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What are the reasons for decreasing points?

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Dear SCN Team

I would like to ask you guys that what are the reasons behind decreasing points. I had 2581 points and these are decreasing gradually. 2581 then 2579 then 2571 and now 2561

One reason is that some member who had marked my post as helpful or correct answer has unmarked it but practically this is very rare and can't be the case of decrease in my points.

How could I investigate into it because in my reputation page I cant find anything different or strange.

Although I am not here for points but still I would like to know the reason of this strange act.


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Hi Moazzam,

I'll be happy to bring this to attention of   and for further investigation.



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Hi Oxana

Thank you for coming here and bringing this in their notice. Now I hope I will get something I am looking for


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Hi Moazzam,

This thread was closed due to my understanding that someone will get back to you privately.



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Hi Oxana

It was closed with assumed answer but I have closed with correct answer assuming that this issue will be investigated by SCN moderators. I am waiting for the updates and thank you once again for your concern.


Answers (1)

Answers (1)

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well in the "SAP ERP Sales and Distribution (SAP SD)"-space a lot of unmarking of helpful answers for you is going on:

So your idea was right, there you have your decreasing. You can see that in you reputation tab in your profile, when you click on the "Expertise"-link on the left side and look for the spaces, you have points in.

Since you talk about 20 points that is 4 times unmarking and there you go. Today and (if you scroll down a little) on the 30th of August you'll see it.



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Well Thank you steffi for leting me know that someone is unmarking my posts as helpful but my concern is that how I could identify that someone . If user can't find that someone then could you check this that who is unmarking these posts? I usually posts a lot (not from last few days) so ??I cant find this on my own.


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I'm not a moderator, so I have no access to information like who is unmarking the posts. At least it just can be the creater of the thread.

Maybe , or can help, since they are the moderators of the space.



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It is not possible to know who it was, it can either be the owner of the discussion, a moderator of the space or a global moderator.

It can as well ocur together with content deletion (abuse reports) or for the reasons explained in the lower section of the forum rules:

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Hello Jurgen L

Good to see you in my thread and thank you for your respond. In SAP we have log of everything then why not in SCN It means any moderator can remove or unmark helpful or correct answers without intimating any reason. What if moderator unmarked posts which were posted weeks or months ago. What can be the reason for doing this after so many days. If there was something against rules then it should be done within a couple of days not weeks or months.

In my case which Steffi has also shared above I am sure that owners of the discussion have not unmarked the answer. Then who it is? Which moderator is doing this without intimating? You know me and I am regular contributor in SD forums and I know community rules very well. I know to which post I should reply and which is basic question and I should ignore or report abuse it.

My point is that I want to know who is playing with me. This is not the first time that I have faced this issue. I always ignored it but now I thought I should check with SCN team and it seems like SCN team is also helpless to identify the user or moderator.

I also expect that respected comment on this. 


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I have no chance to know  who has removed points, not even in the forums I moderate.

but there are certainly a few people who can see it.

Even I share the thoughts that you should get informed in case a moderator is removing it, I am the opinion that this must not be made in public to avoid flame wars and retaliation.

Often the moderators add a comment to such discussions like in this example

But if this happens to older discussions, then you may not see it if you dont go through any of your participated discussion.

If  the removal of points came along with removal of your answer, then you may not even find this discussion.

In any case I don't believe that a moderator exploits his power to bother you.

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Hi Jurgen

Yes I agree that moderators usually add comments like this which you have shared in your example and I am aware of those rules too. I have been contributed a lot in last months and this is not possible for me to view each and every post. I can ignore this act this time too like I did in past but now after being so careful while posting and being a regular contributor and having my name in top ten list, I can not digest this act time. I want and expect that I should be informed in any direct message If I have done anything wrong.

Being a most senior member of SCN you are also aware that after weeks or months there is possibility that one owner of any discussion has unmarked my post as helpful but this can not be the case with 4 or more posts.

I have no chance to know  who has removed points, not even in the forums I moderate.

but there are certainly a few people who can see it.

Thank you very much for guiding and sharing your concern but I am looking for those "few people" who can see it. Is it or

I want to check this because these kind of acts are shaking my trust on SCN. I would like to mention once again that I am not saying this because of just a few points but this is because of my trust and relation with SCN.


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Chill out man.

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I always did Samuli Kashki but this time its getting on my nerves. Now it should be stopped or I should stop contributing. The decision will be on SCN team's response.

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there can be one more case that could potentially affect you:

Points-cheating: Creating, rating, responding to any content for the purpose of increasing one’s own or another’s points.

if such other one was caught, then his own and his given points can be removed

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HI Jurgen

I am also aware of this rule and fact and this is not the case with me. I didn't cheat for points ever but still if moderator claim this then I should be informed in direct message. Am I wrong??


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What can be the reason for doing this after so many days. If there was something against rules then it should be done within a couple of days not weeks or months. 

Not possible in all cases considering the fact the volume of threads being posted every day.  On earlier instances also, I had locked couple of threads after couple of weeks only.  Unless some member click Abuse, it will not reach the immediate attention of the respective forum Moderators.

Coming to point reduction, honestly, I am not aware of this.  In fact, we Moderators, are also having only limited facility to detect such misuses and I can only pity you if something went wrong.

G. Lakshmipathi

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Dear Sir

Thank you for your response. You are not aware of this that is why I wanted to bring this in your notice.

If a user hit report abuse button then moderators always take action after verification that whether report abuse was valid or invalid. If this is happening because someone is reporting abuse my posts frequently and some moderator is removing my points then I should consider this as I am not competent to contribute in SCN and I should leave.

I raised this query here so that SCN team can check it and I am still waiting for their response.

I am really disappointed after seeing following screens in my reputation tab.


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I will take this issue in Moderators forum and update you

G. Lakshmipathi

Active Contributor
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Thank you sir and I will be waiting for your response.

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One possible reason could be if the original thread itself was rejected by a Moderator, then the points to the corresponding suggestions would also be removed.  So I feel, yours case could fall in this category.

G. Lakshmipathi

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Dear Sir

Thank you for your interest and time but I don't think so this is the reason. Even if I accept that this could be the reason then still my mind is not ready to accept that this happened with my 5/6 posts in one week. As you have seen in above screen shots which I have shared earlier my helpful answers and one correct answer and even some likes has been rejected in a couple of days which never happened with me in last two years ever. In the following link my answer was marked as correct answer but after some time it was also removed and I am assuming that this was not done by OP but some moderator and this assumption is based on my past experience that OP never did this ever that he mark some answer as correct answer and then he removed it.

May I raise this query in some other forum or you have already did in moderator's forum? I just want to know that who did this and why he did this.


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I already posted your concern in Moderators' forum but as already stated, even Moderators do have limited controls and with that, we will not be in a position to pinpoint where went wrong.  I am really sorry for the negative answer and I can only request you to keep continuing with your quality suggestions. 

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Dear Sir

I don't feel good when a senior member like you is saying sorry to me Please don't say that and I know moderators have also some limitations. There are two moderators in SD forums and I have no comments from Jyoti Parkash.  Thank you and thanks for for guiding me and cooperating me in this thread. I was also assuming some comments from   or   but I think they are busy in other assignments.

I will keep contributing with positive attitude and I wish and hope that these kinda things will never happen again with me.