2007 Oct 04 6:34 PM
Hi All,
I want to attach one calendar to a program of study. so that it override the session defined in the calendar attached with its org unit.
I did it, but still its taking the period from the calendar attached with Org unit. I also assigned ' ' in general evaluation of academic calendar.
what could be the problem?? Please suggest.
regards, Sudhir
2007 Oct 05 6:17 AM
Hi Sudhir,
Always academic calendar should be attached only to the Org unit and not to the program of study . Basically , if you want to have a different academic calendar for each progarm of study , vary your sessions in the same academic calendar with the dates you want to define for each program of study .
Can you explain your scenario in a clear picture ?
2007 Oct 04 9:43 PM
One possible problem may be with your validity range of the relationship between the calendar and the program. What is the start/end date for the relationship? It is possible that for the key date where you are pulling up the sessions, this relationship is not valid, so that the system is still looking up the org structure to find another calendar.
Also, it would be helpful if you described exactly what process you are talking about. Is it admissions, registration, module booking, or something else?
2007 Oct 05 6:17 AM
Hi Sudhir,
Always academic calendar should be attached only to the Org unit and not to the program of study . Basically , if you want to have a different academic calendar for each progarm of study , vary your sessions in the same academic calendar with the dates you want to define for each program of study .
Can you explain your scenario in a clear picture ?
2007 Oct 05 9:01 AM
Hi Gajalakshmi,
Actually SLCM does take into account calendars which are attached to other objects than the organizational unit. The IMG settings in "Define General Evaluation of Academic Calendars" and "Define Evaluation Paths for Specific Callup Points" should be considered. Important however is that the object the calendar is attached to is actually somewhat known in the context of the process the time-limit is used for and that there is a unique relationsship.
Indeed knowing about the exact scenario would help to provide a more substantial answer.
Best regards
2007 Oct 05 11:49 AM
Hi All,
Thanks for your co-operations,
One more problem I got related to that, I created one more org unit, which is isolated from top level org unit. Then attached a seperate calendar with that. I created one program of study in the new org unit. when I am going to create an admission application for this program of study then it's taking period of session defined in the top org unit. Idealy it shoud take the period defined in its academic calendar for that session. One more thing, if I do not define session in the top level org unit's calendar, then it's not allowing student to admit, even if that session is maintained in it's org unit (through which the program of study is associated).
plaese suggest what is the problem.
and the same problem is with the child org unit of top level org unit.
2007 Oct 05 12:05 PM
Hi Joachim,
Agreed to your point . Do you mean the evalation path can be linked to a program of study ? and it can be used without a need of Org .unit . If so , kindly tell me which evaluation should we use while defining the evaluation path , then the call up point .
Hope this might help in a better understanding to solve this issue.
2007 Oct 05 12:40 PM
Hi Sudhir ,
What is the relationship have you maintained between 2 orgunit. Try not defining the CA to the top org.unit. Mention CA to the child org.unit where program of study is related to it .
Check with the dates also , it might also cause problem .
Dont give anything in the configurations in define top org.unit node , then try it out .
Dont use the same student , try admitting with a new student .
2007 Oct 05 12:56 PM
hi Gaja,
Please update me once you able to solve my problem, I explained my senario in my last posting.
2007 Oct 05 1:01 PM
Hi Sudhir,
I tried the same scenario , its working fine for me .
Check with your session variant for the program of study too + try giving the relationship B002 with child org.unit .
2007 Oct 05 1:03 PM
If I do not define any thing in "define top org unit",
Then no calendar is recognised by the objects,and I am not able to create application in any condition. its saying..no session found.
other org units also using the same calendar(top org unit), even they have their own.
I am using IDES, is it due to IDES??
2007 Oct 05 1:12 PM
OK Gaja,
Please provide me your configuration setting in "Define top org unit", "Define general evaluation of Academic Calendar" and in "Define Evaluation path" in the customization.
2007 Oct 05 5:03 PM
you always need to define a top organizational unit. This is required for all those cases where no other context is avaible to derive a unique calendar. In the calendar of the top organizational unit time limits 0100 need to be defined for all available periods (academic year/ session). The setting is generally technically required.
Please note that in the IMG activity "Define General Evaluation of Academic Calendars" you can make a setting that ONLY the top-org calendar is used (the documentation at this IMG activity gives you more details). Usually the evaluation path itself should be set to PIQCASTD. Depending on the object in the context of the activity and/ or call-up point it will then derive the time limits in the calendars in an hierarchical order starting from the program of study, module, event package, CE, ...).
For example for a student registration to a program, the calendar evaluation will start with the program of study and then evaluate the organizational hierarchie below the program.
2007 Oct 06 8:09 AM
Hi Joachim,
First of all, thanks for your suggestion,
I tried both option in customization "Define General Evaluation of Academic Calendars", Firstly "X" and Then ' ' , and set PIQCASTD in the other setting. Still my program of study is recognising only top academic calendar. I have defined same session in two calendar for 001, and my structure is -- University-> Department -> Program of Study. Both, University and Department having a different calendar and having different time period for the fall session.
But when student apply for admission, Then in any case his session dates (valid from and Valid to) is set according to calendar attached with University only. and I want that it should get this period from Department calendar.
I think u try it in your system and please tell me the result. I am using IDES.
2007 Oct 07 12:09 AM
I tested it in IDES and it works: Attached a calendar with different start and end dates for timelimit 0100 in a particular year/ session, then created an admission application (or admission, or registration,...) and the valid from/ to dates are set accordingly to the department calendar.
You may check in your case
a) whether the validity dates of the calendar and the relationsship with the calendar are correct (e. g. just set them with begin date to 01011950 - at least it should be the begin date of the top org calendars 0100 for the particular session)
b) whether your program is attached only to the department or in addition to any other organizational unit (some of the SCs in the demo system are attached to multiple organizational units with the same priority - the system takes then the "first", which is purely technical defined)
Attached two screenshots from my test.
2007 Oct 07 7:20 AM
Thanks Joachim,
It's working at your side.
Please do one more favor....
What parameter you have set in your IMG Activity in..
"Define General Evaluation of Academic Calendar- 1)<b>Dflt Evaluation Path of Acad. Calendar</b> and 2) <b>Academic Calendar Evaluation</b>",
and in <b>Define Evaluation path for Specific Call up Point</b>.
Probably I am not making correct setting in these IMG Activity.
Thanks and Regards.
2007 Oct 08 6:42 AM
Hi Joachim,
Now It's working here also.
The problem was due to validity date between calendar and department.
Thank you very much for patiently understanding my problem.
be in touch.
2007 Oct 08 2:39 PM
I'm glad you got this working. I'm sure you now have a much better understanding of how Academic Calendars relate to the Academic Structure.
P.S. check the reply I posted right after you started the thread...
2007 Oct 08 8:50 PM
Thanks Michael,
You was right :)...but at that time I checked that also...
But at that moment I did not made the necessary configuration in the IMG "Different Evaluation Path".. and when I made these configuration with a new structure Then I made a sili mistake regarding the validity.. ;)...
Actualy you always points to the real time blunders wihch a person generaly makes in real time senario... :).. and mostly you are right..
Thanks for your contributions in the community..
and be remain so smily and joyfull ;)... because I will definately keep on doing such mistakes in future also :D.... so be ready for that..
thanks and regards..