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PPF: Auto posting issue is not set for document type OPC

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Dear Expert,

I meet a issue for the outbound delivery transfer to EWM, it's stuck in the SLG1.

the environment is Embedded EWM in S4, business case is confirmation CO11N to backflush the component. The sloc for PSA is EWM managed.

I have created the condition type, condition table. condition sequence, determination procedure, condition records.

the issue still exists.


lease check the attachments.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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what do you setup any conditions? To post the GI for backflushing, all you need is to set this up for your document type in EWM.

The path is SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Goods Issue Process --> Outbound Delivery --> Production Supply --> Post Goods Issue for Consumption Posting.

You create an entry for your warehouse number (optional), your document type (OPC), and set the flag "Auto GI for CP Deliv".




All the above is no official SAP statement.

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And it is EWM. NOT eWM - Duh!

And if your question includes the word "transfer order" - do NOT tag the question with Extended Warehouse Management!

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Dear Neeraj Jain

there is no any issue in SMQ1/SMQ2...No help for this issue.Thannks.

Active Contributor
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Hello jackie_zhou

Please refer below SAP thread if it's works for you.


Neeraj Jain