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SAP TM start off all available resources using optimizer

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Hello Gurs,

we have a scenario  where seven tractors pulls trailers from Railway point (RWP) to warehouse, my business wants to use all the available resources (home location at warehouse) to move trailers from RWP to warehouse, though two tractors (working 8 hours) are enough to move trailers from RWP to warehouse.

Is there any way I can model optimizer to use (start) all the available resources (tractors) when optimizer plans the trips, currently we see optimizer utilizing 2-3 resources depending on the transport demand.

Touch points:

    • All seven resources are using same MOT.

Thanks and Regards,


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Currently there is no explicite balancing feature inside the optimzier. The usual requirment is to reduce the number of required resources, what is supported via cost settings.

Perhaps you get "better" results, if you reduce the horizon. Or you may define additional duedates , just to start with all resources at once.

Former Member
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Hello Thomas,

Thanks for taking time to answer my question.

In our scenario we do have further liked stages (Pick-up, Main Leg, On carriage) we plan all the three legs in a single planning run using trailer unit, if I consider reducing horizon or bring additional due dates it may effect E2E planning and delivery dates.

We are evaluating resource shifts, but we have challenge of shift change over while executing the stage of FO, we are talking to SAP on this.


Badami Sreedhar Gupta

Former Member
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Hello Thomas,

To the benefit of bigger group, let me tell how we have addressed this issue.

Following are the changes we have done to ask optimizer not to use only one resource even warehouse delivery windows are wide (RWP -> Warehouse).

- Use shifts for resources, to restrict resource to run for 8 hours

- In Planning cost profile Distance and duration costs to control shift change change over in between a stage.

