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The service suggests components ranked in order of relevance in the “Select a Component” form of the incident creation wizard

SAP’s component predictor is a new service based on artificial intelligence (AI) technology, which helps you select the right component when you create incidents in SAP ONE Support Launchpad.

As you create a new incident, at time of choosing the component, the system will automatically display potential components.

The service suggests components ranked in order of relevance in the “Select a Component” form of the incident creation wizard.


You will spend less time searching for the right application component and minimize the overall resolution time by selecting the correct one from the beginning.


AI drives application component suggestions

This new service uses AI and machine learning for the component prediction. The more you use the service, the more relevant the recommendations become. Potential matches are ranked according to their semantic relevance based on incident data.


How to access component predictor service:

  1. Access SAP ONE Support Launchpad and follow the standard steps to launch the incident creation wizard.

  2. Describe your issue in Subject and Description. The more detailed information you provide, the more matching results you will get.

  3. Select a component from the Component menu and you will automatically receive a list of potential application components on the right.


There is no configuration needed to make the feature work.

SAP’s component predictor service is available to all SAP customers – at no additional cost.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Wow! With up-to-date technology, moving forward to a more effortless SAP Next Generation of Support!
Fantastic, but what if my list of 'SAP Suggestions' don't have component I need?

Additionally when I'm using 'All Components' I cannot see XX-INT as example. Why does it happen?

Why I simply cannot manually enter component in the incident's component field, if I know what component should be used?

Hi Marek,

If you don't see your component under "SAP Suggestions", you can still click "All Components" or use search to find the relevant component. Regarding the component "XX-INT", maybe you can contact our support to ask.

For not being able to manually enter the component, I believe it is for preventing any error or typo. You can manually enter the component to search though.
This is really Cool. Will greatly help our Customers and Partners.

Thank you for sharing Lei Liu
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Very helpful ? It'll be great if we can also share this knowledge in SAP Daily WeChat or SAP Support WeChat in local language : )
0 Kudos
Some times SAP support or KBA's suggest to raise ticket as LOD-SF-PLT-PRVR.

Can we just copy paste this and get going easily vs search all the components and try to find a relevant one.