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Time Management

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Could someone send me some material or name of the books which can help me in configuration of Time Management.


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Dear friend:

Time management cannot be understood by reading it is simply so complex with PSG grouping / counting rules and rule writing. - I strongly recommend to attend the time management courses to establish your self. Otherwise you will end up in screwing the customer config!!!

all the best!!

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Definition of Time Evaluation Schema

The time evaluation schemas evaluate employeesu2019 time data using personnel calculation rules.


The time evaluation report (RPTIME00) evaluates employee time data that has been recorded in time infotypes or at time recording terminals. The time data is evaluated for each employee on a daily basis. RPTIME00 initiates processing for each day, which carries out processing steps that depend on the employee and the day being evaluated, and the type of time data that has been recorded. The processing is stored in a schema.


A schema is made up of a number of different processing steps. It specifies how the steps are to be carried out and in what order. The sequence in which the steps are carried out is highly significant. In a number of cases, the system bases further processing on the values that have been determined in the previous steps.

The standard system supplies schemas that cover a wide range of functions. You can use them as a model and customize them to suit the specific requirements of your company. The three schemas set different requirements of the time data being evaluated, and also follow different evaluation strategies.

Which schema you should use depends on several factors. By choosing a schema, you are not obliged to use one particular method of processing time data. You can copy functions from another standard schema into the one you have chosen to work with, and customize the method of processing as you wish.

Criteria for Selecting a Schema

Which SAP standard schema you use as a model for your company-specific adjustments depends on the method of time data entry and the requirements of time evaluation:

· Which time evaluation results are required

When choosing a schema, you must decide which results you require from the time evaluation program.

Time evaluation with the time evaluation driver RPTIME00 allows you to form time wage types and time balances on a daily basis and manage time quotas.

Employee time data can also be evaluated in HR payroll. Evaluation is carried out during the payroll run for the payroll area. The payroll driver RPCALCx00 can generate the time wage types which are used to calculate gross wages.

The formation of time balances and management of quotas as well as the processing of time data entered at time recording terminals is, however, a special feature of time evaluation using the time evaluation driver RPTIME00.

· The method of recording time data

A number of aspects of time evaluation depend on the way in which the time data is entered in the system. There are two methods:

¡ Employees record their actual times at time recording terminals.

¡ Employee time data is entered in the Time Management infotypes.

· The volume of time data recorded

The volume and type of data recorded also influences the method of time evaluation:

¡ Recording employeesu2019 actual times

All employee attendance times are recorded, that is, all times spent working for the company.

You can record actual times at time recording terminals or in the Attendancesinfotype (2002).

¡ Recording exceptions to the work schedule

You record only exceptions to the employeeu2019s work schedule in the Time Management infotypes.

· The form of the recorded time data

You can record employee time data in the system as clock times and/or as a number of hours.

The form in which time data is recorded affects the way in which it is processed. This applies in particular to the calculation of planned working time.

· How the planned specifications in the daily work schedule are checked

SAP also provides a number of options and variants in this area of time evaluation. Whether or not the planned specifications from the employeeu2019s daily work schedule are evaluated and referenced to form balances, and how they are evaluated, is decisive for the processing of time data. The following approval procedures can be used:

¡ The planned specifications are not checked

The system does not check whether employees have observed the start and end times, daily working hours and so on that are stipulated in their work schedule.

¡ The start and end times are checked

When checking the start and end times, the system determines during which hours of the daily work schedule the employee was at work.

This allows you to check whether the employee was at work during the planned or normal working hours specified in the daily work schedule or during core time. It also helps you recognize overtime that falls before and after the start and end of planned working time.

By comparing the planned specifications in the daily work schedule to the recorded time data (actual times), the time evaluation report can

§ Form balances (for flextime, for example,)

§ Calculate overtime

§ React appropriately if an employee has not completed his or her planned times.

The start and end times can only be checked if the employeeu2019s actual data is recorded with clock times.

¡ The attendance hours are checked

Instead of checking the start and end times, the time evaluation report can also refer to the employeeu2019s attendance hours to compare planned and actual specifications. In this case, the system checks whether employees were at work for a certain length of time on a given day or over a given period.

In this case, the employeeu2019s actual times must have been recorded.

· How overtime is calculated and approved

The standard SAP system offers a number of options and variations for overtime calculation and approval.

If you enter only the exceptions to the work schedule, you must enter overtime hours in the Overtime infotype (2005).

¡ Typical overtime rules in cases where clock times are insignificant:

§ The employee should only be paid for overtime that exceeds x number of overtime hours

§ Overtime begins after x number of hours on a particular day and after y number of hours in a particular week

§ Overtime begins after z number of consecutive workdays

¡ Approving overtime:

§ All overtime worked by the employee should be approved

§ The employee is not permitted to work more than x hours of overtime over a given period

§ The employee is only allowed to work overtime at certain times, for example, between 5 pm and 8 pm

§ Overtime should be approved separately for individual employees

The following section provides a short introduction to the five standard schemas in the HR system. Many of the processing steps already mentioned feature in these standard schemas, although they have been developed with emphasis on the following constellations:

· Schema TM00: Time evaluation using time events

Schema TM00 is primarily used to evaluate the time data of employees who have recorded their actual times at time recording terminals or PDC systems, or in the Time Events infotype (2011).

· Schema TM01 - Time evaluation for exceptions to the work schedule

Schema TM01 has been developed to evaluate the time data of employees for whom only exceptions to the work schedule are recorded. It evaluates time data that has been entered as clock times.

· Schema TM02 - Time evaluation for external services processing

Schema TM02 is used to evaluate time data of persons who provide external services. For a description of schema TM02, refer to Concepts and Technical Fundamentals of Integration in Time Management in the section entitled Integration with Logistics - External Services.

· Schema TM04 - Time evaluation for data recorded in hours

Schema TM04 is primarily used to evaluate time data that has been entered online, either in hours or as clock times. It evaluates the time data of employees who enter only exceptions to the work schedule and of those who record their actual times.

· Schema TC00: Wage type generation (international)

Schema TC00 is the time evaluation schema of payroll and a subschema of schema xT00 (time data processing in payroll). It is called by the payroll driver RPCALCx0 during the payroll run. Schema TC00 is used for day processing of time data.

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Hi SAP HR Functional guys,

I'm going to work on SAP HR functional stuffs for UK. I need specific documents or study materials or links specific to UK for the following topics:

1. Enterprise Structure

2. Infotypes

3. PA

4. OM

5. Payroll

6. Time Management

7. Recruitment

8. PD

Thanks & regards,

Jayanta Bej.

Former Member
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Please send the material to sagarikasharmarev at yahoo dot com
