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Give point and get it back

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Sometimes i have felt that initially folks wants the answers immediately for their's project when they post a discussion.

If someone gives the relevant answer or helpful answer, at that time they mark that answer as helpful or answered as they need that at that time and after some times they unmark that helpful answer. Even sometimes i have seen the correct answered discussions have been unmarked.

I have seen and felt that people do this apart from their work for these folks and a lot of time is being consumed for answering a single thread.

Is this a good behavior?

If your question has not been answered then we can understand that but getting the answer and unmarking it again is against humanity

Sometimes if person got his answer then they delete that thread after unmarking your correct answer or helpful answer.

Guys, i just want to ask that it would not be good if an answer has been marked as helpful or answered then point must not be deducted from that account?

The person giving the reply has earn it. If you haven't got your answer or a helpful answer then replier don't care, if you haven't marked it.

Guys if you have also felt like this then please tell me both side of this mistakes. Perhaps i am able to see just one side.

And If this is correct then share this till we get our "Rights to answer the SCN discussions"



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Dear Dhananjay:

If you see a thread that is deleted is due to moderation, I think was a basic question, and the moderator erase it, and the person who answer this thread lost the points.


Jose Antonio

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Hi Jose,

That is a different concern, and i am considering this, that it's okay. But i have face a problem once that i answered a discussion and after that question was deleted. May be if thread is deleted by moderator then perhaps everyone engaged with that thread should get a notification in our actions tab. It's just a suggestion by a newbie

But i am not talking about the discussions deleted by moderators and what if someone intentionally mark an answer as helpful and again unmark it.



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There is also another scenario which sometimes occurs.  A person posts a Discussion which received several responses, but was not answered.  It was however marked as Assumed Answered.  In some cases, it is marked Assumed Answered even without any responders.  So if there is a response, you can mark it Correct Answer and then unmark it which resets the Discussion Status to Not Answered.  If there are no responses, I add a response, mark it correct, unmark it as correct, then delete the response (which is probably how it should be done even with responses).  That also resets the status to Not Answered.

Regards, Mike (Moderator)

SAP Technology RIG

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A user cannot delete a discussion after somebody has replied, just try to delete this discussion, you will not find the "delete"-Action as it disappears after a reply.

So Jose's answer is the only correct answer, a moderator took care.

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Why should one take the effort to mark an answer as helpful and later remove it? For most people it is already a pain to mark an answer as helpful (what about your own discussions since last October, you didn't close any)

There might be very rare cases where the user himself removes a helpful answer, usually if he marks it immediately as helpful before he even tested it.

And I may not exclude some retaliation, but this hits more often the moderators.

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Hi Jurgen,

Jürgen L wrote:

Why should one take the effort to mark an answer as helpful and later remove it?

Just yesterday i felt something like that and earlier also this has been done.

what about your own discussions since last October, you didn't close any

You may see i have marked the discussions for which i have got the answers and from October onward my queries has not been answered and neither i got a helpful one.

And I may not exclude some retaliation, but this hits more often the moderators.

Now i got it. and yes moderators are awesome that's why we got relevant searches in google.

A true line has been said in Srimad Bhagavad-Gita(A holy book)

"कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥"

means You have the right to perform your actions,but don't bother yourself about the success and failure of the actions.

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May I ask what happened to the issue that were basis to your questions. I mean if they are not solved, why didn't you follow up? 

Are they really all open an unresolved? How does your employer feel about that?

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Regarding this thread:-

We didn't implemented it and worked with one field only.

For this one i implemented directly into sap webservices and it was working but through proxy it was not solved.

Some of them was solved by self but don't remember the exact solution as this was all related to configurations.

Are they really all open an unresolved? How does your employer feel about that?

Many questions are of R&D for next project and we are trying to resolve by self as we have time. And by god grace may be we will get some answers till that time. And i am getting what you are suggesting. Today i will try to close some of the threads which i don't need now with proper SCN engagement rules.



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