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CR4E runtime error

Former Member
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Hi. I am trying to get a java application to run a Crystal Report. Whenever I try to run my app, I am receiving the following error message:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/xerces/jaxp/DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl

Is there some jar file that I am missing ? The only jars I read that I needed were the ones that were included in the Business Objects java folder. Did I miss something?

Thanks for any help.

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Former Member
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Okay.... I've cleaned out my jar files and am ready to copy them back, however I'm not really sure that I'm going to the right places. Can you verify for me that I'm copying the correct ones?

I'm bringing in all jar files from :

C:\Program Files\Common\Business Objects\3.0\java\lib

C:\Program Files\Common\Business Objects\3.0\java\lib\external

Now the CrystalReportsRuntime jar file that I had needed (which contains the ReportViewer class) was not listed in either of the above directories so I went to the following directory and copied it:

C:\Eclipse\Version 3.4\eclipse\plugins\com.businessobjects.crystalreports.crsdk.libs_12.2.200.r454\lib

Is that correct or am I not getting these from the correct place?

0 Kudos

If you already have Crystal Reports for Eclipse Version 2, then you don't need all that 11.0 libs...

I'm assuming you're displaying rpt files, and not connecting to BusinessObjects Enterprise or Crystal Reports Server.

If so, then I say just go with the CR4Ev2 libs, and don't use the others.


Ted Ueda

Former Member
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That's exactly what I'm trying to do......... I just used the jars from CRE4v2 and it took care of the CrystalException..... and guess what???? SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much for all of your help!!! You deserve a big raise!