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Loading of Product hierarchy from R/3 to BW

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Actually I am stuck in a project regarding extraction of product hierarchy from R/3.The changes have been made in the R/3 system.Instead of using the std product hierarchy,

the changes have been to the lenghts of the std domains from 5/5/8 to 2/3/3.

For each Data Element PRODH1, PRODH2 and PRODH3 the new Domains were created with the names 2/3/3.And correspondingly the hierarchy structures was changed with new components.

So i just want to know that in this case can I use BC data source 0MATERIAL_LPRH_HIER.

What modification i need to carry on.Moreover do i need to activate 0PROD_HIER_LPRH_HIER data source as well ?

or do I need to create generic data source but based on what tables?

Any suggestions/answers will be greatly appreciated.

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Former Member
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I guess, You can't create a generic Hier data source yet. In stead, you can download the data from R3 tables, format them as required and upload to BW as flat file.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Thanks for your quick response.

I was just wondering that there are so many materials

present under so many different nodes in R/3 , will it be a best option to create a flat file or is there any other work around.



Former Member
0 Kudos


Can you elabrate meaning of 5/3/3.

with rgds,


Former Member
0 Kudos

I mean the deletion the SAP standard values as they were defined using a numbering convention of 5/5/8. I.e. 5 chars at level 1, 5 chars at level 2 and 8 chars at level 3.

Instead of this three new domains of 2/3/3 are created for data elements PRODH1, PRODH2, PRODH3 in R/3 ie 2chars

at level 1, 3 chars at level 2, and 3 chars at level 3.

I hope I made myself clear. If you need any further clarification let me know please.



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Have you got any problems in the hierarchy uploading '0MATERIAL_LPRH_HIER', with this changed domains. I think there would be no problem even after you change the length. Have you observe the difference in the length between the standard PRODH1 dataelements of both R/3 and BW.

With rgds,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Anil,

Oooh great it works now with the same data source.

You are a superstar.

Thanks and regards,


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