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How to produce JSON with hyphenated field members in a Receiver with the REST Adapter

0 Kudos

Hello my sweet people 🙂

I am trying to figure out how to communicate with an existing HTTP JSON API which expects incoming request bodies to have JSON with hyphenated field names.

Something like, say, this:

"first-name": "Dietmar",
"last-name": "Hoppe",
"friendly-greeting": "Thank you for the playgrounds they are so awesome!"

So I need to produce an HTTP POST request that has a request body like that.

To say that I'm experiencing difficulty would be putting it mildly. Imagine giving a two-year-old a pack of Crayolas and asking them to create the Mona Lisa. My odds of success feel about like that.

I have read the documentation about XML/JSON conversion. I have looked in vain across vast stretches of the internet using The Google. I have even broken down and asked the infernal Gippity - who claims this is only possible by drawing upon the dark powers of Java user-defined functions.

Nay, I dare not again venture into that world, and therefore beseech you to assist my feeble efforts on my journey towards Process Integration Enlightenment.

I beg of you, do not look askance as your fellow man lay bare his struggles, but replenish the world with your generosity of knowledge.

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