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Unable to update Resource Adapter properties for XMIIIDOCs

Former Member
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Hi Experts,

I have been trying to configure one of the XMIIIDOCs in MII

I am unable to save the properties.

On save, I get the loading symbol and then the data reverts to earlier entries.

The new entries are lost.

There are no errors and I see the following warnings.

Write monitor data thread interrupted

Role <role name> already exists (this warning for all default roles in MII)


SystemProperty ResolveMachineName was null or empty, defaulting to false

I am using the java administrator user

the program has been configured in ECC in accordance with the documents availble in SDN

the ECC server is reachable over the network from MII

The connection had earlier been established on a different listner which is now in error state and I am creating the new one to troubleshoot the error.

The errors indicate user authentication issues as the user password has changed. But I guess, I am unable to update this due to the above issue.

Am I missing any roles on the user to update the adapter?

I am using NW731 and MII 14.0



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Hi Maaz,

What is the error you getting in NWA after clicking save button?

Please try below things and let me know,

1. Just remove all entries and click on Save and then click on More Actions button and start Application(Refresh and see whether it changes to green).

2. Once you see green, configure the values newly and check.

3. Before that ,If it is password issue, what you can do is check the user ID and password what you are entering here is able to login SAP ECC enviroment. May be you can check with basis guys or any ABAPer if you have no access to ECC.

4. Provide the valid ID and password and start application again.

If all above don't work may be just restart MII server in SAP MMC and make a new configuration.


Padma Rao

Former Member
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Hi Padma,

As mentioned earlier, there are no errors. Only the warnings mentioned above.

When I remove all the entries and click on save, the entries are reverted.

I am unable to modify any of the enties there.

Neither change the existing nor add a new one.

I have already tried a restart.


Active Participant
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Okay , what is the Role of your user assigned currently in UME?

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The user is the default administrator created during installation. The export is as below.






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No idea , May be should check with Netweaver guys or raise an OSS.

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Try creating a new ProgramID instead of reusing your present one.  Past versions of NW has issues with latency where the ProgID was concerned.  Not sure whether 14.0 has the same issue, but since it is not related to the MII version, I would not be surprised to see the same problem crop up.  This is a long standing situation where the Program ID is concerned.  Never ever reuse them.  Always start from scratch just to be safe.

The best way to test is to create a new one IDoc Listener with a new ProgramID.  I would recommend for testing that you make up a ProgID that is named something you would not use normally.  Something like XYZIDocTest0 would work fine.  Once testing is complete, you can then recreate another new Listener with proper naming.

Regards, Mike

SAP Customer Experience Group - CEG