Hello Everyone,
I would like to share the details on the required configuration set up and the fixed asset life cycle along with the different types of transactions that are available for the fixed assets in SAP Business Bydesign.
Let's start...
The purpose of this blog post is to explain the different reporting principles that are available in Business ByDesign and its impact in the accounting entries / Journal Entries.
In any implementation, when you start configuring the sy...
Hello Colleagues,
With this blog post, I would like to explain some of the features that are available with the SAP ByDesign Excel Add-in.
I have noticed that many of the end users do not use the full potential of the Excel add-in. Rather they run th...
Hello Colleagues,
With this blog post, I would like to explain how we can use SAP ByDesign Excel Add-in in Macro or visual basic. Which would help you to triggers some of the excel add-in feature from macro to automate tasks.
Option Explicit
Can you check if the following works for you?<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:glob="http://sap.com/xi/SAPGlobal20/Global" xmlns:a00="http://sap.com/xi/AP/CustomerExtension/BYD/A0014" xmlns:glob1="http://sap.co...
Hello,you will need to set up new communication scenario - with required webservices using this Communication Scenarion - Create a new communication arragnement (and also communication System which is required during the creation of Communication arr...
Hello,when you download the template, it downloads the ZIP file. You can extract the ZIP file and look for file with extension .xdp. If the ZIP file is empty then there could be different reason.1) If you are trying to download the form template crea...
Hellowhen accessing approvals via Managing My Area > Approvals and clicking on 'Reject,' a new pop-up screen appears, prompting the user to confirm the rejection. However, this same functionality is not applied when rejecting tasks through the My La...
Hello Murli, Check the data source : BTMAPPV01Note : The data source Approval Task Details must always be used as a joined data source along with application created data source. Application created data source should act as an anchor data source. Ap...