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What's up with

Active Contributor
  • Yesterday I couldn't get in at all -- page just didn't respond
  • Today I can get in and see a new layout
  • I want to browse the documentation for BusinessObjects. I found the product list, which has 514 elements. The first one for "BusinessObjects Enterprise" is for one version only: XI3. The next one is "BusinessObjects Enterprise XI", which has no documents.
  • I find "SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform", which has the version I want (BI4.2)
  • I search for "restful".
  • Although I have English selected as the language, nearly all the results that come back are for other languages.
  • The search results don't include the document I want (at least not in English).
  • I go to the "All content" tab and just search the page for "restful". I find the one I want! "Business Intelligence platform RESTful Web Service Developer Guide, 4.2 SP3"
  • Clicking the link for the above doc results in a 404: "No webpage was found for the web address:"
  • Back to, I search for "bi4.1 javadocs", and get a message:

Your search did not match any documents.
Please check that all words are spelled correctly.
Try different keywords.
Try more general keywords.

  • Ok, I instead search for just "javadocs". First result is "Javadocs index". Great!
  • Javadocs Index page includes links for BI4.2, BI4.1, BI4.0, and XI3. But all links produce a page with the following message:
    We're sorry, but this content is not accessible.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor
Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Search on

Is not working, unable to find:

SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation, version for SAP NetWeaver

Planning and Consolidation


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I wasn't aware of that - thanks!

0 Kudos

This is the old help sap link and some of the contents are not updated anymore... I can't tell for the other modules but I'm sure for Basis and Production Revenue Accounting aren't.

0 Kudos

That's right. Using you can only access content which has been published until the go-live of the new platform. Everything newer is only available via

Answers (7)

Answers (7)

Active Contributor

at least the approach to launch new things has not changed, the behavior is consistent from the launchpad over the SAP community to

a totally new scrum process: develop > launch > launch > launch > receive complaints > launch > test > oh sorry

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Sadly, seems more like:

proof of concept > launch > patch > cry

0 Kudos

Jajajajajjajaja (lol)

"New scrum process"!

This made my day !

Thanks Jürgen!


Hi Joe

The team responsible for this content is currently working on fixing the link issues. They will keep you informed when done.

Best regards


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

That's good news. Are they working on any of the other issues as well?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi all,

The new SAP Help Portal is based on UACP.

You can get support with any questions on the SAP Help Portal by using the forum on the UA Content Platform group on SAP Jam.

I've also posted a question there to bring the attention of the technical experts to this post.

0 Kudos

Dear Community Members,

the forum mentioned above is just for SAP-internal purposes.

If you want to provide feedback for the new SAP Help Portal, please use the Contact Us form at the bottom of (

You can also report an icident on the SAP Support Portal at The component is UA-DOC for content errors or broken links, and

UA-CP for issues with search, availability of the SAP Help Portal, issues with loggin in.

Kind regards,

Kathrin Luecke

Active Contributor

Hello, Kathrin.

The Contact Us page doesn't work for me. I get a message that says "Oops" when I tried to submit feedback.

I opened an incident with SAP Support. I was told that Support doesn't support, and I should use the Contact Us page (although the support rep did get the same error on the Contact Us page as I did.)

Since that didn't work, I was advised to send an email to My email was forwarded to SAP Support, who told me to use the Contact Us page.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I just tried - of course with valid feedback - and I did not receive an Oops, which means it started working again.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I heard back from support. Apparently the cause of the issue is the length of the text. So it may not actually be fixed, you may have just reported fewer issues than I did!

0 Kudos

Same here! I've been checking this all day last week.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Looks like the issue is solved now, I am able to see help for all BPC versions.

But still the link:

Is going to Disclaimer page...

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

My workflow above still produces the same results (non-English search results, missing pages, etc.)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Just checked:

Is going to empty page...

Looks like all links to something like are invalid.

0 Kudos

Yes, I've just checked the links and they are broken. I will contact the responsible colleagues to get this fixed.

Thanks for letting us know.

Best regards,

Kathrin Luecke

0 Kudos

I've got feedback from the colleagues. They are already working on fixing the links, so they should work soon!

0 Kudos

Ditto here! frustrating

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Yes, looks like attempt number 2 to switch to the new help portal...

I am unable to see help for SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation, version for SAP NetWeaver

versions 10.0 and 7.5

The link on the page is:

After "Agree" with disclaimer (absolutely strange!) I can see:


We're sorry, but this content is not accessible.

P.S. The help for the latest version of BPC 10.1 is visible.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I had seen the legal disclaimer page on the "old" help site, but it would normally displays the document after clicking Agree.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

The legal disclaimer looks ABSOLUTELY strange for the link to official SAP Help to BPC 7.5!

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Agreed, I assume it's an unintentional side-effect of some documents being in a different domain ( vs.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Strange, but in this particular case even domain is the same (look on the links)...

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Yep, you're right. That is weird.

0 Kudos

Yes, absolutely right, the disclaimer shouldn't be displayed. It's not displayed for links of the same kind on other pages, so there's a bug somewhere. I'll contact the responsible persons to get this solved.

Thanks for letting us know!

Best regards,

Kathrin Luecke

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Today again SAP help is not working:


We're sorry, but this content is not accessible.