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ListDef.xml to meRepMeta.xml mapping

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

It's me again:-)) I have read all the SAP's EHG guides and almost all the available documentation, but still cannot answer myself the following question...

Some of the <list>-s defined in ListDef.xml of MAM3.0 do not have corresponding

<ParentBoInterface>, <managerName>, <managerMethod>.. so how they are mapped to SyncBOs? They only have components (e.g. techobj, order) specified, which I suppose is the component groups defined to be used by the UVM. I assume there can be some mapping to SyncBo item row's field, but there for example can be many fields with this name... Hm, enough reverse engineering, any idea appreciated, thanks in advance!

Best regards,


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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Larissa,

No, these classes are not even mentioned there. Actually, this enhancement(MAM_EHG_IDE) guide is about how to import the MAM war, how to open the MI documentation inside NWDS etc.

No, MAM internal logic is described there... Anyway, thanks for your efforts,


0 Kudos

Hi Lalo,

I assume you are talking about MAM3.0 (from your previous posts)?

In this case, if you are querrying a header level then parent is not required, but if you are querrying an item level table parent class is manadatory.

No manager name or method: this is an indicator that list results are fetched in a controller and passed to the context manually.

In MAM3.0 list creation and fetching data was changed and most of the time list data is fetched using parameters in listdef file.

But when list condition is complicated (ex. it is a merged list from more than one table, or list is looped through to build the result) then an old method of list display is used and a list is built in a controller and passed through the context.

One example is "OrderMyOperationList" list. Take a a look in the method OrderUIHelperImpl.setupMyOperationList() to see how list is set in the context.

And compare it with method setupReportList() in the same class when list is built in the PageBuilder class.

You will see that the difference is in method setListAttributes() signatures, different methods are called.


Larissa Limarova

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Larissa,

Thanks, but actually I cannot find the resources you are targeting:

OrderMyOperationList list, OrderUIHelperImpl etc.

As far as I get it lists with specified managerNames, managerMethods, descriptors and

parentBOInterface actually are lists created by item rows (that are not TOP rows). The lists that do not have these tags specified should refer to top rows of a SyncBOs..?

Anyway, if you think this behaviour is described somewhere, please let me know

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Lalo,

Take a look at "MBS_MAM_30_EHG_Integrated_Develpment_Environment.doc". It explains how you can use MAM source code. If you follow it you will be able to see classes and methods that I was giving as examples.

