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In the today’s episode of the SAP Education NewsCast, we talk with Svenia Busson, co-founder of edtechtours and LearnSpace, about EdTech in Europe and her Learning Journey.


There is probably not THE super solution for EdTech

After having travelled around the world and having visited multiple countries, Svenia comes to the conclusion that education cannot be disrupted by just one technology or product.

A lot of start-up companies want to find the one way to do it differently – but it seems impossible. The reason for that is based on the fact education is tightly linked to a specific countries or even regions. They all have their cultures, tech infrastructure, languages, political and legal systems. Education comes from the bottom and depends on the context. Thus there is no universal way. An innovation in France may not be considered an innovation in the US for example. An innovation in Africa may not be considered an innovation in India as another example.

The reason for that is, that the countries are simply not on the same level and thus require an individual solution for their specific context.


Best practices for education

In fact, there is no such thing as a best practice that can be adopted in every context. Every solution needs to be situationally adapted. For example: If there is a region that has no wired internet connection, it is necessary to think about solutions that work via the mobile network.

If on the other hand the network bandwidth is too small for large scale digital formats, it is necessary to provide solutions that do not require a lot of data.


Trends in corporate learning world

A lot of social applications are evolving at the moment. Especially apps where people can come together and share their knowledge and experiences with others. Apps, where people can produce  content and share it around. It seems that this form of informal learning is really trending right now. This it why it is important for corporations to create a suitable culture which allows people to integrate learning into their daily life and provide them with the freedom to learn when they want and from which place they want.

How to start engagements with EdTech start-ups

Before engaging with start-ups it is important to understand the goal you are trying to achieve. So before starting the engagement, it is important to think about why you want to digitize.

The implementation of a certain technology should never be the core of an engagement in the first place. The core of this decision should be the value as well as the Learning Experience that you can create by using a certain technology. You want to improve the learning experience in order to make people more engaged and in order to enhance the motivation of the workforce. This can be eventually achieved by a tool that a specific start-up company may offer.

Never start with technology, always with the problem!

Here are a few more interesting links:

Svenja on LinkedIn:
The European EdTech Funding Report 2021:


EdTech Newsletters:
Education Observatory: