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VPRS in billing doc related to return delivery

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I have a problem with VPRS condition set by the system in the billing document related to a return delivery.

It is known that VPRS condition in delivery related billing documents is taken from the delivery goods issue value.

But what about VPRS in a billing doc related to return-delivery ?- what is the standard behaviour: should VPRS be set to the value of material document related to the return-delivery or to the value of original delivery goods issue ?

This differentiation is important in case when the material valuation changes during the time after posting the original goods issue (sales) and before posting goods receipt for return.

I'm observing the following in my system:

1. First we have sales:

- Sales order

- Delivery (LF), goods issue  - say value posted in material document = 100

- Billing doc (F2) : VPRS = 100, equal to goods issue value which is correct

2. Now the valuation of material changes, for example increases by 5%.

3. Then return takes place:

- Return order (referencing billing doc)

- Return delivery (LR), value posted in material document = 105 according to current material valuation

- Return billing doc (RE) - here VPRS = 100 which is not equal to 105 as indicated in material document related to the return-delivery and as we could expect; instead it is apparently copied from some previous document (billing doc F2 or delivery LF goods issue ?)

My question is: Is this behaviour normal, standard for returns ? Or should I correct something in my customizing to achieve VPRS=105 in billing doc RE (some copy control settings ?)


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Dear Domagala,

If you create return order (RE) with reference to forward billing then all value s will copy from your forward invoice to your sales order through copy controls and if you maintain the item priceing type  'D ' . Then the exact value will copy from your billing to your returns.


C.B Reddy