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Table for valuation class-cost center ?

0 Kudos

Hello All,

I am looking for table that contains valuation class and coct center mapping.

Can you please help me?

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No, I did not see it in any tcodes, but is there anyway to find such table?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

There are many ways to find something is  SAP, at least it is detectable  in case it exists.

I could suggest to use SE11 enter the domain name and do a where-used search. Then compare the hits from both searches and where the same table appears it could be a potential hit.

If you know a transaction I could recommend to use F1 field help and then technical help to get to the field name and often to the table name too.

And this was the reason for my question. You expect that such thing exists, my mind is currently a kind of blocked as it tries to find a use case, there was no "click". If you could explain the process where it is needed, maybe then we are a step further