3 MB) DB IREC buffer
Key: 45 Size: 118721424 ( 113.2 MB) DB short nametab buffer
Key: 46 Size: 160 ( 0.0 MB) DB sync table
Key: 47 Size: 10343424 ( 9.9 MB) DB CUA buffer
Key: 48 Size: 2760160 ( 2.6 MB) Number range buffer
Key: 49 Size: 2224500 ( 2.1 MB) Spool admin (SpoolWP+DiaWP)

Shared memories outside of pools
Key: 1 Size: 512 ( 0.0 MB) System administration
Key: 2 Size: 124741864 ( 119.0 MB) Disp. administration tables
Key: 3 Size: 417792000 ( 398.4 MB) Disp. communication areas
Key: 4 Size: 1071120 ( 1.0 MB) statistic area
Key: 6 Size: 9556830208 (9114.1 MB) ABAP program buffer
Key: 7 Size: 33376 ( 0.0 MB) Update task administration
Key: 8 Size: 1234698740 (1177.5 MB) Paging buffer
Key: 18 Size: 6788760 ( 6.5 MB) Paging administration
Key: 20 Size: 10387678 ( 9.9 MB) New Table buffer tbi
Key: 21 Size: 22651792 ( 21.6 MB) Request Queue Admin
Key: 30 Size: 42544 ( 0.0 MB) Taskhandler runtime admin.
Key: 41 Size: 25010000 ( 23.9 MB) DB statistics buffer
Key: 51 Size: 35000000 ( 33.4 MB) Extended memory admin.
Key: 52 Size: 180000 ( 0.2 MB) Message Server buffer
Key: 54 Size: 786440192 ( 750.0 MB) Export/Import buffer
Key: 56 Size: 535528 ( 0.5 MB) Application statistics
Key: 57 Size: 1992294 ( 1.9 MB) Profilparameter in shared mem
Key: 58 Size: 2076 ( 0.0 MB) Enqueue ID for reset
Key: 62 Size: 180355072 ( 172.0 MB) Memory pipes
Key: 63 Size: 409600 ( 0.4 MB) ICMAN shared memory
Key: 64 Size: 4227072 ( 4.0 MB) Online Text Repository Buf.
Key: 65 Size: 4227072 ( 4.0 MB) Export/Import Shared Memory
Key: 73 Size: 60211232 ( 57.4 MB) CCMS Extended Alert Area
Key: 76 Size: 1185920 ( 1.1 MB) Ext. Segment Administration
Key: 77 Size: 33400 ( 0.0 MB) Ext. Memory Administration
Key: 78 Size: 4248 ( 0.0 MB) Ext. Global Memory Admin
Key: 81 Size: 35168 ( 0.0 MB) Security Audit Log
Key: 83 Size: 167498752 ( 159.7 MB) ABAP Coverage Analyzer
Key: 85 Size: 53240 ( 0.0 MB) ACM Trace and others

Shared memory resource requirements estimated
Total Nr of shared segments required.....: 33
Nr of shared segments successful tested..: 100
Shared memory segment size required min..: 9556830208 (9114.1 MB)
Currently available maximum segment size.: 34359738368 (32768.0 MB)
R/3-imposed maximum segment size.........: 21474836480 (20480.0 MB)

Memory Space Requirements Estimated *
Shared memory....................: 13909 MB pool 10: 130.8 MB ( 97% used) ** pool 40: 1715.0 MB ( 99% used) **
..not in pool: 12057.2 MB
Extended Memory .................: 52500 MB
SAP Heap Memory .................: 38146 MB
Gateway process .................: 95 MB
ICM process .....................: 195 MB
All Processes ...................: 2395 MB ( 20 WPs)
Total, minimum requirement........: 68804 MB
Process local heaps, worst case...: 40541 MB
Total, worst case requirement.....: 106950 MB

* These are only estimated values,
final sizes may change

** Shared Pools are automatically
calculated by Kernel

Errors detected..................: 1
Warnings detected................: 8
SAPup> Process with PID 49137 terminated with status 1 at 20240731172136!
tdssolci1d:d98adm 57>
tdssolci1d:d98adm 57> cat INSTANCE.OUT
SAPup> Starting subprocess with PID 49137 in phase 'MOD_PFPAR_TRANS' at 20240731172135
ENV: DIR_LIBRARY=/usr/sap/D98/DVEBMGS00/exe
ENV: JAVA_HOME=/usr/sap/D98/DVEBMGS00/exe/sapjvm_4
ENV: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/sap/D98/DVEBMGS00/exe:/usr/sap/D98/SYS/exe/run:/usr/sap/D98/SYS/exe/uc/linuxx86_64:/usr/sap/D98/hdbclient
ENV: PATH=/usr/sap/D98/DVEBMGS00/exe:/usr/sap/D98/DVEBMGS00/exe/sapjvm_4/bin:/home/d98adm/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/games:/usr/sap/D98/SYS/exe/uc/linuxx86_64:/usr/sap/D98/SYS/exe/run:/home/d98adm:/usr/sap/D98/hdbclient
ENV: RSEC_SSFS_DATAPATH=/usr/sap/D98/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/data
ENV: RSEC_SSFS_KEYPATH=/usr/sap/D98/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/key
ENV: dbms_type=HDB
*DBENV: dbs_hdb_schema=SAPABAP1
ENV: rsdb_ssfs_connect=1
*DBENV: (auth_shadow_upgrade)
PWD: /sp_update/Update/SUM/abap/tmp

EXECUTING /usr/sap/D98/DVEBMGS00/exe/sappfpar check pf=/usr/sap/D98/SYS/profile/D98_DVEBMGS00_tdssolci1d

== Checking profile: /usr/sap/D98/SYS/profile/D98_DVEBMGS00_tdssolci1d
== SAP Release 753
== SAP Patch 1200
== System ID 390 (AMD/Intel x86_64 with Linux)
== ES Implementation std

Metadata Parameters Analysis
***WARNING: Parameter rspo/spool_id/use_tskh = 0
Parameter value out of range (1 3)

Parameters Redefinitions
***ERROR: zcsa/table_buffer_area defined 2 times in /usr/sap/D98/SYS/profile/D98_DVEBMGS00_tdssolci1d

Unknown and Obsolete Parameters
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: GEN_PSW_MAX_LENGTH = 10
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: abap/pxa_preload = 0
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: rdisp/system_needs_spool = false
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: rsdb/pmandt = 000

Formula Based Parameters
***WARNING: Formula parameter: rsdb/obj/max_objects = (max(2000,$(rsdb/obj/buffersize) / 4)) found in /usr/sap/D98/SYS/profile/D98_DVEBMGS00_tdssolci1d
***WARNING: Formula parameter: rtbb/buffer_length = 63000 found in /usr/sap/D98/SYS/profile/D98_DVEBMGS00_tdssolci1d
***WARNING: Formula parameter: zcsa/table_buffer_area = 140000000 found in /usr/sap/D98/SYS/profile/D98_DVEBMGS00_tdssolci1d

Parameter changes if default formulas would be used:
ES/SHM_SEG_SIZE: 4096 --> 4184
em/address_space_MB: 7705 --> 10606
es/max_seg_size_MB: 4096 --> 4176
rsdb/ntab/entrycount: 800000 --> 878906
rsdb/ntab/ftabsize: 800000 --> 878906
rsdb/ntab/irbdsize: 160000 --> 175781
rsdb/ntab/sntabsize: 80000 --> 87891
rsdb/obj/max_objects: 192000 --> 76800
rsdb/tbi_buffer_area_MB: 216 --> 3117
rsdb/tbi_dir_entries: 50130 --> 966797
rtbb/buffer_length: 63000 --> 263672
rtbb/max_tables: 4557 --> 87891
zcsa/db_max_buftab: 45573 --> 878906
zcsa/table_buffer_area: 140000000 --> 2700000000

Additional Memory and OS Specific Checks

Shared Memory Disposition Overview
Shared memory pools
Key: 10 Pool
Size configured.....: 140000000 ( 133.5 MB)
Size min. estimated.: 137122000 ( 130.8 MB)
Advised Size........: 140000000 ( 133.5 MB)

Key: 40 Pool for database buffers
Size configured.....: 1835008000 (1750.0 MB)
Size min. estimated.: 1798299524 (1715.0 MB)
Advised Size........: 1802000000 (1718.5 MB)

Shared memories inside of pool 10
Key: 11 Size: 600000 ( 0.6 MB) Factory calender buffer
Key: 12 Size: 6000000 ( 5.7 MB) TemSe Char-Code convert Buf.
Key: 13 Size: 60500000 ( 57.7 MB) Alert Area
Key: 14 Size: 20000000 ( 19.1 MB) Presentation buffer
Key: 16 Size: 21360 ( 0.0 MB) Semaphore activity monitoring

Shared memories inside of pool 40
Key: 42 Size: 485605984 ( 463.1 MB) DB TTAB buffer
Key: 43 Size: 928001424 ( 885.0 MB) DB FTAB buffer
Key: 44 Size: 200641424 ( 191.3 MB) DB IREC buffer
Key: 45 Size: 118721424 ( 113.2 MB) DB short nametab buffer
Key: 46 Size: 160 ( 0.0 MB) DB sync table
Key: 47 Size: 10343424 ( 9.9 MB) DB CUA buffer
Key: 48 Size: 2760160 ( 2.6 MB) Number range buffer
Key: 49 Size: 2224500 ( 2.1 MB) Spool admin (SpoolWP+DiaWP)

Shared memories outside of pools
Key: 1 Size: 512 ( 0.0 MB) System administration
Key: 2 Size: 124741864 ( 119.0 MB) Disp. administration tables
Key: 3 Size: 417792000 ( 398.4 MB) Disp. communication areas
Key: 4 Size: 1071120 ( 1.0 MB) statistic area
Key: 6 Size: 9556830208 (9114.1 MB) ABAP program buffer
Key: 7 Size: 33376 ( 0.0 MB) Update task administration
Key: 8 Size: 1234698740 (1177.5 MB) Paging buffer
Key: 18 Size: 6788760 ( 6.5 MB) Paging administration
Key: 20 Size: 10387678 ( 9.9 MB) New Table buffer tbi
Key: 21 Size: 22651792 ( 21.6 MB) Request Queue Admin
Key: 30 Size: 42544 ( 0.0 MB) Taskhandler runtime admin.
Key: 41 Size: 25010000 ( 23.9 MB) DB statistics buffer
Key: 51 Size: 35000000 ( 33.4 MB) Extended memory admin.
Key: 52 Size: 180000 ( 0.2 MB) Message Server buffer
Key: 54 Size: 786440192 ( 750.0 MB) Export/Import buffer
Key: 56 Size: 535528 ( 0.5 MB) Application statistics
Key: 57 Size: 1992294 ( 1.9 MB) Profilparameter in shared mem
Key: 58 Size: 2076 ( 0.0 MB) Enqueue ID for reset
Key: 62 Size: 180355072 ( 172.0 MB) Memory pipes
Key: 63 Size: 409600 ( 0.4 MB) ICMAN shared memory
Key: 64 Size: 4227072 ( 4.0 MB) Online Text Repository Buf.
Key: 65 Size: 4227072 ( 4.0 MB) Export/Import Shared Memory
Key: 73 Size: 60211232 ( 57.4 MB) CCMS Extended Alert Area
Key: 76 Size: 1185920 ( 1.1 MB) Ext. Segment Administration
Key: 77 Size: 33400 ( 0.0 MB) Ext. Memory Administration
Key: 78 Size: 4248 ( 0.0 MB) Ext. Global Memory Admin
Key: 81 Size: 35168 ( 0.0 MB) Security Audit Log
Key: 83 Size: 167498752 ( 159.7 MB) ABAP Coverage Analyzer
Key: 85 Size: 53240 ( 0.0 MB) ACM Trace and others

Shared memory resource requirements estimated
Total Nr of shared segments required.....: 33
Nr of shared segments successful tested..: 100
Shared memory segment size required min..: 9556830208 (9114.1 MB)
Currently available maximum segment size.: 34359738368 (32768.0 MB)
R/3-imposed maximum segment size.........: 21474836480 (20480.0 MB)

Memory Space Requirements Estimated *
Shared memory....................: 13909 MB pool 10: 130.8 MB ( 97% used) ** pool 40: 1715.0 MB ( 99% used) **
..not in pool: 12057.2 MB
Extended Memory .................: 52500 MB
SAP Heap Memory .................: 38146 MB
Gateway process .................: 95 MB
ICM process .....................: 195 MB
All Processes ...................: 2395 MB ( 20 WPs)
Total, minimum requirement........: 68804 MB
Process local heaps, worst case...: 40541 MB
Total, worst case requirement.....: 106950 MB

* These are only estimated values,
final sizes may change

** Shared Pools are automatically
calculated by Kernel

Errors detected..................: 1
Warnings detected................: 8
SAPup> Process with PID 49137 terminated with status 1 at 20240731172136!

At first to me it seems its a memory issue but the system still have alot of memory available. Am i see this right? Appreciate the help

0 Kudos
Just get past that phase. While checking the file SAPup.ECO i saw that the msg_Server and enserver were "Yellow Running but not respondig" so what i did was a restart of the system using sapcontrol and after that re-run the phase and it went through
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
I have chosen the appropriate tag "Software Logistics" for the ABAP system upgrade issue. This will help attract more attention from my colleagues to the question.

Accepted Solutions (0)

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Active Contributor

Please check your ABAP Instance Profile with the command: sappfpar check pf=D98_DVEBMGS00_tdssolci1d

Typically, there is a memory assign Problem with the two memory pools 10 and 40.

In addition, check my Blog about the SAP Solution Manager Installation -

best Regards Roland

0 Kudos

It says 0 errors deteted and 0 warnings. however i cant understand the pool 10 and 40 99% used

sappfpar=>sapparam(2): fopenU("/home/d98adm/D98_DVEBMGS00_tdssolci1d","r"): No such file or directory

== Checking profile: <no_profile>
== SAP Release 753
== SAP Patch 1200
== System ID 390 (AMD/Intel x86_64 with Linux)
== ES Implementation std

Metadata Parameters Analysis

Parameters Redefinitions

Unknown and Obsolete Parameters

Formula Based Parameters
sappfpar=>sapparam(2): fopenU("/home/d98adm/D98_DVEBMGS00_tdssolci1d","r"): No such file or directory
Additional Memory and OS Specific Checks

Shared Memory Disposition Overview
Shared memory pools
Key: 10 Pool
Size configured.....: 200000000 ( 190.7 MB)
Size min. estimated.: 121522000 ( 115.9 MB)
Advised Size........: 124000000 ( 118.3 MB)

Key: 40 Pool for database buffers
Size configured.....: 1835008000 (1750.0 MB)
Size min. estimated.: 1962054940 (1871.2 MB)
Advised Size........: 1966000000 (1874.9 MB)

Shared memories inside of pool 10
Key: 11 Size: 600000 ( 0.6 MB) Factory calender buffer
Key: 12 Size: 6000000 ( 5.7 MB) TemSe Char-Code convert Buf.
Key: 13 Size: 60500000 ( 57.7 MB) Alert Area
Key: 14 Size: 4400000 ( 4.2 MB) Presentation buffer
Key: 16 Size: 21360 ( 0.0 MB) Semaphore activity monitoring

Shared memories inside of pool 40
Key: 42 Size: 533499144 ( 508.8 MB) DB TTAB buffer
Key: 43 Size: 1019532384 ( 972.3 MB) DB FTAB buffer
Key: 44 Size: 220430752 ( 210.2 MB) DB IREC buffer
Key: 45 Size: 130431392 ( 124.4 MB) DB short nametab buffer
Key: 46 Size: 160 ( 0.0 MB) DB sync table
Key: 47 Size: 3175424 ( 3.0 MB) DB CUA buffer
Key: 48 Size: 2760160 ( 2.6 MB) Number range buffer
Key: 49 Size: 2224500 ( 2.1 MB) Spool admin (SpoolWP+DiaWP)

Shared memories outside of pools
Key: 1 Size: 512 ( 0.0 MB) System administration
Key: 2 Size: 62424592 ( 59.5 MB) Disp. administration tables
Key: 3 Size: 208896000 ( 199.2 MB) Disp. communication areas
Key: 4 Size: 1047616 ( 1.0 MB) statistic area
Key: 6 Size: 10488971264 (10003.1 MB) ABAP program buffer
Key: 7 Size: 33376 ( 0.0 MB) Update task administration
Key: 8 Size: 1486029300 (1417.2 MB) Paging buffer
Key: 18 Size: 6788760 ( 6.5 MB) Paging administration
Key: 20 Size: 198086042 ( 188.9 MB) New Table buffer tbi
Key: 21 Size: 11400672 ( 10.9 MB) Request Queue Admin
Key: 30 Size: 15556 ( 0.0 MB) Taskhandler runtime admin.
Key: 41 Size: 25010000 ( 23.9 MB) DB statistics buffer
Key: 51 Size: 35000000 ( 33.4 MB) Extended memory admin.
Key: 52 Size: 180000 ( 0.2 MB) Message Server buffer
Key: 54 Size: 947334144 ( 903.4 MB) Export/Import buffer
Key: 56 Size: 535528 ( 0.5 MB) Application statistics
Key: 57 Size: 1992294 ( 1.9 MB) Profilparameter in shared mem
Key: 58 Size: 2076 ( 0.0 MB) Enqueue ID for reset
Key: 62 Size: 180355072 ( 172.0 MB) Memory pipes
Key: 63 Size: 409600 ( 0.4 MB) ICMAN shared memory
Key: 64 Size: 4227072 ( 4.0 MB) Online Text Repository Buf.
Key: 65 Size: 4227072 ( 4.0 MB) Export/Import Shared Memory
Key: 73 Size: 60211232 ( 57.4 MB) CCMS Extended Alert Area
Key: 76 Size: 1185920 ( 1.1 MB) Ext. Segment Administration
Key: 77 Size: 12808 ( 0.0 MB) Ext. Memory Administration
Key: 78 Size: 4248 ( 0.0 MB) Ext. Global Memory Admin
Key: 81 Size: 35168 ( 0.0 MB) Security Audit Log
Key: 83 Size: 176676864 ( 168.5 MB) ABAP Coverage Analyzer
Key: 85 Size: 53240 ( 0.0 MB) ACM Trace and others

Shared memory resource requirements estimated
Total Nr of shared segments required.....: 33
Nr of shared segments successful tested..: 100
Shared memory segment size required min..: 10488971264 (10003.1 MB)
Currently available maximum segment size.: 34359738368 (32768.0 MB)
R/3-imposed maximum segment size.........: 21474836480 (20480.0 MB)

Memory Space Requirements Estimated *
Shared memory....................: 15250 MB pool 10: 115.9 MB ( 98% used) ** pool 40: 1871.2 MB ( 99% used) **
..not in pool: 13257.6 MB
Extended Memory .................: 63244 MB
SAP Heap Memory .................: 9034 MB
Gateway process .................: 95 MB
ICM process .....................: 195 MB
All Processes ...................: 1030 MB ( 7 WPs)
Total, minimum requirement........: 79524 MB
Process local heaps, worst case...: 10064 MB
Total, worst case requirement.....: 88558 MB

* These are only estimated values,
final sizes may change

** Shared Pools are automatically
calculated by Kernel

Errors detected..................: 0
Warnings detected................: 0

0 Kudos
hi in your output is mentioned "sappfpar=>sapparam(2): fopenU("/home/d98adm/D98_DVEBMGS00_tdssolci1d","r"): No such file or directory" so check your profile. best regards
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
please call the mentioned command from the Home Directory of the <sid> adm,
Active Contributor
0 Kudos

please call the mentioned command from the Home Directory of the <sid> adm