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Active Contributor
Hello SAPers!

Here is an article that provides an overview of transaction S_ALR_87012357 - Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Pur. On the first glance, this is a standard and well-known transaction, but in my opinion there are a lot of aspects about it, which are not straight forward and deserve a good explanation. Besides, I plan a couple more posts on taxation-related issues, which would cover more technical issues, so I decided that this most might be considered as a good starting point.

You can also find this blog post on Medium platform under the following link.

This article will cover the topics ranging from selection screen options to the procedural steps involved into generation of XML-based tax reports directly out of SAP. From this point of view, it would be a good starting point for somebody, who just started exploring taxation topics in SAP. But along the way, I'll try to add some specific technical details and explanations that will give you a better understanding of the transaction even if you already have some experience with it.

1.1. Selection screen of the report

Selection screen of the report consists of several parts, purpose of some fields is more or less straight forward, whereas usage of some fields is not exactly clear. Let’s explore selection screen options section by section. First part of selection screen features general select options, which can be used to indicate your reporting entity (i.e. company code) and the reporting period (fiscal year / posting dates etc.). Note, in most cases company code is a required entry field, but if you use reporting that is based on tax groups you can leave this field empty.

Section “Further selections” contains a lot of options that enable flexible selection of documents for reporting purposes. Mostly used selection options are: tax reporting date, tax codes, transaction (e.g. MWS, VST, ESA, ESE etc.), special GL indicator (e.g. A for down-payments), GL accounts etc. Apart from these mostly transaction-related options, there is one additional field “Taxes on sales/purchases group”. Here you can indicate tax group – special organizational entity which can be used for tax reporting purposes.

Next section (i.e. "Tax payable posting") is used to indicate parameters controlling the posting of tax payable. In short, program RFUMSV00 (i.e. program behind this transaction) can be used not only for reporting purposes, but also to post the amount of tax payable to special “netting account”. Posting amount for this purpose will be automatically calculated as a difference between total output tax (i.e. tax liability) and total input tax (i.e. tax credit). If you want to use this option, please do the following:

  • Select check-box “Batch input session required” – program run will generate a batch input with name indicated in field “Session name”, which can be processed either immediately (if respective check-box is activated) or in post-processing mode in transaction SM35;

  • Document type / posting date for tax payable as well as due date, indicating when the amount of tax should be paid. Indication of due date is especially useful, when you have maintained vendor account as account to which tax payable will be posted (this option is analyzed in a separate post "Tax payable posting to vendor account").

Please note, to run the report in this mode, you should have authorization for t-code FB41 which is used to re-post tax amounts.

"Output control" section of selection screen can be used to control how data is displayed in report mode. Probably the most useful feature in this section is related to display of address data of customers / vendors. By selecting check-box “Read address data” you make sure that report will also display address information of company’s business partners. You can also control which version of address data will be displayed. To do that, you should indicate reference to international address version in respective field (e.g. 8 – stands for Ukrainian address version, R – for Russian, I – international). If this field is empty, the system will display address data from standard address version.

Section “Output lists” also contains control parameters, which define which parts of the report will be displayed. In short – you can choose between line items option (display of all tax-relevant line items) and between totals option (aggregated data on output / input tax).

You can also configure the layout of each report by clicking “Configure” button. The system will navigate you to a separate screen with default report layout for each output list. You can configure the layout of report to suite your purposes and save it into a variant (e.g. ZTEST_OUT, ZTEST_IN). Report variants can then be indicated on selection screen of report.

Useful feature from this section is reporting on tax differences (check box “Tax difference: line items”). If you run the program with this option, it will generate a report on all line items, where the system expects postings to tax-related GL accounts (based upon tax codes’ settings), but these postings are missing in the document (see example below). This might be the case, when you use some external applications which post automatically to SAP.

The last section "Posting parameters" is probably the most important for generation of reporting. You have a couple of radio buttons, which control how the program will execute. First option (Do not update documents) is straight forward. If you run the report in update mode (Update documents: Update run), the program will update each document with date and time, when report was executed (technically speaking changes will be updated into fields BSET-STMDT and BSET-STMTI for date / time respectively). Usage of this option is supposed to prevent including of the same document twice into different reports, which are supposed to be submitted during one period. Update mode with update “Test run” will also update documents, but only those which were not updated previously. Usage of update option implies additional performance issues.

“Form printout” options from this section are also widely used for reporting purposes. Essentially, when you run the report, the program calculates in background different subtotals, which are transactions- and tax-codes-based (i.e. linked to transaction keys MWS, VST, ESA, ESE etc.). If you select check-box “Prepare printing of forms”, the program will save these subtotals into table UMSV with references to program run date and run ID (see example below, note in my test system I use custom transaction keys UAM, UAV instead of standard keys). This aggregated data can be used by other programs to print tax returns and / or generate XML-reports. These “other programs” are mostly localization specific programs. Intersections between standard and localization based tools is SAP is interesting of itself and also deserves to be explored in a separate post.

Finally, if you want to generate DME (i.e. data medium exchange) file based on report run, you should select appropriate check-box. You should also indicate format tree which was defined in transaction DMEE and file name. Depending on format tree settings, you can generate either flat text files or hierarchical XML-files for your tax reports.

Please note! When you indicate file name – you should only indicate file name + extension, without any path to a folder on your PC. There is a separate procedure on how to download the file to PC, which will be covered a bit later.

Upon click on “Add. Parameters” button, a new selection screen will be opened enabling you to enter some data, which then can be used as a source of data for DME engine.

Please note! Button “Add. Parameters” is an optional button. It will be displayed only in those case, when you have specified format-specific structure in the settings of DMEE tree. Consequently, the list of fields on selection screen of the program will depend on the structure. In this case, I’ve used standard structure for DMEE tree FIPL_S_FRMTS_DMEE which was delivered by SAP for EC Sales for Poland. But you can use custom structures as well.

1.2. Display of report results

Run, the report. You will get the following typical reports on tax-related lines for output / input tax respectively.

An important advantage of this report over line items reports (FBL3N / FAGLL03) is that this report is more comprehensive. Line items reports on tax-related GL accounts, will display only those documents, which have postings to these accounts i.e. when tax rate is not zero. From legislation perspective certain operations, might be taxable at 0%, but that doesn’t mean that they are not relevant to VAT and should not be considered in reporting. Technically speaking all lines that are stored in table BSEG, can be displayed in line items reports. On the other hand, RFUMSV00 report is based on values from table BSET, which stores all tax-relevant line items. Thus, if some operation involved tax base of 1000 UAH and was taxable at 0%, the table will store this info and you would be able to see it in report (see example in screenshot above based on input tax code P0).

But there is also an important disadvantage. If you try to save the report into spreadsheet (see screenshot below), you will notice this option is disabled. Nowadays it’s a kind of unheard of to be unable to save a report into spreadsheet for deeper analysis.

Fortunately, SAP came out with a solution quite recently (November 2016). Please check out OSS-note 2388449 (RFUMSV00 list: Download as Spreadsheet). This note contains technical explanation on why this option was restricted originally. After installation of this note, you would be able to save report into spreadsheet, but only if you selected one output list (i.e. in section “Output lists”). Note, this feature won’t be available only for output list “Balance of all company codes”.

1.3.  Downloading of report results

After you’ve executed report the system will generate DME file. Appropriated information will be displayed at the bottom of the report. Example of typical message can be found below.

There is a separate standard program RFASLDPC to download DME file to PC, but it has no standard transaction code assigned to it. You can consider creation of custom transaction code or decided to launch it via transactions SA38 / SE38.

Indicate the following details on the selection scree of the program:

  • Source file – name of the file as specified previously during execution of program RFUMSV00;

  • File type should be set as “**”, which indicates it as a generic DME format;

  • Select check-box “Copy source file” (recommended option);

  • In the section “Target file” you should specify the path name to a file on your PC;

  • You can also indicate a specific code page, which might be a prerequisite for correct display of local characters (e.g. ü, ä etc.).

After filling of selection screen is completed, run the report to download the file to PC.

Well... that's it. If you've reached this part of the post, I hope it wasn't too boring and you have learn something useful. I'm looking forward to your comments and remarks.

Best regards, 

Bohdan Petrushchak

P.S. Disclaimer.

All sensitive information (company names, tax numbers etc.) used in this example is invented by my own. If there is some coincidence with real-life companies, it is a purely accidental one.


Former Member
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Thank you for this very clear and appreciate document. One question : as SAP recommends that tax accounts are not managed on an open item basis, how do you make a link between the orignal tax items and the tax return posting ?

Thank you.

Julien D.
Active Contributor
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Hi Julien,


Thanks for your feedback and a good question! I agree that it is quite difficult to track the link without OI management, but in fact you can use OI management for tax accounts as well. Recommendation from SAP doesn't mean that it's forbidden.

On the other hand, usually posting periods are managed quite carefully in companies and if you're doing tax transfer posting at the end of the month and include all tax relevant documents into selection, than you can be quite sure that selection of all line items posted during any month will accurately display original tax items as well as transfer posting for the total amount.



0 Kudos
Hi Bohdan,

Your post was very informative and helpful. I am a bit new to the VAT scenario. There are several unanswered questions for me:

  1. how VAT id gets captured in field STCEG in various tables

  2. which line items get populated with VAT id

  3. in which scenarios - 0 tax or non-zero tax

If you have some documentation or link which can clear my doubts, it will greatly help me.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Thanks for this info. I have one issue with this report.

There are some amounts/line items seen in one currency(company code(Singapore) currency -USD) but not seen in other currency (foreign currency - SGD). This is the case only with certain tax codes and certain Vendors (which are not located in Singapore)

Can you please help on this?


Ritesh Singh
Active Contributor
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Hi Ritesh,


Do I understand correctly that you have items in foreign currency, but report displays them only in company code currency, whereas you would like to see the information in foreign currency? If that's so, it can be solved via configuration of report layout for input tax line items (go to section "Output Lists" on selection screen and choose option "Input tax: line items"). As you can see from the screenshot below, there are separate columns displaying information in CC currency vs. foreign currency.

P.S. That's usually a typical scenario, when operations with foreign entities are tracked using a separate tax code.


Hope this will help you!


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Hello sandeep.jain07,

Sorry for a delay with an answer, was not specifically check the portal for some time. These are good questions! Indeed some time ago I also stumbled upon some issues with display of tax requisites in this report. Here is the logic:

  • first of all, the report displays STCEG based on transnational data i.e. based on BSEG-STCEG. I'm not completely sure, but it would suspect that it will filled for those lines, where BSEG-KOART = "D" (customer) or "K" (vendor). The logic is simple: during the posting SAP takes actual data from master records and saves it into documents, thus if the requisite changes you will be able to have correct report for a vendor with time-dependent tax requisites.

  • if BSEG-STCEG is empty, the report checks master data of customer / vendor;

  • scenarios - 0 vs. non-zero tax - this is purely dependent of specific taxation scheme applicable to operating entity under local laws, so here I can't really help you:)

  • you can also check KBA 2159728 - Content of field STCEG in RFUMSV00, which provides some light on this topic.



0 Kudos

Thanks for the reply but here the issue is that the same amounts/line items is visible for USD currency but not seen for SGD currency. In both the cases tax code is same(GE). Only when the currency is SGD, some amounts are missing. pls see below:

Visible in USD:

Not visible in SGD (5100029096 and 5100030898):

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
I'm not really sure what you mean "same amounts / line items are not visible". On the screenshot you've provided, I can see that "Tax base amount" column contains values for all documents. Screenshot doesn't show any other columns, so I'm not able to comment as to the cause of your concern.

Anyway, you've quite specific question that is not directly linked to the topic of this post and I would suggest to raise it in a dedicated part of the platform that deals with Q&A topics.


0 Kudos

Exactly my point. Tax base amount column shows 5 documents in USD (1st screenshot) but only 3 documents in SGD(2nd screenshot) for GE tax code.

Ideally whatever documents are seen in USD, same should be visible in SGD also right?
Active Contributor
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Well... that's a bit strange. I seems that you using filter by "Currency" in dynamic selections on selection screen and the only suggestion that I have is that the currency of both documents is not 5100029096 and 5100030898 SGD.
Former Member
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Hi the.wirtschaftsmann

Thank you for this document. I would like to know how this report can be displayed in ALV format. I am unable to achieve this via selection screen settings. Maybe you can help.

Active Contributor
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Hi Archit,


Thanks for feedback!:) The trouble with this and a lot of other "older" standard reports is that they do not support ALV-functionality. That means that you can't have this option nor via user settings on selection screen nor via configuration. Moreover, as I mentioned in the post, you can't even properly download report values to Excel. The only workaround for the latest issue would be to implement OSS note 2388449 (RFUMSV00 list: Download as Spreadsheet), which I also briefly mentioned in the post.

Hope you won't be very frustrated about this lack of functionality!:)

Best regards,

Former Member
0 Kudos
Hi Bohdan,

Thank you for this informative document. I have one question on the output of this report. If there is a document posted which contains 5 different GL accounts all posting with the same vat code then the posting to the VAT GL account will post one line with the total vat amount stripped off the 5 GL accounts which is normal. The VAT report then shows this total amount in the first account posted in the document only and not against each respective account. We want to see the vat amounts per account. This can be achieved through report S_ALR_87012359 but we would like to see this in report S_ALR_87012357. Is this possible?

Kind regards


0 Kudos
Have you seen SAP ACR?


Thank you for this informative document.
0 Kudos
Hello the.wirtschaftsmann;

I have a doubt, I have i.e. documents with more than one tax code, like this:


Company code | Line item | Posting key | Account | Description | Amount | Currency | Tax code |

2000 1 01 1000000501      MINIMARKET 3400         4,455.57 MXN     **
2000 2 50 41000000          VENTAS                            321.46- MXN     A0
2000 3 50 41000000          VENTAS                            482.19- MXN     A1
2000 4 50 22004000          IEPS PEND TRASLADAR   38.58- MXN     A1
2000 5 50 41000000          VENTAS                             642.92- MXN     A7
2000 6 50 22004000          IEPS PEND TRASLADAR  192.88- MXN     A7
2000 7 50 22002000          IVA PEND TRASLADAR     133.73- MXN     A7
2000 8 50 41000000          VENTAS                              803.65- MXN     A4
2000 9 50 22002000          IVA PEND TRASLADAR     128.58- MXN     A4
2000 10 50 41000000        VENTAS                              964.38- MXN     A9
2000 11 50 22004000        IEPS PEND TRASLADAR   511.12- MXN    A9
2000 12 50 22002000        IVA PEND TRASLADAR     236.08- MXN    A9

But when I run transation S_ALR_87012357 the report only showns 2 tax codes, A0 and A1, but I can not see the other tax codes.

Thanks and regards

Ramón Chacón
Active Contributor
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Hi Ramon,


Well... I'm not really sure I would be of much help. You have to analyze carefully the setup of those tax codes, that are missing: maybe they're deferred tax codes and relevant checkbox is not activated on selection screen? Maybe transaction code (VST, MWS, ESA, ESE etc.) used in account determination for these tax codes is excluded on selection screen ? Maybe GL accounts are excluded? There're a lot of options and with the information you've provided I'm not able to tell you anything.



0 Kudos
Many thanks for answering;

I really do not know the reason, there are no exclusions, additional as far as I know, the report uses table BSET, and I have all tax codes in that table

Table BSET

Company Code Document Year Item Tax code GL Account D/H Tax base amount Tax amount Transaction
2000 9400000254 2018 1 A0 22002000 H 321.46 0 MWS
2000 9400000254 2018 2 A1 22004000 H 482.19 38.58 LUX
2000 9400000254 2018 3 A1 22002000 H 520.77 0 MWS
2000 9400000254 2018 4 A7 22004000 H 642.92 192.88 LUX
2000 9400000254 2018 5 A7 22002000 H 835.8 133.73 MWS
2000 9400000254 2018 6 A4 22002000 H 803.65 128.58 MWS
2000 9400000254 2018 7 A9 22004000 H 964.38 511.12 LUX
2000 9400000254 2018 8 A9 22002000 H 1,475.50 236.08 MWS

I will ask the abap that we have to help us debbuging the report.

Once again many thanks.

Ramón Chacón
0 Kudos
Thank for so well explained and informative post. 🙂
Active Contributor
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Thanks for positive feedback:)
0 Kudos
Thanks Bohdan for the excellent post. This was very informative.

I had a question around file download.

We are in the process of implementing a compliance solution with a 3rd party. We need to download the output to an AL11 folder from where we can send it to the vendor. Let me know if this is possible.

I can download in front end but I want to automate this.


Does BSET.STMDT (Return on) is visible to user? in FBL3N or any SAP report\Query?
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi Orna,

I checked my notes and across several standard tax-related reports but could not find any where it would be displayed. But it is possible to add the display of the date directly in S_ALR_87012357. If you go to the configuration menu for line items of the report, you'll notice that there is a "User Date Field 1". All fields with "User"-prefix are available for re-definition. This is possible via an enhancement. To do that you should implement the BADI FI_TAX_BADI_011, method IF_EX_FI_TAX_BADI_011~CH_TAX_ITEM - and add the logic that will fill this field.

P.S. If I'm not mistaken, it is also possible to implement another BADI i.e. FI_TAX_BADI_014 - to change the description of the column so that it will have a proper name e.g. "Tax Return Date" instead of generic "User Date Field 1".


0 Kudos
Hi Bohdan,

This article is quite informative. Many thanks!

Could you also throw some light on the configuration required for generation of the above report and its electronic transmission with regards to S/4HANA 2020 on-premise solution?





Active Contributor
Hi janetpdurairaj

You're welcome. This is a standard report, which works out of the box. You do not need to add any configurations specifically for it to work. Additional settings can be added to enable automatic closing of VAT amounts (see my post Tax payable posting to vendor account). You can also add additional configurations in DMEE to generation a file for tax report. But this customizing is done in DMEE only.

I'm not aware about any S/4 Hana specifics for this report. I worked with it in S/4 Hana system around 2 years ago and as far as I was concerned it worked exactly the same way.


Thaks for that very helpful article.  If you need to run this process for different company codes, but using a vendor account instead of the GL account, how do you specify a company specific vendor account?  So far I only see where you can specify a single vendor account and you're not allowed to specify what company it's associated with.
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Hi ydeleon ,

This is a good remark, but unfortunately I do not have a good answer to that. Not every solution is applicable for all cases. But I'd say even that can be manageable. You can have one generic vendor account with several bank types. By adjusting the bank type in accounting posting, you route the payment to specific account. The names of the vendor if necessary for payment order purposes can also be adjust via DMEE user exit.

But I agree with you that overall there are no nice standard solution for this requirement.


0 Kudos

Hello Bohdan,

Amazing Article!

I would like to ask you if you have a suggestion for manual tax account entries. This kind of entries performed through fb41 and post to tax accounts without Tax Code.

As a result do not updated sap table BSET and the accounting document do not selected from RFUMSV00.

There is any other way to handle this kind of entries. in order to close the balance of tax accounts, apart from manual closing entries.


Thanks in advance

George Radicopoulos


0 Kudos

This article is quite informative. Many thanks.

I have a question.

I want to expand the field about Input and Output Total, which is not displayed Change Layout.

Do you know some Badi or Way?

Active Contributor
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Hi wansap ,

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "expanding the field about input / output total". Could you please elaborate more?


0 Kudos

Sorry. I'm not good at English.

I want to indicate supplier's information like LFA1 or LFB1.

Do you have some way to expand the total list?
(ex. Note,Badi...etc)

Active Contributor
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Hi wansap,

Some standard fields from the vendor master data are included into the report data model and you can add them to the layout via configurations that I described under the section “Output lists” - you just need to configure a layout for the report part "Input tax: line items". I'm attaching the screenshot below that shows some of these fields.

But the resulting value depend on the documents that you will have in the list: if you run your report based on vendor invoices, these fields will be filled with master data values. But if your report is based on some other documents e.g. tax invoices and these accounting documents do not have a vendor ID inside (this is e.g. a case in Ukraine), you will not see anything.

Of course, if you need some additional fields, it is possible to fill them via BADI.

I hope this will help you!



0 Kudos
Hello Bohdan Petrushchak.

I appreciate your kindness.


I need some additional fields.

Could you teach me which BADI can I use? and How to use?(like Note number,se18,se19 etc...)


Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi wansap,

Please check out the following link it describes the BAdI and the approach in general. You'll need to get in touch with the developer to implement it.



0 Kudos


Many Thanks for this very useful post.

I have a question, hoping you see it.

When i execute this report for C4 tax code, i see two lines which based on Rate field.

The total tax base amount is 49.297.335,24. I calculate the 19% and as i calculate it is 9.366.493,70.

But in the report, as you can see it is 9.366.041,53.


Also, the 19% percent of 49.294.335,24 is 9.365.923,70 but in the report it is 9.365.471,53. (first line)

So, i couldnt' detect where this difference coming from.

Do you know how i can see the reason of this difference.

Active Contributor
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Hi Gizem,

Normally, SAP calculates VAT amount automatically based on the master data of the tax code and baseline amount. But in certain cases, the user can overwrite the VAT amount manually. In other cases, especially when the posting of the documents is triggered by custom programs, you have to calculate VAT amounts yourself and pass it to appropriate fields in the BAPI for accounting documents. Therefore, these custom programs can also be a common source of issues.

See an example below. I'm trying to post vendor invoice via FB01. I entered the amounts and pressed the button "Taxes", where I entered the VAT amount manually. As you can see, the system is showing a warning message FF707. But this is a warning message and you can override it.

However, if you activated the check box "CheckID" in tax code master data, SAP will treat these cases as an error message. In these cases, you won't be able to post documents with wrong amounts.

I am always recommending the activation of this check-box as a best practice to avoid cases like this.



0 Kudos
Hi Bohdan,

Now i understand clearly.

I will check the custom programs in our system and also set the CheckID check box.


Many many thanks for the detailed information.





Active Contributor
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Hi Gizem,

You're welcome !


0 Kudos

I executed S_ALR_87012357 – Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Pur. report with update run ticked by mistake.

In own jobs panel I cancelled it while the status was 'Active'.

I am wondering whether SAP has updated each document with date and time or it was cancelled?

Thank you in advance for help on this!
Active Contributor
Hi kanzita,

Hm... I'm not sure. I think it depends on the fact when you hit the cancel button. If you hit it in the middle of the update cycle - than probably part of the documents were updated, another part not. But if you hit it near the end, the chance is that most documents were updated. Anyway, best way would be to check it via the tables by analysis of the fields which are updated.


0 Kudos
Hi Bohdan,

We currently have 'Electronic Data Transmission to Authorities' process in place for German with below two steps -
1. run S_ALR_87012357 (Advance Return for tax on sales / Purchase) for tax data preparation & posting, but not generate xml tax file at this step.
2. run FOTV to review/adjust the tax figures, then generate & submit the xml file with adjusted tax amount.

Now our German FIN team requests to consolidate multi company codes into one xml tax file. It seems doable in S_ALR_87012357 as of multi-selection for company codes or grouping. However, our German colleagues don’t like S_ALR_87012357 directly creation xml tax file, as they need FOTV to manually adjust the tax figures before reporting xml file to Tax Authority. However, when run FOTV with multi companies, it always generates the separated tax xml file by company code, not having a consolidated xml file.

My question for you is, if you know there is another t-code or program like FOTV allowing the tax figures adjustment and also generate one consolidated xml file? Or, any recommendation to this situation?
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Hi simon_bao,

I do not have much exposure to electronic data transmission for Germany or FOTV in general, so I won't be able to comment on that. What I would suggest is to understand what is the nature of these manual corrections and see if it is possible to automate them in the system. My line of thinking is as follows:

  • if the colleagues need to adjust something before submitting to government, maybe it is worth to see if we can post any documents (FB41?) in the system, that would allow us to simulate the same impact on the layout of the reporting file.

  • then try to see if the new "manual" document is properly handled during XML-creation. If not - there are many BADIs around it, so it's possible to adjust the logic accordingly.


0 Kudos
Hi Bohdan,

Many Thanks for your feedback.

I already find the solution in my side - FOTV can support the consolidation tax file for a group of companies. The grouping configuration can identify a company code as Dominant Enterprise or leading company.  When FOTV fill in this Dom.Ent. it will display one line for this leading company only, but the consolidated tax figures for all CoCd in the grouping.



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Hi simon_bao,

I guess you've used the definition of the tax group in OBCF for this purpose ? If yes, I'd agree that this is a helpful configuration. Some time ago, I had the requirement to prepare a consolidated tax return from S_ALR_87012357. The problem was of technical nature - one legal entity was mapped to two different company codes in SAP. I found this nice configuration, which helped me to address this requirement. What's more, I was actually surprised that it is supported not only via S_ALR_87012357, but also by a country specific report for VAT Declaration in Ukraine.

Anyway, thank you for your comments !


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