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#SAPInnovation Awards

As we all are aware, SAP comes up with Innovation Awards every year and all the partners, customers, etc. give their best of innovations to showcase on this prestigious platform.



TCS tackles the most challenging problems in the IT industry. Our teams aspire to do Innovation, discoveries that impact everyone, and core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field.


Service support is one of the significant parts of any Service based Industry. We live in an era where everything has digitally transformed, right from mobile phones to businesses. Earlier, communication was challenging, but with the evolution of the phone, it became easier. Things are evolving in almost every aspect of the business, however, there is a huge scope of improvement and hence development in the area of Service Support. Even in the era of  Artificial Intelligence, people are still following manual standard processes for Service support which is leading them to higher resolution time, increased number of workforce, more human incurred errors and much more.

To match up with the speed of the evergrowing market of Artificial Intelligence, we have come up with an out of the box self-driven solution for support services "TCS Service Intuitive Thinker", which will revolutionize the way modern Support Services are offered.


TCS Service Intuitive Thinker (TSIT) is built in such a way that it resolves the issue of manual support service using Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Thinking. TSIT reads the incident summary and predicts the intent and sentiment. TSIT finds opportunities for Automation and User Training and also suggests probable incident/tickets for Automation levers like Intelligent RPA and Chatbot. It finds the type of incident and addresses the exact problem. Moreover, It draws a clear understanding of the cause of the problem. These findings are utilized to build SAP Intelligent RPA service bots or SAP Conversational AI user training bots and these are augmented into TCS Intelligent Self Service.

To find out the in-depth explanation of TSIT and to check out our entry at SAP Innovation Awards 2021, please visit:

Thanks for Reading!

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I imagine TSIT analyses Incidents to predict areas of service needing priority & attention alongside mines potential AUTOMATION use-cases.
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