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Product and Topic Expert

NOTE: The views and opinions expressed in this blog are my own

In a recent blog Which Embedding Model should I use with my Corporate LLM? I highlighted the importance of considering which embedding model you may be using if combining RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) with LLM calls, to enrich your queries with additional business context. 

For Enterprises the next important step  may then be to chose which database to store your document embeddings.

The good news is that Hana Clouds latest release (QRC1/2024) now includes a Vector Engine.  You can upgrade now or use the trial to test it out.

From Developer's Desk: SAP HANA Cloud Vector Engine 

SAP HANA Cloud, SAP HANA Database Vector Engine Guide 


One of the main pre-requisites before you can test this is that you have access to an embedding model, that can take your text and convert to embeddings.

Some options to do that are:

  • OpenAI API access (e.g. access to text-embedding-ada-002)
  • Access to Open Source LLM Model API's (e.g. LLAMA2, PHI-2, MISTRAL,GROK,etc)
  • SAP GEN AI (Enterprise grade access to a curated set of models, including Azure OpenAI API's)

In this blog I will focus on using SAP GEN AI, to access  Azure OpenAI API's  to provide greater security to the Embedding process..  

A typical scenario would be to take your enterprise unstructured data (e.g. Enterprise Documents) split them into suitable chunks (e.g. Whole Documents or Pages or Paragraphs)  and store those Embeddings into a Vector Database, for subsequent optimised searching.

Lets work with a simpler example though, we have a list of product descriptions:


products = [
    "Bubbling Berry Blast",
    "Glimmering Galaxy Drops",
    "Enchanted Forest Fudge",
    "Cloud Nine Confections",
    "Golden Gabfest Ganache",
    "Spectral Spice Skewers",
    "Cosmic Caramel Crunch",
    "Whirlwind Whispers Wafers",
    "Echoing Eclair Euphoria",
    "Mystical Moon Munchies"



Without adding any additional information we want to see how the OpenAI embedding model ( text-embedding-ada-002)  does at enabling searches to find which ones are closely related to "Chocolate".

The products all need to be converted to Embeddings, and the question "Chocolate" needs to be turned into Embeddings. Then functions like cosine_similarity and l2distance can be applied to find out which products may be most likely  related to  Chocolate. 


Stop for a moment and have a guess..... 

Based on your understanding of the world what would be your top 3 products, fom the list, that may contain Chocolate?

My guess would be:

  1. Glimmering Galaxy Drops
  2. Golden Gabfest Ganache
  3. Enchanted Forest Fudge
Probably only those of you have spent time in the UK might have the same number one as me, since Galaxy is a common chocolate there.
So what did openAI guess:
 Click to EnlargeClick to Enlarge

It's answer isn't wrong, it just that different Embedding Models may have different life experiences (based on their design and training) so may give different results (guesses).


The reminder of this blog will go into the steps required to reproduce this for yourself.


  • SAP AI CORE (extended plan), with Azure OpenAI Ada foundation model deployed
  • SAP HANA Cloud (Release QRC1/2024)   [I used the trial edition]

NOTE: You can proceed without SAP AI CORE , if you have access to an OpenAI API Key.  Some small code changes are required, if you get stuck aks in the comments.


First  lets install the necessary python libraries:


#!pip install hdbcli
#!pip install generative-ai-hub-sdk 


Next lets connect to Hana:


import hdbcli
from hdbcli import dbapi

conn = dbapi.connect(
    address=<fill this in>,
    port=<fill this in>, 
    user=<fill this in>, 
    password=<fill this in>, 


Next lets connect to SAP Gen AI:


import os

os.environ["AICORE_AUTH_URL"] = <fill this in> + "/oauth/token"
os.environ["AICORE_CLIENT_ID"] = <fill this in>
os.environ["AICORE_CLIENT_SECRET"] = <fill this in>
os.environ["AICORE_RESOURCE_GROUP"] = <fill this in>
os.environ["AICORE_BASE_URL"] = <fill this in> + "/v2"

from gen_ai_hub.proxy.native.openai import embeddings


Next lets create Tables and Views  in Hana to help with the testing:


cursor = conn.cursor()

## Create Table in Hana for Embeddings Content
    "id" BIGINT,
    "content" NCLOB MEMORY THRESHOLD 0,   
    "model_dim" nvarchar(50),             -- Used to compare embedding models
    "EMBEDDING" REAL_VECTOR               -- variable size Vectors

## Create Table in Hana for Embeddings Questions 
    "id" BIGINT,
    "model_dim" nvarchar(50),

#Create View to Compare embeddings
SELECT  EQ."model_dim", EQ."id" as "question_id" , EQ."content" as "question", 
        EC."id" as "content_id" , EC."content",
ON  EQ."model_dim" = EC."model_dim" 

#Create View to Rank Comparisons
sql_command = '''CREATE VIEW "V_EMBEDDING_RANK" AS (
SELECT "model_dim", "question_id", "question", "content_id", "content",   
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY "model_dim", "question_id"   ORDER BY "COSINE_SIMILARITY" DESC) AS "cos_sim_row_num",
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY "model_dim", "question_id"   ORDER BY "L2DISTANCE" ASC) AS "l2d_row_num"
ORDER BY "model_dim", "question_id", "content_id"



Lets create a reusable embedding function:


def get_sap_genai_ada_embedding(input) -> str:
  response = embeddings.create(
  return str([0].embedding)


TIP: Change this for OpenAI if you don't have the more secure Enterprise ready SAP GEN AI

Now using the products defined at the begining of the blog lets convert them to a CSV format and insert them into Hana using the new Vector Engine:


products = [
    "Bubbling Berry Blast",
    "Glimmering Galaxy Drops",
    "Enchanted Forest Fudge",
    "Cloud Nine Confections",
    "Golden Gabfest Ganache",
    "Spectral Spice Skewers",
    "Cosmic Caramel Crunch",
    "Whirlwind Whispers Wafers",
    "Echoing Eclair Euphoria",
    "Mystical Moon Munchies"

csv_rows =[]
forceLowerCase =False  #expirement with this if you like to see impact of rankings

for i, p in enumerate(products):

    if forceLowerCase:
        p = p.lower()

    content = p
    model_dim = 'ADA_1536'   ## OPENAI ADA ... Dimensions 1536
    embedding =  get_sap_genai_ada_embedding(content)

### insert csv rows into Embedding Content
cursor = conn.cursor()
sql = '''INSERT  INTO EMBEDDING_CONTENT ("id","content", "model_dim", "EMBEDDING") VALUES (?,?,?,TO_REAL_VECTOR(?))'''
    cursor.executemany(sql, csv_rows) 
except Exception as e:
    print("An error occurred:", e)


Now we can store the question 'Chocolate' as an embedding too:


question = 'Chocolate'
embedding =  get_sap_genai_ada_embedding(question)
csv_rows = [[0,question, 'ADA_1536',embedding]]

### insert csv rows into Embedding Questions
cursor = conn.cursor()
sql = '''INSERT  INTO EMBEDDING_QUESTIONS ("id","content", "model_dim", "EMBEDDING") VALUES (?,?,?,TO_REAL_VECTOR(?))'''
    cursor.executemany(sql, csv_rows) 
except Exception as e:
    print("An error occurred:", e)


NOTE:  It's not necessary in an app to save the question Embedding into Hana, instead the question embedding can be passed in similarity search using a SELECT statement  (e.g. as part of a WHERE Clause) , examples can be found in the help docs linked earlier.

Finally in Hana we can compare the results using the following SQL:





SELECT * FROM "V_EMBEDDING_RANK" order by "cos_sim_row_num" ASC


The results are a follows....

The product descriptions saved as embeddings:

Click to EnlargeClick to Enlarge

Question 'Chocolate' converted to an embedding:

Click to EnlargeClick to Enlarge

Similarity comparison  results:

Click to EnlargeClick to Enlarge

Finally the full Ranking order (based on cosine_similarity):

Click to enlargeClick to enlarge

I hope this blog helped you better understand how Embedding work and how the  Hana Vector Engine and GEN AI can help you to build a robust solution for Enterprises.


How would your improve the embeddings in this example to get more acurate results?

I welcome your comments and suggestions below.



Other interesting related reads are:


Langchain Vector Stores - SAP HANA Cloud Vector Engine 


SAP notes that posts about potential uses of generative AI and large language models are merely the individual poster’s ideas and opinions, and do not represent SAP’s official position or future development roadmap. SAP has no legal obligation or other commitment to pursue any course of business, or develop or release any functionality, mentioned in any post or related content on this website.

0 Kudos

Hey!!! amazing blog!!! I can create the DB; the embeddings but when execute the embeed step I have this error. 


alueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[13], line 25
     23     content = p
     24     model_dim = 'ADA_1536'   ## OPENAI ADA ... Dimensions 1536
---> 25     embedding =  get_sap_genai_ada_embedding(content)
     27     csv_rows.append([i,content,model_dim,embedding])
     29 ### insert csv rows into Embedding Content

Cell In[10], line 2, in get_sap_genai_ada_embedding(input)
      1 def get_sap_genai_ada_embedding(input) -> str:
----> 2   response = embeddings.create(
      3       input=input,
      4       model_name="text-embedding-ada-002",
      5       #encoding_format='base64'
      6   )
      7   return str([0].embedding)

File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gen_ai_hub/proxy/native/openai/, in Embeddings.create(self, input, model, deployment_id, model_name, config_id, config_name, **kwargs)
     81 model_name = if_set(model_name, if_set(model))
     82 model_identification = kwargs_if_set(
     83     deployment_id=deployment_id,
     84     model_name=model_name,
     85     config_id=config_id,
     86     config_name=config_name,
     87 )
---> 88 deployment = proxy_client.select_deployment(**model_identification)
     89 model_name = deployment.model_name or '???'
     90 with set_deployment(deployment):

File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gen_ai_hub/proxy/core/, in lru_cache_extended.<locals>.decorator.<locals>.wrapped_func(_recache, *args, **kwargs)
     66     objs[id(obj)] = obj
     67 try:
---> 68     ret = cached_method(cache_key, *args, **kwargs)
     69 finally:
     70     if first_arg_self:

File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gen_ai_hub/proxy/core/, in lru_cache_extended.<locals>.decorator.<locals>.cached_method(cache_key, *args, **kwargs)
     55     id_, _ = cache_key
     56     args = (objs.pop(id_),) + (args or tuple([]))
---> 58 return func(*args, **kwargs)

File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gen_ai_hub/proxy/gen_ai_hub_proxy/, in GenAIHubProxyClient.select_deployment(self, raise_on_multiple, **search_key_value)
    180 except IndexError:
    181     pass
--> 182 raise ValueError('No deployment found with: '
    183                  + ', '.join([f'deployment.{k} == {v}' for k, v in search_key_value.items()]))

ValueError: No deployment found with: deployment.model_name == text-embedding-ada-002

Do you have any idea about this?? I
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Thanks for the positive feedback.  I'm pleased you're are giving it a try.

From the errors it looks like in SAP AI CORE (needs to be the extended plan) you may not have configured and deployed the foundation model 'text-embedding-ada-002'  yet.

The configuration should look something like:


Once you've created the config you then need to deploy and check its running:


This may help  models-and-scenarios-in-generative-ai-hub 


Alternatively if you don't have the AI CORE Extended plan you can use public API's like those from OpenAI to perform the Embeddings. Check this out:

Good luck with your continued tests.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

@I535860 I'm facing the same issue "No deployment found with: deployment.model_name == text-embedding-ada-002"
I confirm that I have a deployment in status running with model text-embedding-ada-002
Did you succeed to solve your issue ?

Active Contributor

The issue was solved after restarting the kernel of my jupyter notebook

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


you save my day, it's strange, after restart seems necessary, thanks alot