2011 Mar 19 5:37 AM
Hey Experts,
I want to know how the replication take places from BDOC from CRM to object creation / change in IS-U
eg. BDOC gets created for contract in CRM then using MDT the contract and intallation fact is created i ISU, how is the data from BDOC converted using MDT to Contract / installation fact. where in ISU it is defined.
I can check the log in the BDOC as to what was sent but where do i check the log for what was recieved by the MDT what was processed converted and how it was updated to contract / installation fact. if there are errors then i know i can check in ECRMREPL but if something is missing how do i check that.
Edited by: Santosh Pawar on Mar 19, 2011 3:46 PM
2014 Jun 20 9:48 PM
Hi Santosh,
Did you got the answer for the Post.
I am struggling with Issue, Data is replicating from CRM to ISU, Data created in CRM I can see the value struct.a = X in BDOC( in CRM) but it throws a error in ISU in ECRMREPLM , saying struct.a is blank.
To understand where is glitch need to know the Flow how value of BDoc structure is mapped to MDT.
Struct.a is present in both BDOC and MDT but still somewhere value is lost and throws error in ECRMREPLM.
2014 Sep 17 3:27 PM
Hi Santosh,
the master data generator in IS-U is executed by the function module ISU_PRODUCT_IMPLEMENT. You can easily set a breakpoint at the beginning of this function module and check the parameter X_CONTAINER which contains a name-value table. These parameter values are used during the execution of the master data template.
Best regards,