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As you know, you could use customer_exits to add you own functions to SAP standard applications without having to modify the SAP original.

I made a compilation of exits, and I added some info and notes. This document will be updated with new information. You can follow this document :wink:

The list:

Master Data

  • FMMD0007
    Creating/changing funds center in FM area
    More info: The customer-specific source code is stored in include reports. Include ZXFMSU01 has been defined for function module EXIT_SAPSFMMD_007.
  • FMMD0008
    Checking values in funds center (screen 400)
    More info: The customer-specific source code is stored in include reports. Include ZXFMSU02 has been defined for function module EXIT_SAPSFMMD_008.
  • FMMD0009
    Customer-specific screen fields for funds centers
    More info: The following components are available for the enhancement: Screen SAPLXFMP 0100; Function module EXIT_SAPLFMF2_001; Function module EXIT_SAPLFMF2_002
  • FMMD0012
    Customer-specific screen fields for fund master record
    More info: The following components are available for the enhancement: Screen SAPLXFMFUND 0100; Function module EXIT_SAPLFM52_001; Function module EXIT_SAPLFM52_002
  • FMMD0013
    Creating/changing fund
    More info: The customer specific coding is defined in Include Reports. The Include ZXFMFUNDU03 is specifically intended for function module EXIT_SAPSFMMD_013.
  • FMMD0014
    Checking fund
    More info: See component EXIT_SAPLFM52_003 Check Fund.
  • FMMD0015
    Creating/changing commitment item (new)
    More info: You define the customer-specific coding in the Include program. The Include ZXFMCIU01 is defined for the function module EXIT_SAPLFMCI2_001.
  • FMMD0016
    Checking commitment item (new)
    More info: The customer-specific coding is defined in Include programs. The Include ZXFMCIU02 is designed for the function module EXIT_SAPLFMCI2_002.
  • FMMD0017
    Customer-specific screen fields for commitment items (new)
    More info: You have the following components available to you for the enhancement: Screen SAPLXFMCI  0300; Function module EXIT_SAPLFMCI2_003 User Exit Cmmt.It: Customer-specific fields  (data SAP -> SUBSCREEN); Function module EXIT_SAPLFMCI2_004 User Exit Cmmt.It: Customer-specific fields  (data SUBSCREEN -> SAP)
  • FMMD0018
    Copying of commitment items (new)
    More info: You have to define the user-specific coding in the Include program. The Include ZXFMCIU05 is planned for the function module EXIT_SAPSFMMD_018.
    Enhancement for the FM derivation tool
    More info: This enhancement contains all the user exits used in the FM Derivation Tool. See the component documentation for detailed information on each user exit.
    EXIT_SAPLFMDT_001 = Source code for all step-rule type ENHANCEMENT.
    EXIT_SAPLFMDT_002 = Copy field values from COBL and COBL_AD

Budgeting and Availability Control

    Influencing active availability control
    More info: You can use this enhancement to influence the active availability control (function group BPFC).
    The following components are available:
    EXIT_SAPLBPFC_001: This exit allows an enhanced receiver list in the "Warning with Mail" action.
    EXIT_SAPLBPFC_002: This exit allows the availability control action to be influenced.
    Exits for availability control
    More info: The data of the assigned values must be contained in the global tables:
    EXIT_SAPLFMFC_002: Data on availability control for the user Collecting data in the global table and check availability. Then call perform user_postings_routine on commit. If the routine user_postings_routine is called, an update module should be called if the global table contains data. The global table should then be deleted.
    EXIT_SAPLFMFC_003: Posting availability control data. The routine user_postings_routine without perform on commit should be called here.
    Availability control: functional area to be checked
  • FMBU0001
    Inserting customer-specific fields for table BPDK
    More info: You have to generate an initial screen and some function modules: Screen SAPLFMG2 0400; Function module EXIT_SAPLKBPB_004. This function module provides your subscreen with data; Function module EXIT_SAPLKBPB_005; This function module returns the data from your subscreen.
    Budget entry and distribution
    More info: The following components are available:
    EXIT_SAPLKBPB_001: Validation of entry document line items
    EXIT_SAPLKBPB_002: Validation entry document document header
    Collective expenditure: maintain Funds Management account assignment
    More info: This enhancement is only relevant for the German local authorities customer group. You only have to activate the enhancement if you want to work with collective expenditures.

Actual and Commitment Update

    Update commitment
    More info: The following components are available to you:
    EXIT_SAPLFMOI_001: Define data summarization for FMIOI/FMIT
    EXIT_SAPLFMOI_004: Fill user dimension: reservation documents
    EXIT_SAPLFMOI_005: Fill User dimension: purchase requisiton
    EXIT_SAPLFMOI_006: Fill user dimension: purchase orders
    EXIT_SAPLFMOI_007: Fill user dimension: travel
    Active budget control Funds Management in payment program
    More info: This enhancement has only been released for customers using Update profile 500 (Canadian government).
    The components contained in the enhancement allow you to influence the "automated payment transactions" process (transaction F110) and the transfer of posted payments into Funds Management.

    The following components are included in the enhancement:
    EXIT_SAPLFMPY_001: Priorities for the availability control in payment program
    EXIT_SAPLFMPY_002: Determine Funds Management account assignment in payment program
    CO update in Funds Management
    More info: This enhancement comprises the following user exits, designed to help regulate the update of CO values in Funds Management: EXIT_SAPLFMCU_002; EXIT_SAPLFMCU_003
    Reassignment Funds Management
    More info: With this enhancement, you can influence the account assignment (function group FMCH) of existing FM account assignments. You can also derive the FM account assignment elements from the CO objects or the cost element with thecorresponding table maintenance when you update online.

    The following components are available:
    EXIT_SAPLFMCH_001: Determine the FM account assignment from the account assignment block
    EXIT_SAPLFMCH_002: Own table updates during reassignment
    EXIT_SAPLFMCH_003: Change to the account assignment allocation; Rejection of reassignment
    General module for update Funds Management
    More info: The following components are available:
    EXIT_SAPLFMFA_001: Setting the statistics indicator
    EXIT_SAPLFMFA_005: Controls the callup of availability control in a batch
    Assignment of Funds Management control number
    More info: The control number is stored in field CTRNR in tables FMIOI FMIFIIT. The number can then be processed in all programs and logical data bases. If you want to select explicitly using this number, you have to create an index through this number.

    The number assignment is controlled by the three following components. They are called for each FM posting (commitment, actual, fiscal year-change, reassignment ...) in the following sequence.
    EXIT_SAPLFMKN_001: Activate the FM control number
    EXIT_SAPLFMKN_002: Prepare the customer FM control number
    EXIT_SAPLFMKN_003: Assemble the FM control number

    The modules are called in the V2 update. You can therefore only debug if the update debugging is active. The only way of issuing messages is with component EXIT_SAPLFMKN_001. This module is also called for checking in the dialog in case new documents are posted.
    Online account assignment Funds Management plant maintenance
    More info: The enhancement SAPFMPM allows you an extra alternative for deriving the FM account assignment from a Plant Maintenance (PM) order. The function module EXIT_SAPLFRC4_001 always overwrites the FM account assignment that exists for the PM order.
    Online account assignment Funds Management sales and distribution
    More info: The enhancement SAPFMSD allows you an extra alternative for deriving the FM account assignment from a Sales and Distribution (SD) order. The function module EXIT_SAPLFRC4_002 always overwrites the FM account assignment that exists for the SD order.
    Online account assignment Funds Management network activity
    More info: The enhancement SAPFMNV allows you an extra alternative for deriving the FM account assignment from a network activity. The function module EXIT_SAPLFRC4_003 always overwrites the FM account assignment that exists for the network activity.
    Online account assignment Funds Management network header
    More info: The enhancement SAPFMNP allows you an extra alternative for deriving the FM account assignment from a network header. The function module EXIT_SAPLFRC4_004 always overwrites the FM account assignment that exists for the network header.
    Exits for coding block
    More info: You can use this enhancement to influence the account assignment derivations and authorization checks that take place in the coding block during document entry.
    The following component is available: EXIT_SAPLFMWR_003: Exit for authorization check during posting
    Exits for payment conversion
    More info: You can use the components of this enhancement to influence the process of the Payment Selection Enhanced Function (RFFMS200).
    The following components are available:
    EXIT_SAPLFMPA_001: RFFMS200: Fill user dimension: Payment. The User dimension field is not filled in the system standard. You can use this component to fill the field.
    EXIT_SAPLFMPA_002: RFFMS200: Deactivate conversion of credit memos
    EXIT_SAPLFMPA_004: RFFMS200: Payment records not statiscal for credit memos
    EXIT_SAPLFMPA_005: RFFMS200: Activate conversion of 60-50 invoices
    EXIT_SAPLFMPA_006: RFFMS200: Deactivate conversion of overpayments

Funds Management-Specific Postings

    Management of earmarked funds
    More info: The following components are available:
    EXIT_RFFMBW00_002: User exit revaluation with event end-of-selection
    EXIT_SAPLFMFR_001: Earmarked funds: PBO SCREEN 500,505,510,511
    EXIT_SAPLFMFR_002: Earmarked funds: PAI SCREEN 500,505,510,511
    EXIT_SAPLFMFR_003: PAI SCREEN 520, 530: (Loop-)line
    EXIT_SAPLFMFR_004: Earmarked funds: PAI SCREEN 520: after Loop
    EXIT_SAPLFMFR_005: Earmarked funds: PBO SCREEN 520, 530: (Loop-)line (2)
    EXIT_SAPLFMFR_006: Earmarked funds: PBO SCREEN 520, 530: (Loop-)line (1)
    EXIT_SAPLFMFR_007: Earmarked fund: Conditions for restart workflow
    EXIT_SAPLFMFR_008: Earmarked fund: Function code processing on overview screen
    EXIT_SAPLFMFR_009: Earmarked fund: Function code processing in detail screen
    EXIT_SAPLFMFR_010: Earmarked fund: Update of data in database
    EXIT_SAPLFMR0_001: Earmarked funds: Role definition: Determine fiscal year
    EXIT_SAPLFMR0_002: Earmarked funds: Completely own role definition
    EXIT_SAPLFMR1_001: Earmarked funds: Document number assignment
    EXIT_SAPLFMR4_001: Earmarked funds: Check during reduction from FI document lines
    EXIT_SAPLFMR4_002: Earmarked funds: Check during reduction from FI document prior to update
    EXIT_SAPLFMR4_003: Earmarked fund: Change transaction for FI documents
    EXIT_SAPLFMRS_001: Value adjustment documents: Program exit access
    EXIT_SAPLFMRS_002: Value adjustment documents: Program exit function code processing
  • RFFMBW00
    Transfer of external document number table
    More info: With this enhancement, you can provide your own list of earmarked funds documents for revaluation by using report Revaluation of Amounts in Funds Commitments (RFFMBW00). In order to create a list, you can use component EXIT_RFFMBW00_001.
    Transfer posting with FMITPO: validate document and bank data
    More info: A transfer posting document with few entries is created during payment transfer with transaction FMITPO. You can check the entries of the document before saving using this enhancement. You can monitor the postings of payment transfers according to your own rules and send error messages if necessary. You can only check data using this enhancement, it is not possible to change data.
    The following components are available:
    EXIT_SAPLFMITPOMP_101: Check sender and receiver items
    EXIT_SAPLFMITPOMP_801: Check customer bank details

    Prerequisites: This enhancement is only relevant for the customer German Government. You can activate this enhancement if you work with the transfer posting transaction FMITPO.
    User exits request determinant
    More info: In this enhancement there are Userexits which are closely linked to the function group F0KE (and so to the request system). For details at this point refer to the documentation on the individual components.
    Request determinant help functions
    More info: In this enhancement there are Userexits which are closely linked to the function group F0KE (and so to the help functions for the request system). For details at this point refer to the documentation on the individual components.

Closing Operations

    Special update control setting balance carryforward in Funds Management
    More info: You can use this enhancement to enhance program flowSAPFMVTR for balance carryforward and to develop further special activities in addition to the transaction delivered by SAP.

    You can use function module EXIT_SAPFMVTR_001 to restrict or enhance the actuals and commitments value types delivered by SAP.
    You can use function module EXIT_SAPFMVTR_002 to determine a different update control setting for the carryforward item categories in a customer-defined table (logic).

    You can determine the customer-defined activities you want to use in the enhancement, in Customizing step Define activities for balance carryforward.

I hope you find it useful.

All comments are allowed, please feel free to add some suggestions, tips or some feedback about this topic.
