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BPC 7.5N SP10: Conditional formatting question

0 Kudos

Hi gurus,

I am having issues with conditional formatting and would appreciate help on it.

I have a complicated input schedule for entering inter company data. It is modified from the standard version that came with the SAP IFRS Starter Kit (it has AfterRange, Suppress and insert parameters in its EVDRE).

The problem is that the conditional formatting is applied correctly on the first refresh but it disappears by the time the 2nd expand all command is applied.

Explaining the process step by step:

Pic1: This is the EVDRE parameters section.

Pic2: This is the EVDRE report section.


I would like to change the background to grey for the values in the data columns where the flow is not included in the FLOWAN property (in col O). This will give the user a visual indication that they should not be entering data into that flow.

Steps followed:

I entered a conditional formula in cell Q14.

The results after the first refresh are shown in pic4.

The conditional formatting formula is already gone from the first row but is shown on second row onwards.

On second refresh, the conditional formatting disappears completely.

Any help would be highly appreciated.

Thank you.

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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Kashif,

As I could see you are already using formatting range. You should try to use this for the conditional formatting also.

Hope this helps.

0 Kudos


Thanks for your support. How would that work in the formatting range? E.g, I have 2 accounts, X and Y in separate rows. In account X, a user should be able to post to flow F15 (in columns) but disallowed in account Y. The allowable flows are specified in the FLOWAN property which is included in every row.

To make this work in conditional formatting, I have to use an IF formula. Not sure how it would work in the formatting range.
