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BSP using SE80

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HI Folks,

I have a strange problem while testing BSP using SE80.

When I execute the standard test BSP application(It05) using SE80 TEST Icon button, browser

opens up and prompts for entering user id and password for the first    

time after starting my computer. subsequent test of the same BSP        

using SE80 test opens up the Browser but doesn't prompt for logon window. This

happens even when I close the Browser and test the application again.  

This causes problem in the development environment where I need to      

test the same application for different user ids.

I wanted logon window to popup everytime I execute the BSP SE80 Test Icon (closing all the Browser sessions prior to SE80 testing).                  

I use IE Version 6.0.2800.1106                                          

Anyone has any clue..

Thanks for your help.


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Hi Suresh,

this sounds very much like the problem you've posted with topic 'BSP Browser settings' on

Oct 7th - Summary of the problem: basic authentication data is kept even after all browser windows are closed. Another observation: you don't encounter that problem on other PC's. It's just your machine.

Our assumption: some browser plugin installed only on your machine seems to keep the basic authentication data even after all browser instances are destroyed. Since IE doesn't provide a way to check for all installed plugins (you can only check for certain plugins and must know their exact names), it's hard to say which one is causing the problem. Ask your adminstrator to clean up your PC or let him install a fresh image.

However, if you like to keep all the toys: Please use the BSP logon application 'system' instead of basic authentication. In that way you don't rely on data that is controlled by the client. Check for implementation instructions.

Use this forum if you have questions about integrating the 'system' application into your application.


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Hi Ulli,

I don't want to change the BSP application just for the purpose of not working from my client(Desktop)..otherwise from it works great. I just need guidance to clear some Browser settings or session cookies to clear that user information as soon as I logout.

Thanks for you suggestion anyways.


0 Kudos

Hi Suresh,

the guidance that you're requesting for clearing user information we can't provide if you don't

use the application that we have specifically developed in order to get control of the client.

Basic authentication uses the browser cache for keeping user and password information.

SAP's 'system' application uses a cookie for that purpose. We cannot control the browser

cache, but we can and do control the lifetime of cookies.

As long as you use basic authentication, which is a functionality that is implemented by the browser manufacturer and used by many applications, plugins etc., it will always work the way you have described it. Any application (not only BSP applications!) that use basic authentication and run from your desktop will probably behave the same way.

I don't understand why you don't want to use 'system'. You don't need to change anything on your BSP, it's a change in the ICF service, made in a minute.

1) use  transaction /nsicf

2) search for your node (same name as application)

3) double click on node

4) choose rider 'error pages'

5) select 'redirect to url'

6) paste '/sap/public/bsp/sap/system/login.htm?sap-url=<%=PATHTRANS%>'

7) save and be happy


P.S: if you don't like the outcome read the documentation, link is provided in two answers to your posts.

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Thanks for your help Ulli. I will try that method as well. I also opened up an OSS message I am getting some help there too...I am sending more information to Brian thrrough OSS Message. I greatly appreciate your help and Brian's help. I will post the outcome of OSS or your solution when I get this problem resolved.

Thanks again.


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Hallo Suresh,

Here it is, in the middle of the night. Family asleep, just me and my computer and Suresh. Once. Twice. First I read your problem in OSS. Then in SDN. We once before beat this horse to death about this shotgun approach to getting help.

At least then, do at a minimum:

(*) Write in OSS message that you will ask in SDN, forum BSP.

(*) Write in SDN that you have an open CSN problem with number xyz.

(*) Write in both a promise that you will update the other once you have the answer.

I assume that you just forgot that, but will do it. Otherwise our supported will work double tomorrow. And this is not effective.

What does this "browser opens up and prompt" imply? It actually implies that the browser stores the user name and password somewhere in memory. For all subsequent requests, the same authentication information will again be transmitted to the server.

Important: this information is stored per browser instance, which can have many open windows. So typically you have an open window to SDN, to read this boring stuff. Now you test, and get a new window. Same browser instance. Name and password stored in browser instance. You test, and close window. However, because of other open window, browser instance stays alive. Next test runs with same browser instance, and when challenged for authentication information, it knows what to answer.

You write: "even when I close the Browser". You must make sure that you close all browser windows. Even those that are hidden in other virtual desktops, and maybe even those imbedded in other programs. At least all of those sharing the same browser instance.

As a final though, with HTTPS, and certificates, also no name and password are required. But I don't think this applies here.

bye, brian

PS: Don't forget to update the OSS message!

0 Kudos

Hello Brian

I must say I find your reply a little hostile and unfair. So I will give you a little hostile and unfair reply as well.

In my opinion the approach that you call shotgun is an okay way to attack any problem.

In todays internet driven world you have so many sources of information that it is difficult to know for each specific problem what source of information is best to search.

So if I didn't have the shotgun approach this would happen:

- I begin with - no luck

- In the meanwhile I search

- a few days later go on to - no luck

- In the meanwhile I continue to search

- a few days later go on to OSS - dead silence

- 2 weeks later I get the answer: As your request has the character of consulting,

                                                         because the problem is not the result of a software

                                                         error, this message can not handled as a support

                                                         message. Please see note 83020.

- immediately go on to - no luck

- the following monday I finally find the best forum for most questions: SDN - and a few hours later I have the perfect solution - but I lost my job last week.

Best regards

Thomas Madsen Nielsen

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We often work 10-12 hours per day. And then I have to answer the same question from the same person in OSS (where we officially support problems), plus then in SDN (where we try to do the right thing). And when it is late night, and I am tired, and my family is already in bed, I do not feel like double work.

So let us put it in perspective: I work 15 minutes to write the answer in SDN. Now a backOffice support person will come into the office and find a problem in OSS. He will then start to work 15 minutes (or maybe even longer) on exactly the same problem. This makes no business sense. If this is to be true, then I stop all further work in SDN, and only answer in OSS.

I have always supported the shotgun approach when contacting us. But you must be truthful in the questions in all places, and acknowledge the places as well. So once answered (and only answered once!), we can cross reference and close the problem. And this is what wrote before. Open two problems in two places. In each one, reference the other one. When an answer is received, update the other problem.

That is the rules we (maybe only me?) play by. And this has been eplained nicely before to Suresh. I don't have time to waste.

As for other forums, other groups in OSS and in SDN, and even for our BC-BSP queue I can not speak. Even with us, we process messages at highest speed. But sometimes we do not have the bandwidth for immediate answering. What I do know, is every problem handles twice is costing us a lot. And for BSP, we are a tight team trying to streamline these processes.


PS: I am sorry about your currently situation. I hope that was not tied to your solution solving contraints, which I can not believe, but more to the current economic climate. I have a lot of sympathy. Knows what this means.

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Let me tell you one thing, we certainly work different ways to get the problems solved using the resources available. In fact we have developed atleast 15 BSP applications using WAS6.20 and learnt a lot during this process, with out approaching SAP for many issues. Even DSM terminator was not working for BSP's in EP5.0, when we contacted SAP there was no response for almost two months and figured it how to do it ourselves and finally SAP came back to us and said there was a line of code missing in one of the class which captures the current session from the current context, which would solve the problem.

I have been facing the problem mentioned in this task almost for two months and tried to find a solution by searching in OSS and also many resources on the Net. Then I remembered your postings they are really useful and approached you. Yes, I opend an OSS message yesterday and posted the same message here under the impression that at least your reply will be faster tah OSS. Since this is a development issue not a production down situation I know how the response would be from SAp..and I am frustrated with this current problem of mine. I decided to post the message in this SDN forum.  

Lastly we don't even know OSS and SDN are working somewhere in the site that after SDN message don't open OSS note we will address the issue or the other way, that will clear the confusion and you can utilize your resources optimally.

Anyway..bottomline is by problem is not solved yet.

Thanks anyways.


Former Member
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Let me tell you one thing, we certainly work different ways to get the problems solved using the resources available. In fact we have developed atleast 15 BSP applications using WAS6.20 and learnt a lot during this process, with out approaching SAP for many issues. Even DSM terminator was not working for BSP's in EP5.0, when we contacted SAP there was no response for almost two months and figured it how to do it ourselves and finally SAP came back to us and said there was a line of code missing in one of the class which captures the current session from the current context, which would solve the problem.

I have been facing the problem mentioned in this task almost for two months and tried to find a solution by searching in OSS and also many resources on the Net. Then I remembered your postings they are really useful and approached you. Yes, I opend an OSS message yesterday and posted the same message here under the impression that at least your reply will be faster tah OSS. Since this is a development issue not a production down situation I know how the response would be from SAp..and I am frustrated with this current problem of mine. I decided to post the message in this SDN forum.  

Lastly we don't even know OSS and SDN are working somewhere in the site that after SDN message don't open OSS note we will address the issue or the other way, that will clear the confusion and you can utilize your resources optimally.

Anyway..bottomline is by problem is not solved yet.

Thanks anyways.


0 Kudos

Hello Brian

Ok, no more hostility. The thing about loosing my job was of course only a imaginary situation - I'm a free lancer so I didn't even have a job before.  =o)

Before this forum opened it was realy difficult to get any info about BSP, but I didn't know that you was also "moderating" the BSP stuff in OSS.

The advice you give in this forum is very valuable and very high quality and your weblogs can be described with the same words.  I appriciate it very much.

However if you realy work 12 hours a day, I belive you need to relaxe and mellow a little.

Your work is so outstanding good that you deserve a company paid 1 week vacation on Hawaii. I will say this to Hasso or Henning the next time I see one of them.

You even deserve 2 weeks vacation, but I don't think we can spare you that long.

Best regards

Thomas Madsen Nielsen

0 Kudos


And of course if agree:

At least then, do at a minimum:

(*) Write in OSS message that you will ask in SDN, forum BSP.

(*) Write in SDN that you have an open CSN problem with number xyz.

(*) Write in both a promise that you will update the other once you have the answer.

Best regards

Thomas Madsen Nielsen