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CDS E-Mail templates, reusable content?

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Hi folks,

we started to use E-Mail templates based on CDS views and it is somewhat of cool. However we reached a point where the current solution is annoying.

Question: How to handle commonly used body parts like logos, footer, legal information, bank account and so forth without defining them in each single mail template in each language?

All our mails need to have information about our company, like legal information, bank account, logo, address, boss and all this stuff. Today, we add them to each single e-mail template in each single language. When using 50+ templates in 4 different languages, it becomes a challenging task to maintiain.

Also some information are based on user. For example, we share a template across all our organizations. My colleagues from China needs a different footer than my colleages in US as well as my own in Germany, as we all work for different legal companies. In the end, we all send the same mail, so we want to share the mail body itself and just replace the footer stuff according to user location.

How to handle this? In past years, we would use standard texts for this and include them in other texts. Is there something similar for CDS based mail templates?

Looking forward for any advise.


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