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Over the counter sales workcenter objects

0 Kudos

Hello all hopefully this is an easy one.

Does anyone know when working with the Over the Counter (OtC) sales work center in ByD is there an indicator in the CustomerInvoice-BeforeSave event to indicate that the Invoice came from Over the Counter sale work center ?

I would like to implement customer specific behavior for invoices that are created trough the usage of Over-The-Counter sale work center.

As a side note also, can anyone perhaps tell me the exact name of the standard SAP object in Business ByDesign where instances of the Over the Counter sales are stored ? I havent been able to find it yet in the repository explorer, and perhaps I could implement some of the logic there too.

Thank you,


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Hi Josip,

I shared the business objects which are being used in over the counter sales and should be available in SDK to use. However, to get more details I recommend you to create an incident with your requirement mentioned.
