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Active Contributor
Hello Everyone. In my earlier blog Change for Good…Analytics with S/4HANA 1909 we saw that, with 1909, we have a new app called "Manage KPI & Reports" and it will replace the existing KPI and Report designer apps.

We have lot of very good blogs showing how to create Analytical List page report using Fiori element and WebIde and lot of annotations for.e.g. look at this wonderful blog from prasita.prabhakaran.

In this blog, i will show you how to create similar ALP report with Smart visual filters, KPI Tags etc. using "Manage KPI & Reports" app and with much less effort..sounds exciting?? ..i felt the same :).

Lets do some action...

Role required to be able to access the app is SAP_BR_ANALYTICS_SPECIALIST

Once you have added the role , you will see the below App. Click to open It.

On the landing page, you will see KPI & Reports filter at the top left corner. Click on Reports.


Next, Select Create=>Analytical List Page as highlighted below.


Maintain Report Title, Subtitle and other details and click on Activate.

So we have created the report template with basic details. Lets move further. Select the Define link under Data source details section.

Select the CDS view and the associated OData Service and Entity.

For this demo, i selected the standard CDS view "C_OVERDUEPO" for Overdue Purchase Order details and the associated standard OData service.

The chart will be added with one of the measure from the selected CDS view.

Click on settings to select required dimensions and measures as per need. Lets say we want to see the Open PO net value by Purchase Oder number and Purchase Organisation.

The updated chart will be displayed. Note, that the data displayed here is only dummy data. Actual data will be visible on actual app execution.

Now if we want different chart type, click on the graph icon on the right corner to select as per your choice.

And the chart will change with PO numbers and PORG  with their respective open Net value.

Scroll down to the Table section and click on settings icon to select the required fields to be displayed in Table under the chart.

And we should see the table with selected fields and dummy data

Activate the report and pass on the Transport request details in the popup.

So, to this point we have Created the report with chart and Table to be displayed with dettails from the selected CDS view and ODATA service. Next, lets create some Smart Visual filters.

Go to the "Input Parameters and filters and click on "Visual Filters" icon

Click on "+" to create one and pass on the  Chart Type,measure and dimension details. We could also specify here how we want the data to be sorted.

Click ok to see the visual filter .Similarly we can add more if needed.I have added 3 in this case.

Moving on, lets add some KPI Tags also. Go to the KPI tags section and click on "+" icon.

All the existing KPIs will be listed and we can select what we want. Here , i searched for KPIs related to Overdue POs.

With this we are done with creation of Visual Filters and KPI tags. Activate the report.

Last step we are left with is the creation of the App Tile. Select the "Application" tab at the top.

Click on Add tile.

Fill in the Details like, App Title, subtitle, Catalog, Semantic tag , action etc and save.


With this we are done with the ALP app creation. Now is the time to test it ... Are you ready for it?

As we have already linked the App tile to the Catalog and catalog should already included in a role ans the same should be assigned to the user.

Go to the Fiori launchpad , search for the app and add it you the required group. I have added it to my home group as shown below.

Click on the app to run it...and here we have the view of the final app.. Wonderful..isn't it?



If we select a specific Item on the visual filter , the rest of the data in underlying Chart , Table and KPI tag gets automatically filters. Here i selected PO "4500000003" on the visual filter and you can see the refined data underneath.


Similarly, if I click on the KPI tag (Non filterable), it shows the KPI card as shown below.



With this we have come to an end . Hope this will help you to create wonderful ALP apps and that too with ease.


Thank You!

Keep learning and keep sharing!!


0 Kudos

Hi Vijay,


Thanks for a excellent blog to understand that new KPI config.


I actually done step bt step as you describe, But i am facing error when i created the tile .

When i save the application. then it will give error. "Saving The Application Failed"

We are using S/4 on premise..



Himanshu Kawatra
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Thanks Himanshu!!

That should not be the case. Did you check the Console log for any errors? check if not already.

Also, have you set up the customizing and workbench requests in the Launchpad designer?


0 Kudos
Hello Vijay!


thanks for the post.


I have the same problem as Himanshu. Clicking on F12 I see a list of errors like:




Error creating variant: undefined


Did you have any errors like these?


kind regards

Active Contributor
Hi may24071978_

No, i didn't see any such issues. As i asked Himanshu, did you check if the TR's are assigned in the Launchpad designer? Also, please check in debugger if any service call is failing and try to check the same in backend.

It is difficult to predict the problem without checking it in system.

0 Kudos
Thanks Vijay, I was able to create it.

But I added a KPI tag and its not displayed on the report. Did you have an issue like this?


Active Contributor
0 Kudos


Hi Mayumi,

I didn't face this issue. But check if you have added the KPI tag at the right place. KPI tags can be added as filterable and non filterable in configuration.


0 Kudos
Hi Mayumi,

I'm also facing same errors, may i know how you fixed it?.

I have assigned the TR's in launchpad designer, still its exists.


0 Kudos
Thanks for the nice blog. It would be useful that you could specify target navigation for a column in table view
0 Kudos
vijay.sharma4 Hello. Thank you so much. I have created my report. But now I want to add navigation to it. Like, make the Purchase Order field clickable to navigate to another Tile?  Just like in the picture but I can't. How can I do it? I have been searching for 2 weeks. Any help would be appreciated.

0 Kudos
Hi Vijay,

Thank you very much for the blog.

Even though I created WR and CR and assigned the TRs in launchpad designer, I am not able to get the TRs in the Pop up while adding transport.

Please help me resolve the issue.


Thanks & Regards

0 Kudos


Did you get any solution for this?


0 Kudos
Unfortunately I have not. I forwarded the report FSD to ABAP team and they created a new report with WEB IDE and Eclipse. But if you find some solution please inform me too. Best of luck.
0 Kudos
Hi Zaur,

We can use the annotation @Consumption.semanticObject in CDS to add those smartlinks.

Example - @Consumption.semanticObject: 'SalesOrder' on Sales order number field.

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