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Whenever large (binary) file needs to be transferred by using PI, there might be a chance for Out of Memory error which might results in server restart.  Technically, it often fails in the sender adapter.

The most popular work around is to split the file in to multiple parts in Sender Adapter and Combining them in Receiver Adapter (via OS Scripts)

From PI 7.30 onwards File/FTP adapter natively supports transferring large size files by splitting them in to smaller chunks based on the configured size. Each chunk will be processed as an individual XI Message in sender adapter and all the chunks are combined based on the sequence in receiver adapter. Since all the chunks have to be combined in the actual order, QoS EOIO has to be used to enable this feature.

Configuration Options

Select 'EOIO' as a QoS under Processing tab.

After that select 'Advanced Mode' under 'Advanced' Tab

Option 1

You can choose the required chunk size option from the given list of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 MB.

Option 2

Custom values which are not possible in default options can also be configured in additional parameters.

Parameter Name

Possible Values


Non emptry string  will be considered as true


Positive Numeric  Value

Processing in Sender Adapter

  • Basic Mode will be enabled only if QoS is EOIO
  • Chunk Mode related Advanced Mode parameters will be ignored if QoS  not EOIO
  • If chunkSizeKB is not defined /incorrect value, default is 10KB
  • If both are configured, Basic mode will have higher precedence

Sender Adapter will create XI message with additional dynamic headers for each chunk and forwarded to Messaging System for IRD processing.


For this example, chunk size is configured as 2 MB and the below input file (~4.5 MB) is used.

For demo purpose and to identify/analyze how the actual split happens, the input file is created with the data like below ( 1 to 600000)

As per the configuration, three chunks should be created with the size of 2 MB, 2MB and ~500 KB.

Chunk 1 (2 MB)

Transferring first 2 MB

Chunk 2 (2 MB)

Transferring next 2 MB (Total 4 MB)

Chunk 3 (~500 KB)

Transferring the remaining ~500 KB (Total ~4.5 MB)

Dynamic Headers

The entire chunk mode related dynamic headers will be set under the namespace

ChunkStartStart of the Chunk (Position of bytes)
ChunkKeyUnique Key (Same for all the chunks for a particular file)

The corresponding screenshots for all 3 chunks are given below.

First Chunk

Next Chunk

Last Chunk

If multiple files sent from different file sender channels, receiver adapter uses the chunk key to identify the proper output file(for combining). During the creation(and append) of output file, it uses the chunk key like below.

In Temp mode, the temp files won’t be deleted till the last chunk is received.

Overall Control Flow

Recovery Mode

If the input file is very large, it would normally take more time to be transferred completely.  If there is any server failure in the middle, the transfer can resumed from the chunk it stopped (Not from the beginning)

Individual Payloads after Split

Though this feature operates only on binary mode, text file is used to analyze how the split happens during chunk creation.

Payload of Chunk 1

Payload of Chunk 2

Payload of Chunk 3

As per the above screenshots, the split never cosiders the payload. It's just a binary split. So the following limitations would apply

  • Only for File Sender to File Receiver
  • No Mapping
  • No Content Based Routing
  • No Content Conversion
  • No Custom Modules

Technically, other type of receiver adapters can be used. But it won't have the option to combine the chunks.

Does any special configuration required in File Receiver?

No. File receiver will automatically identify & combine the chunks using dynamic headers.

How to choose the chunk size? Smaller chunk size ensures more reliability?

Yes.  But significantly affects the performance. Smaller chunk size creates more chunks (more XI messages)


If chunks are stuck in the EOIO queue, it can be monitored with


Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hello, The blog links in your blog point to the same blog. Is this feature available on 7.1? I was under the impression that this is a feature available only from 7.31

A very helpful feature! Great blog with good explanation!
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Does this feature continue to support ASMA - FileName? Can I use it to transfer files from source to target with same original filename?

I see no reason it shouldn't but would be good if this can be confirmed.

Former Member
0 Kudos
It will perfectly work with ASMA.
Former Member
0 Kudos
Thanks. Updated the links.
Former Member
0 Kudos
This feature can be found in 7.1 latest SPs. But as of now, officially supported only in 7.3+
Former Member
0 Kudos
Thanks for the blog Siva...

Can u tell me for which latest SP's it will supoort in PI 7.1.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
So this means we cant use it in productive PI 7.11 environments?

Well that would be a shame, isnt it!
Former Member
0 Kudos
Yes. But we can use it at our own risk.
Former Member
0 Kudos

not able to view the screeb shots can you correct the screens shots



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Sreeram,

Due to SDN to  SCN migration, few screenshots are corrupted. I will check with SCN team.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Siva, All

All images should be fine now.



Active Participant
0 Kudos


Still some images are missing.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Jose, We will try to recover the missing images.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Very good information. One additional point leading us to move to PI 7.31 in the near future i guess.

0 Kudos

hi thanks for innovative information

thanks & regards

E.Ravi chandra reddy

0 Kudos


Have you ever been able to do the same within ICO?

I configured a classical scenario in Pi 7.40 and it worked fine. Then I decided to migrate it ICO (just for test) and now it's failing with error in sender CC "Unable to parse XML message payload". But why it is trying to parse the file?

Will appreciate your input.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Siva,

Chunk mode will be only useful for file to file scenarios? not useful for File to Proxy interfaces? Please let me know



Former Member
0 Kudos


Have the same/similar question. File to Proxy/Proxy to File scenarios.



0 Kudos
Hi Siva ,

Can we append two files at receiver side, when we are using QOS : EOIO for sender communication channel with advanced selection for source option (when are try to pick multiple files from multiple directories??)

Former Member
0 Kudos
I've tried using this temp mode together with chunk mode and it is working on File to File Scenario but not on File to SFTP scenario.

on SFTP it always overwrites the file.  Is there a way to use this function in SFTP Receiver?
Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hi Everyone,

I wish to know if the chunking will work for XML files? I tried it and it is giving me invalid XML formats for my large files.

Kindly advise in this regard.



0 Kudos
Thanks for sharing, I used this chunk mode it worked great. But I added ZipBean Module in the chain that worked very well. The Note "Custom Modules can't be used" - does this mean ZipBean a standard module?

Please let me know if any SAP's relevant adapter Modules can be used with this chunk mode option


0 Kudos

You need to use XI3.0 interface or dummy interface.

With other interface types it tries to parse the payload to find out the operation.

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