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Customers/Vendors deletion flag in GTS

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Dear all,

Does any one of you know how are handled/displayed the customers/vendors deletion flags in GTS ?

I have tried to flag a customer in ECC as marked for deletion, then replicated this customers to GTS. However displaying this customer in transaction BP does not show anywhere that the BP is flagged for deletion.

The only piece of information I was able to get by debugging is that the correspondant entry of this customer in table /SAPSLL/PNTBP has been changed, where the Valid-to date has been changed from 31.12.9999 to 07.09.2012 which is the date on which I have marked the customer for deletion in ECC. But this "valid-to date" is not shown in transaction BP and therefore GTS users do not have a clear information on wether the customer is marked for deletion or not.

All your contributions/answers/inputs are welcome.

Thanks in advance.


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Hi Mouaz,

I agree to what you have said. The BP transaction will not show whether the partner is marked for deltion or not. But If you have the information available in '/SAPSLL/PNTBP' table in the for mof vailidity end date, I guess the best option for you is to design a custom report which accepts the External BP number and outputs the details from the table specifically the Valid dates. The users can run this report and identify whether the partners are marked for deletion/not.



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Hi Dhan,

Thanks for the feedback.

As I have mentioned in my question, I have noticed that the validity date of the BP is changed in table /SAPSLL/PNTBP but this information was not displayed in the BP display transaction.

But today I have found how to display this validitiy dates of the BP.

(1) In SPRO, go to: Cross-application components -> SAP Business Partner -> Activation Switch for Functions

(2) Set the flag Time Dependency for BP roles (table BUT100)

(3) In transaction BP, next to the dropdown list of BP Roles, when clicking on the magnifying glass, the validity dates of the BP are now displayed.

Hope this will help those of you that have came across this issue.
