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Former Member

Hello All,

Greetings to all from my blog ...

Recently I had completed Solman 7.2 SP03 upgrade with both MOVE DB & KEEP DB scenarios. So, thought of bringing it up to SCN audience so as to add a cap in upcoming project challenges. Through out this blog, I will try to give you a complete understanding of the scenario is which upgrades were done in first phase and then in second phase I will depict all key points & important prerequisites which must need to be taken care of well in advance.

Scenario 1:

Source Solution Manager version: SOLMAN 7.1 SP 14

Target Solution Manager Version : SOLMAN 7.2 SP 03

DB : ASE DB 16.0 (Linux)

Application : Windows 2008 R2 SP01

Process followed for this upgrade : As above scenario has ASE DB , so it doesn't support MCOD functionality , hence have gone with MOVE DB option for splitting upgraded dual stack ASE DB into two instances each for ABAP & JAVA stacks.

Scenario 2:

Source Solution Manager version: SOLMAN 7.1 SP 14

Target Solution Manager Version : SOLMAN 7.2 SP 03

DB : DB2  (HP Unix)

Application : Windows 2008 R2 SP01

Process followed for this upgrade : DB2 database supports MCOD functionality , hence we have used KEEP DB option for DUAL STACK handling after completion of SP03 upgrade. Please note that if you have planned for HANA migration then you can go with MCOD scenario or else Multi-Tenant system can also be adhered , however for multi tenant you need to split dual stack with MOVE DB option first & then can go with Multi Tenant . (* Experts advice over here is most welcome).

Key Points To Be Taken Care Of :

1. Use latest SUM Guide :   >  System Maintenance > Software Update Manager (SUM) 1.0 SP17  > Guides

2. Use latest Dual Stack Split Guide :    > System Provisioning >  Split Option > Guide for Systems Based on SAP NW 7.0 / 7.0 EHPs > (Select OS type)

3. Read 2227300 note two to three times ( as I am a slow runner :sad: , hence I prefer to go two to three times to understand properly) . Also please go through 2328482 note which gives more information on SP 03 stack generation recommendations .

4. Perform kernel upgrade to latest level before upgrade.

5. ST-TAO, ST-OST, or ST-SPA, should not be installed in your SAP Solution Manager 7.1 till SP02 , however from SP03, ST-TST is compatible. Similarly the add-on ST-QCA would be compatible for SOLMAN 7.2 SP03 by end of November - 2016 .

6. Always select SAP_UI to 750 as it's having dependency with ST component . If you select SAP_UI to 740 as per Maintenance Planner recommendation then you can upgrade solution manager only till SP02 , but not to SP03.

7. Open SCS port <39XX>  from DB host to JAVA CI host [It's required if you change JAVA CI host or JAVA DB host].

8. Apply all relevant prerequisite notes as per recommendations mentioned in SUM guide & 2227300 note.

9. I would suggest to make a excel tracker with all prerequisite steps mentioned in SUM guide and 2227300 note and follow . One of the screen shot of such tracker used in our case :

Hope this information would help you all in your forthcoming upgrades !! Please let me know your views & concerns to make this blog more helpful.

Thanks & Regards,


0 Kudos

correction required for Point - 5... its Solution Manager 7.2.

The add-on ST-QCA would be available end of November - 2016

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The stack update is not completed until certain corrections are applied.
Please refer the note 2328482 for more information

Former Member
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Thanks benu.mariantony . I have updated the point no. 5 .



Former Member
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It's also been updated under point no. 03.

Your feedback is very much helpful.



Former Member
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Hi Nilutpal


When you split the ABAP stack and Java Stack.

Can you install the Java Stack on the same Server where the ABAP stack resides ?

or do you need to install on a different hardware ?

Can we intsall a secondary database for the Java instance on the same Database Server ?




Former Member
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Hello @mohammed.tayyab

Yes, it's possible to keep ABAP application stack & JAVA application stack in the same host (only the SIDs should be diff 🙂 )

Secondly it's also possible to keep both the split databases in same host with MCOD or Multitenanat configuration if your database supports this criteria, else you need to have separate hardware for both the stacks.

Former Member
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Hi Niluptal

How can I uninstall ST-QCA component in solution manager 7.1. I dont see any option in SAINT to uninstall. Please advice.

0 Kudos
HI Amraan,

Upgrade the ST-QCA to ST-TST 3.0 in your 7.1 solution manager system  and start the upgrade.This is hard stop requirement . with out ST-TST upgrade SUM will show error during 7.2 upgrade.

Dear all,

I’m having issues while in SUM execution phase, Stuck at Current step: Restart Instance Services. Java server unable to bring up as per SAP Note 2112952 – AS Java cannot start due to
UMEBackendConnection failure. Even changing the ASHOST to hostname does not help. In Abap tab is waiting for JAVA instance to start up : (Current Phase: MAIN_NEWBAS/GETSYNC_SECMIG_FINI ). Anyone experienced this ?

I’m using latest SUM tool which is SP18.



0 Kudos
Dear All
I am having issues during the configuration phase of the SUM upgrade to Solution Manager 7.2

Checks after phase PREP_EXTENSION/ADDONKEY_CHK were negative!
Last error code set: Component 'SAP_APPL' not found

Trouble Ticket Generation

A trouble ticket and an archive with all relevant log files have been generated.
Trouble ticket: "/usr/sap/SMQ/SUM/abap/log/SAPup_troubleticket.log"
Log archive: "/usr/sap/SMQ/SUM/abap/log/SAPup_troubleticket_logs.sar"

0 Kudos
For your information I also have DMIS 2011 / DMIS_CNT 2011  and am upgrading to the latest. Is there a dependancy on SAP_APPL for this component?
0 Kudos
Hi Daniel,

I am facing same issue in y solman 7.2 upgrade.
Kindly let me know if you resolve this issue.Thanks

0 Kudos
Hi Daniel,

I ma facing same issue in solman 7.2 upgrade.
KIndly let me know if you are solved this issue. Tahnks
Dear Syed,

Managed to resolve the issues by workaround below:-

From the SUM log files, the latest error is sapcontrol can not perform the command:

Command line: f:\usr\sap\XXX\DVEBMGSXX\exe\sapcontrol -nr XX -host SAPPXX -user .\SAPServiceXXX <SecureField> -prot NI_HTTPS -function GetProcessList

The error is:

16.12.2016 12:54:57
FAIL: SSSLERR_PEER_CERT_UNTRUSTED (WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND: The specified class was not found.), SapSSLSessionStart failed in plugin_fopen()

To fix the error - SSLERR_PEER_CERT_UNTRUSTED, a trust relationship needs to be established between the server and the client side.

To fix the error - SSLERR_PEER_CERT_UNTRUSTED, a trust relationship needs to be established between the server and the client side.

To achive this, you can use CA-signed certificates in your server side. As per default, your client trusts the servers from known CAs.

However if that is not possible, you can follow the below workaround temporarily to import the server certificate into the client's PSE. However importing a cerificate into a PSE, makes that such certificate is then trusted by the PSE and so it is a way to bypass the security trust. Please note that trusting arbitrary ceritificates can be a security risk and you should carefully inspect the certificate, e.g. you can use a browser with https:// <hostname>:5<XX14/?wsdl to see the actual certificate used by sapstartsrv (SAPSSLS.pse or (if not SAPSSLS.pse exists and kernel >= 7.42) sap_system_pki_instance.pse).

To import the server certificate into the client's PSE proceed as follows:
1. Run the below command with debug option:

/usr/sap/<SID>/<instance>/exe/sapcontrol -nr <xx> -host <hostname> -user <sidadm> <Password for sidadm> -prot NI_HTTPS -debug -function GetProcessList
2. You should notice the PSE which is being used:

3. Take a note of the PSE (e.g. in the above case, it is $SECUDIR/SAPSSLC.pse)

4. You should notice the server certificate in the debug trace and the error towards the end.

5. Copy the content of the base64 encoded server certificate from the debug trace to a file <cert file>

6. Add the server certificate (downloaded in the <cert_file>) to the to the certificate list of client's pse identified in Step 3.

This can be done with the command: sapgenpse maintain_pk -p <abosulte path to client PSE as identified in Step 3>/<PSE Name> -a <cert file>
7. Test the configuration by running the command:

/usr/sap/<SID>/<instance>/exe/sapcontrol -nr <xx> -host <hostname> -user <sidadm> <Password for si1adm> -prot NI_HTTPS -function GetProcessList

A valid output should be received.

8. Repeat the phase in SUM.

It is important to note that modifying the PSE from sapgenpse tool is temporary and the changes will be lost after an instance restart. As an alternative you can also import the server certificate into the client client's PSE through STRUST, by exporting the server certificate in Base64 format and then import it into the client's PSE and add to the certificate list. This will ensure that the changes in PSE are synchronized and not lost after instance restart.

After the upgrade with SUM is complete, you can remove the added certificate if HTTPS communication between sapstartsrv and sapcontrol is not required.

Former Member
0 Kudos
Hi All,


For Solman 7.2, ST Component for ABAP is used to determine the SP level.

What component should we refer to for JAVA? 7.2, as we know is already separate stacks for ABAP and JAVA.


Thank you.
0 Kudos
Hi all,

We are getting the error "Error in restart system for java only." in the execution phase of SUM during upgrade to solman 7.2 java. Any suggestions on how we can solve the issue?


0 Kudos

Hi Daniel,
this works fine, thx alot.
We encountered the same issue dring SolMan 7.2 upgrade.
Also, the env SECUDIR is not set for the <sid>adm user.
0 Kudos
Hi James,


Have you resolved this issue, if so can you please share us the resolution steps because we are stuck up with the same issue.Thanks in advance.


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