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How to fill the search field using semantic navigation to the Fiori Elements App?

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Hello Fiori Elements Experts,

you might have already seen the Search field (UI5 Documentation: Enabling the Search Function) that appears when the OData Service used provides this functionality:


In my project I have the requirement to allow the creation of a link that would use the semantic Object and Action of the app and pass the value that should be searched as an additional parameter. For Property Values that works without any problem. But I haven't found a way to populate the Search field. I've tried parameter name "search" which is the name of the element, also I've tried "$search" which is name used when I store a variant of a search where Search is filled.

Looking forward for your input.

Best Regards

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Gregor, I am not aware of any specific campaigns for FE but we will check further on this and revert. But in the meantime, I wanted to understand the use case a bit better. "Search" is normally an interactive operation unlike, say, filtering where a context carried over from one app to another can be used. So what is the exact scenario you have where user coming into an FE app wants to influence the "search" and not the regular manner of using the value for filtering instead? A short example will be useful to get the complete picture. Thx!
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Hi Sandeep, we where asked by an application that is re-using our application as a re-use service to support the possibility to start us by providing the search filter.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Gregor,

To my knowledge there is no provision currently to pass it to the search box in the target - it only maps the incoming values to the filter properties there! This should be treated as a new requirement if this is a use case.

Best Regards,


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Where could I file such a feature request?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Gregor, That would be through the Influence program ( and then maybe push that through other channels like the Fiori Roundtable (where our Product Manager Peter should be able to help bring that in). Thanks!
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I know the Influencing program. But is there a specific campaign that can be used for SAPUI5 and Fiori Elements related requests?