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IS - Utilities. - Device Management Problem

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Dear Experts,

Greetings..!! Currently I'm working with IS Utilities Project. I'm Basically MM Consultant.In this way I done Below Configurations.

Material Created and assigned to Device.

Created PO and With Automatic Number Range, system Posted Goods. and device Status Showing as ESTO ( Ware House Stock )

Now i would like make this status as AVBL ( Available for installation ). So what is the procedure...???

If anybody have knowledge on this please give solution. Expecting your Positive Response on this

Thnx & Reg

Pavan G Kulkarni


Former Member
0 Kudos


In order to change the status of a device here are special movements type U61 and U62. You should configure an aditional "NET" warehouse.

The process should be like this:

1) Install: after the goods recepit you post a transfer with U61 from the warehouse to a "NET" warehouse. Then you install the device in the installation because it has the status DISP.

2) Uninstall: uninstall the device from the utility installation then transfer it using U61 from "NET" warehouse to the original warehouse.


0 Kudos

Dear Daniel,

Thanks for your response, in my system im unable to find any movement type U61. I think this is standard movement type. I required some more Clear information on this.. If you have any documentation on this pls forward the same to . Waiting for your valuable response.

Thnx & Reg,

Pavan G Kulkarni.

0 Kudos

Dear Daniel,

Can U Suggest me what to do for getting this movement type in my system...?? I already requested the same thing in my earlier mail also. Expecting your positive response on this matter..

Pavan G Kulkarni

0 Kudos

Hello, Pavan,

Unfortunately, I am haven't any cookbook about movement type U61 and U62, but at our project we had used this movement type. Our system (with IS-U add-on) was 4.72 and system has not well-defined U61 and U62. I was not find any notes at the marketplace. I am making it’s "by hand". And then is using U61 to transfer devices at NET warehouse.

First you need to create new movement type U61(U62). The way is not ordinary((( The path is follow(Quality Management-Quality Inspection-Inspection Lot Creation-Inspection for Goods Movements-Movement Type). Here you to point the movement type U61 and U62.

Second you need via standart (Inventory Managment and etc - Movement Types- Copy,Change Mov.type ) to create new rule for U61 and U62.

May be exist another way to solve this problem)))


Evstratov Igor

0 Kudos

Dear Evstratov Igor

Thanks for your response. Can u mail me how u created manually U61 Movement type..?? from which u copied..?? and also let me know the Control setting changes for this.. So I also create manually and let me try ...and also if possible please let me know your mobile or any communication number and timings.. so i can talk with you directly on this regards.... I have facility to speak Thorough VOIP .

Waiting for your positive response

Thnx & Reg,

Pavan G Kulkarni.

0 Kudos

Of course, I can tell little bit more about that as I have made movement U61, but only at the 10 May. And i am not expert from MM(( i am IS-U consultant. My icq is 137-621-925



0 Kudos

Hi Igor,

I required IS Utility Consultant Help only....!! anyway I'm trying on your given number . but I'm unable to contact you. Please let me know from which country you are. ??? and also please give me correct number if it is wrong... and also let me know your free timings .

Waiting for your reply

Kind Regards,

Pavan G Kulkarni

0 Kudos


Check SAP note 326930.

If you can't see it, speak and give a e-mail address..

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Thanks Cristi,

But My Version is ECC 6.0 . and this note is applicable for only upto 4.6C Only.. can any other idia on this..???

Thnx & Reg,

Pavan G Kulkarni

0 Kudos


So, you checked the existence of the movements types using:


--> Materials Management


> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory


> Movement Types


> Copy, Change Movement Types.

If you didn't find it in the table, you can consider to run the report attached to 326930 SAP Note despite the fact the last version mentioned in the note is 4.72 (is interesting that when you find the note, date for 'last changed on' is 27.06.2006).

After that, you must check the allowed transactions for these movement types to see if it is necessary to apply 954521 SAP note.

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Dear Cristi,

I tried to Apply this notes . but im unable to Apply.. and also One thing i would like to tell you that i deleted Std. Movement type in Clint number 100. . is it possible to retrieve or copy from any other Client Id...??? if it possible please let me know the procedure.....

Your reply is most important for me...

Thnx & Reg,

Pavan G Kulkarni

0 Kudos

Hi Pavan,

are you correct movement type to seek? You must correct Mandant number to set at the tran. "Copy, chande movement type".

I was to look our system and in all they have movement type U61\62.

And small remark U62 is based on movement type 312, U61 is based on movement type 311.

Good luck))


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Igor Evstratov

0 Kudos

So is it possible to create again using Copy method from 311 ..?? bcaz U61 is deleted in my system....

Pavan G Kulkarni

0 Kudos


About this you can read at the course number IUT220, unit 3-13 "Stock Transfer\Transfer Posting"



0 Kudos

Hi, all is OK?


0 Kudos

Dear Igor,

Thanks ... Can u please send this Course soft copy if you have...??? pls if possible send it to

Waiting for your reply

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Issue is resolved