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The amount of information on the net never ceases to amaze me. It seems that anything and everything is out there. The problem is knowing it is there, and then finding it. I usually run across things by accident when looking for something else. That is how I discovered Steve's series of pod casts on the SAP HR solution.

Since I am very interested in the anlytics side of business (after all if you can't measure it you can't improve it). I found these following pod casts interesting

In episode 6 he talks with Jason Averbook about current topics and trends in the HR technology industry. Very interesting discussion on talent management and the importance of analytics. Some good examples of analytics presented, and the problems in implementation.  The discussion contrasts how analytics and measurement have been done for years in other departments (e.g. Finance and Accounting), with early stage of HR's use of analytics and that this might be why there are no real standards for analytics in HR (contrasting to GAAAP - Generally Accepted Account Principles in Accounting).

In  episode 16  he talks with Peter Gilberg of iProCon  cost planning and reporting in SAP HCM

His other pod casts cover topics from various HR conferences, to specific discussion on implementation of HR.

His   pod casts can be found in the iTunes Store. Complete List

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