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Hi everyone,

Above all, I trust that this blog will prove beneficial for those engaged in the Vendor Classification process facilitated by the Fieldglass Add-on. In this guide, I aim to provide clear and concise instructions for each configuration step, facilitating the seamless classification of vendors and their subsequent upload to Fieldglass. Please refer to the SAP Fieldglass Integration Add-On for further details.

The Fieldglass Add-on Vendor Upload process is designed to identify specific Vendor Classifications, allowing only the desired ones to be invited to the company Fieldglass tenant. It is imperative to note that this task needs to be executed manually, and it is not transportable across various systems, including Dev/Quality systems and the Production environment.

Note: SAP Fieldglass comprises two tenants, namely, one for development and one for production.



The Vendor Upload process is initiated by the S/4HANA system, which selects all Classified Vendors' data and seamlessly integrates them into Fieldglass. This integration results in the creation of a new Vendor Entry on Fieldglass, triggering the sending of an invitation email.

Upon the vendor's registration, a unique Fieldglass ID is generated. Subsequently, the Vendor Download process must be initiated to transfer this information back to the backend system, where both IDs (S/4HANA and Fieldglass) are stored.

Let's get started.


Transaction Code CL02

You have the option to either create a new class or reuse an existing one. At this point, it is necessary to include two characteristics.


Adding Characteristics

First characteristic

The first characteristic stores the Fieldglass Vendor ID in a 14-length char-like Single Value field.


Second characteristic

The second characteristic represents the SAP Fieldglass modules list. Insert the values list as displayed in the following images. Do not forget to select Multiple Values option.


Reach out to your Fieldglass consultant to check which values are valid in your system.


Assigning Classification

Getting class data (CL02) is feasible by Function Module BAPI_CLASS_GET_CHARACTERISTICS.
lt_char TYPE tt_bapi_char ##NEEDED,
lt_value TYPE tt_bapi_char_values.

classnum = conv klasse_d( 'ZFG_VENDOR' )
classtype = conv klassenart( '010' )
key_date = sy-datum
with_values = abap_true
characteristics = lt_char
char_values = lt_value.

IF lines( lt_value ) = 0.

textid = ysmm_fg_utility_class=>handle_error(
iv_msgid = ysmm_fg_utility_class=>cc_msgid_ys_mm_fieldglass
iv_msgno = 002

DATA(lv_name_char) = VALUE #( lt_char[ single_value = abap_true ]-name_char DEFAULT space ).
IF lv_name_char IS NOT INITIAL.
DELETE lt_value WHERE name_char = lv_name_char.

rt_char_value = VALUE tt_bapi1003_alloc_values_char(
FOR <lfs_value> IN lt_value
( charact = <lfs_value>-name_char
value_char = <lfs_value>-char_value )


Execute Function Module BAPI_OBJCL_CREATE with the content of char_values.
    LOOP AT it_lifnr ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<lfs_lifnr>).
DATA(lv_object) = CONV objnum( <lfs_lifnr> ).

objectkeynew = lv_object
objecttablenew = cc_lfa1
classnumnew = iv_class
classtypenew = cc_class_type_010
keydate = sy-datum
allocvalueschar = lt_char_value
return = lt_return.

DATA(lt_log) = VALUE ystmm_fg_vendor_class_log(
FOR <lfs_return> IN lt_return
( lifnr = <lfs_lifnr>
class = iv_class
msgty = <lfs_return>-type
msgid = <lfs_return>-id
msgno = <lfs_return>-number
msgv1 = <lfs_return>-message_v1
msgv2 = <lfs_return>-message_v2
msgv3 = <lfs_return>-message_v3
msgv4 = <lfs_return>-message_v4
message = <lfs_return>-message )

rt_log = value #( base rt_log

( lifnr = <lfs_lifnr>
class = iv_class
msgty = 'S'
msgid = cc_msgclass
msgno = '007'
msgv1 = <lfs_lifnr> )


FREE: lt_return


Checking Vendor Classification Assignment

Access transaction code BP, change BP Role (e.g.: FLVN00 CVI: Vendor). Go to Extras -> Classification.


Check whether the Class is assigned. If not, run the function module BAPI_OBJCL_CREATE once more.


Scroll down and observe that both characteristics are displayed.


Configuration Outbound and Inbound Replication Objects

Access transaction code /ASADEV/68000202 - Connection Customizing File Transfer.

Outbound Object Configuration for Supplier Upload


Inbound Object Configuration for Supplier Download


Uploading S/4HANA Vendor Data to SAP Fieldglass

This step allows sending an invitation e-mail to the Vendor Partner to permit a new sign-up.


Downloading Fieldglass Vendor ID to the S/4HANA system

Quite after the Vendor signed-up, the download Vendor ID process must run, which stores the new ID in the Classification section in the BP transaction code.


Go to transaction code BP once more.


Finally, when the Fieldglass ID is stored in the BP Classification section, in order to create a SOW document it still demands two additional steps in the Fieldglass tenant:

  • Vendor Classification

  • Vendor Site Association.



This guide is here to help you smoothly classify vendors using the Fieldglass Add-on. I've given you clear steps to follow for configuration and execution, emphasizing the manual process and the importance of doing it separately in different systems.


The S/4HANA system kickstarts the Vendor Upload, integrating vendor data into Fieldglass and sending out an invitation email. Follow the steps, like adding characteristics and checking assignments, for a successful process.

The guide also covers important tasks like generating unique Fieldglass IDs, using Function Modules, and configuring replication objects. It's all geared towards helping you understand and navigate the Vendor Classification process effectively.

Lastly, we've outlined key steps for uploading S/4HANA Vendor Data to SAP Fieldglass, downloading Fieldglass Vendor IDs back, and the two extra steps needed for creating a Statement of Work (SOW) document in the Fieldglass tenant – Vendor Classification and Vendor Site Association.

By following these steps, you'll manage vendors seamlessly and integrate data accurately between S/4HANA and Fieldglass, streamlining your vendor management process.


Hope you enjoyed it.


Kind regards / Atenciosamente / Mit freundliche Grüßen

Bruno Franzini