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Over the last few months, working on the metric² open source project, I have been frequently updating the GitHub repo. As a heavy XS Web IDE user, this entailed exporting or copying the contents of the files from the package into my local GitHub repository for the project and subsequently committing the files from there. Since there is a small disconnect between the source (my HANA packages) and the destination (GitHub) I like to often see what changes which are due to be committed, the differences between the files, or just compare the files between the 2 systems.

Being over dedicated to building solutions to some of my workflow challenges (see here, here and here), I created yet another small HANA native app called Git <> HANA. The application allows you to compare files between your local HANA package and your (or any other) GitHub repo, and it also lets you commit files directly from the UI to GitHub, and vice-versa. If a file does not exists, it will create it for you (on either side). There are a couple other cool features which you can read about below, or watch the little video I created.

If you are a web IDE user it's quick and convenient to use, and I am convinced it will make your HANA + GitHub integration easier :smile: (I am also hoping we will also see more open source native HANA apps on GitHub as a result!!!!)

Features of Git <> HANA

- Compare files between HANA and Github

- Compare inline or side by side

- Commit files from HANA to GitHub

- Commit/activate files from GitHub to HANA

- Repo/branch selection

- Native HANA application

- Easy HANA package installation

- Open source

- handles .xs* (e.g. .xsaccess, .xsapp) files (which your file system probably does not like!)

- Image comparison

- File browsing can be done via the GitHub repo or your HANA package

You can download the app package here (newsletter sign up requested so I can keep you up to date with the app) or check out the source files here.

If you think this would be helpful or would like to see any other features, or would like to contribute to the source ... EXCELLENT, please just let me know :smile:



Use the HANA Package Browser or GitHub repository as a reference.

Push files from HANA to GitHub or from GitHub to your local HANA package.

Compare Files side by side, or inline

Package Install Instructions

- Download the package

- Open Lifecycle manager (http://<HANA_SERVER>:PORT/sap/hana/xs/lm/)

- Click on Import/Export menu

- Click Import from File

- Browse to the downloaded file

- Edit the index.html file and specify your github username/password (or leave it blank and enter these details using the settings)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Frickin' amazing - can I have one for my ABAP stack too please? :wink:

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

I second that.... And yes.. let me know when the ABAP version is ready.  ;-o

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Thanks for the comments guys .. @Lars - what GitHub API does your ABAP client use?

Cheers, Paul

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

its done from scratch, so raw git protocol transferred via https, you can take a look at the code at abapGit/zabapgit.abap at master · larshp/abapGit · GitHub it includes all the encoding and decoding of the git packfile

0 Kudos

Hello! This is really cool.
Is there a tutorial of how to set Git<>HANA properly? I manage to install it, but I don't know how to set it for my project.
Sorry,I'm newbie in HANA.

Thanks in advance!

0 Kudos

Hi Rodrigo, technically you should just need to enter your info in the index.html javascript section.

You would need your github username/password and also the HANA repository.

If you need any help, feel free to send me a screenshot or a error message to

Cheers, Paul

0 Kudos


I am trying to use the app on cloud based hana Instance.

But while doing so, getting the following error.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

You have to import the ZIP downloaded from GitHub using the HANA Web IDE (Path: /sap/hana/ide/editor/). Create a package lilabs below the root and then do a right-click and choose Import --> Archive. After the import rename the created folder to github. Then you should be able to activate all files.

0 Kudos

Fantastic it is, Paul !

I have designed similar dashboard but with focus on statistical modelling reports in HANA.

You are Pioneer in this track. (once more progress in my project, I will be happy to share my experience)

0 Kudos

Thanks Gregor

Former Member
0 Kudos
Hi Paul, is the code still somewhere available?

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