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I have written a number of blogs on Mobile Applications with Xamarin Forms and Explained in detail the architecture I was using.

Some of these are listed developer-center/mobility- platform/blog/2014/09/12/ order-to-cash-mobile- application-using-xamarin- forms-c developer-center/mobility- platform/blog/2014/07/31/c- cross-platform-mobile- application-using-xamarin-form developer-center/mobility- platform/blog/2014/08/16/sap- hr-mobile-application-to-post- expense--using-c-and-xamarin developer-center/mobility- platform/blog/2015/01/06/ iphone-andorid-app-using- xamarinc-to-save-signature-in- sap

The above applications were developed using Xamarin Forms which generate native code and work on the three platforms(Andorid,IOS,WP).  They are very fast

compared to any of HTML5 applications.  The new versions of Xamarin has many more cool features which will make makes Cross platform applications even more appealing.  However  some clients insist on Android Native or IOS Native apps - Because of this I developed a mobile version of MMBE.

1) SAP RFC Call Development  - As described in my earlier blogs I have developed SICF Node and implemented the REST handler which calls a Custom RFC that calls  '/SPE/MATERIAL_STOCK_READ' to get the stock information

2) There are number of tutorials, github samples and you tube videos that  people can use to learn - The Xamarin Web site a lof of documentation and free trail download to try out these as well.

A) Initial Screen - This is from Main.axml file which has the layout  - At the load of the Application I store All Plant and Storage Location information in SQL Lite

database so that on subsequent runs we dont have to call SAP.

B) When you Click on Select a dialog Fragment  to give the selection Screen  - This selection screen the following

1)  Material - Either key in or Scan the Barcode - For Barcode scanning I using a Xamarin Compoment ZXING.  We have Plants and Storage Location  in Local DB - I create a dropdown

C) When you Click on Stock Button The Main screen will List all the results of the FM

D) Select on Line to get the details

To Download and try this Go to Google Play and in the Search Term Enter my name "Ramesh Vodela" and choose SAP Plant Stock(MMBE) App.

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