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Fiori Approve Leave Requests (Version 3/Fiori 2.0) Incorrect Approval Screen

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We are in the process of implementing Approve Leave Requests (Version 3/Fiori 2.0), My Leave Requests (Version 3/Fiori 2.0) and My Inbox 2.0. I have encountered a strange problem. We installed all the components and did all the configuration using WS12300111 and everything looked 100%. I saw the correct Version 3 leave approval screen in my inbox once a leave request was submitted:

We then continued with doing additional configuration to allow for multistep approvals and the suddenly somewhere broke and now my leave approval screen does not have any of the information, comments or calendar options. It just shows the workflow task text:

There was no system updates, no patches installed and my initial workflow configuration is exactly the same. I am still using TS12300097 for the approval Step 38. Nothing changed. Its like its not pointing to the correct Fiori template? My authorisations have not changed.

Does anyone have an idea what could have gone wrong or where I can start to troubleshoot?

Kind Regards


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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This seems to have been an authorisation issue. The target mapping LeaveRequest-approve did not load on my launchpad although it was configured. This was due to the catalogue SAP_FND_BC_MANAGER_T not being included in the custom authorisations role that was copied from the standard.

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

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I finally found the issue..

In some reason target mapping was different in one letter. Instead of approve was Approve and that cause the problem.

Thank you for help.

0 Kudos

Hello Deon,

Thanks for your hint but it is not working.
I made test case:
1) Created Tile
2) Made reference to the mapping
3) Mapped Tile and reference plus added to the group
4) Both I put to the my testing role

It is the same.
So I tried opened it directly:
Classis issue was displayed to me:

Failed to resolve navigation target "#LeaveRequest-Approve". This is most likely caused by an incorrect SAP Fiori launchpad content configuration or by a missing role assignment.

I checked the network by some note:


I have 4 times LeaveRequest in response:



So error will be somewhere else.



0 Kudos

Hello we have same trouble.
Did you solve the problem?

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi Filip,

Yes, as explained above. This seems to have been an authorisation issue. The target mapping LeaveRequest-approve did not load on my launchpad although it was configured. This was due to the catalogue SAP_FND_BC_MANAGER_T not being included in the custom authorisations role that was copied from the standard.