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Active Participant
Code reusability is one of the strongest feature of any tool. Earlier SAP Cloud Integration was lacking a prime feature of script reusability like we used to reuse the objects of different software component versions in SAP PI/PO. Till now we were creating same script in many flows as Scripts were referred locally by an Integration flow. We were keeping redundant code on the server like logging payload/headers etc.

But now this issue has been addressed in SAP CPI and script reusability feature is available in Integration Suite to avoid redundant script writing. We can create multiple scripts under one artifact ( script Collection) and that can be called in multiple packages/integration flows

This blog will illustrate the steps to create a script collection and using the underlying script in any package/integration flow.

Step 1: Go to Package -> Edit -> Add Artifact -> Scrip Collection


Step 2: Put the name and description of the collection

Step 3: Click on Script collection & edit. Create the Groovy or Java Script repository under this artifact.

Step 4: Create required reusable Java/Groovy scripts.

Step 5: Save and Deploy the artifact.

Now we

Step 6: Go to Integration flow where you want to use script collection. Click on Resources tab. Under that References and Add References.


Step 7: Add the Script Collection References. It will list down all the packages those are having Script Collection. Select your package and Script Collection to create a reference link.

Once library is added. It will be visible under reference tab. You can see the package name once you hover the mouse on collection name.


Step 8: Now simply add Groovy/Java Script palette and assign the script from reference tab. It will list down all the scripts available in script collection artifact.


Step 9: Save and Deploy the Flow and Script Collection artifact

Step 10: Trigger the test payload from Postman and you can see the logPayload scrip will be executed from the referenced package/artifact/Script Collection



SAP has delivered very nice and much awaited feature but it still it needs some refinement.

  • After deploying the script library it should show where used feature so that any developer can find the interfaces those are using a specific script or script collections.

  • Currently, Script Collection created in package can be used in different integration flows


Active Contributor

Hi Rahul

For now, you can only access scripts in a script collection from within the same package. Sharing scripts across packages will be added later.



Active Participant
Thanks Morten,

I have updated the blog. That seems a big restriction. Do you know when SAP is releasing the feature where we can access collection across various packages ?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
No problem. As for release date, i don't think there is one yet. But it's on the roadmap.


Hi Rahul,

we wrote a local groovy script with a "helper"-class and many helping functions (like conversions etc):

package src.main.resources.script

public class Helper{

static void convertXYZ(){
... do something

Yet this script is called in some other scripts in the same iflow by importing the script and afterwards by calling the different methods like in this example:
import src.main.resources.script.Helper

def Message processData(Message message){
return message

We now want to put this helper class in a script collection and calling its methods directly from a local groovy.
In your example I only see that you call a method from a reference instead of a local groovy. But we want to call a method from a reference IN a local groovy.

Is there a similar way how to import and use these methods?


Best regards
Hello everyone! A very cool feature!

But what about scripts (custom function) in the mapping?

They also repeat from IFlow to IFlow


Best regards
0 Kudos
Hi Jens,

I have the same question. Did you find any way to implement this?


0 Kudos
No, not yet 😞
0 Kudos

I am having an issue importing the classes if in case there are multiple classes present in my single groovy script file. But the Groovy Language as such supports it


Is it a limitation in the SAP CPI

Kindly let me know
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

There is a workaround: Define instance methods in the helper class. In a first script, define the class and instantiate an object of this class. Then add a property with the instance of this object to the message:


public class ClsDummy{
String getMyName(){
return 'my name is Dummy'

def Message processData(Message message) {
def objDummy = new ClsDummy()
message.setProperty('objDummy',objDummy )
return message

In subsequent Groovy-Scripts you can get the property holding the the instance and use it for calling methods:


def Message processData(Message message) {
def objDummy = message.getProperty('objDummy')
return message
Active Participant

This has been delivered by now. Just mentioning in case somebody reads this today and thinks it's still valid. 🙂

Active Participant
0 Kudos

What to do if I have a JAR file in a script collection, but that JAR is a third-party library and contains no instance methods? I get "class not found errors" in my scripts that are trying to access a static method in that global JAR...

0 Kudos
Hello there,


Anybody knows if the functionality of importing scripts in message mapping (ref: search Step 3) could be enhanced to use scripts from Script collection?

"You can create your own custom mapping function. Here's how:

    1. In the Mapping Expression screen area, choose  .

    2. Enter the name of the script, which will be the name of the custom function and choose OK.

      The script editor will be launched.

    3. Enter the script for the custom function you want to create and choose OK"

I think it would be a nice addition to the Script collection as functionality.


Bogdan Popescu

0 Kudos
Thank you. Just read this after posted my comment. I hope they get this done soon.

Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hey Philippe,



Class name: TestClass

Method: protected static add(int a, int b)


Groovy Script

Import class in your package and then directly call static method.



def Message processData(Message message) {

def output = TestClass.add(4,5)




This should work
Active Participant
0 Kudos

Thanks Rahul for the hint. But my case was different: The jar is not my own but a library (OpenCSV).

I hoped that there is a way to upload this library jar into a script collection and then use its (static) methods from any Iflow by just attaching the Script Colleciton to it. But I ended up with uploading the opencsv.jar into every Iflow where I need it...

Best regards,


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