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Displaying cProjects in Portal

Former Member
0 Kudos

Has anyone successfully configured cProjects in CRM and then accessed it via the EP?

I found an iView called "Display cProjects" in the Projects BSP. I am hoping that it contains a link to cProjects that we currently have configured in CRM.

When I access the iView via the portal i get the following error "Es wurde noch nichts ausgewählt". Does anyone understand this?

Please advise.



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Jason,

Nothing is getting selected is the error you are getting. Maybe look at your iView configuration.



Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Tiest - I have attached the "Display cProjects" and "My cProject Object" iViews. I am waiting from the security team to give the demouser id's access to the CC2 client 200 system since this is the back end they are accessing. Dale is suppose3d to do this today for me.

When I access the "My cProject Objects" iView I get a username and password error. Hopefully, this will work once Dale gives me access.

The "Display cProjects" iView has a different error which means "nothing has been selected yet".

Let's wait unitl I get access to see if this resolves the problem.


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Allrighty, you know where to find me Tiest.

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Thanks Andrew. The only thing that I changed in the iView was the system identifier to point to the CRM client.

The problem still persists.

Please advise.


Former Member
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Jason, what type of iView did you create for your cProjects application? Since this is a standalone BSP App., we need a BSP iView to call the actual application. Tiest.